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Eric Zhao edited this page Dec 2, 2019 · 13 revisions

Sentinel provides real-time metrics, including resource count, response time, concurrency, etc. You can view these metrics on Sentinel-Dashboard, but you can also use the metrics API to retrieve data.

To activate the transport API server, add the following dependency to your pom.xml:


The default port of the HTTP API server is 8719, but you could modify this via the csp.sentinel.api.port property item.

Metrics of Resources

Get real-time metrics of all resources

Note: the metric is single-instance level.

API: GET /clusterNode

 {"avgRt":0.0, //avg response time per second
 "blockRequest":0, //block count per minute
 "blockedQps":0.0, //block count per second
 "curThreadNum":0, //current concurrency
 "passQps":1.0, // success exit count per second
 "passReqQps":1.0, //pass count per second
 "resourceName":"/registry/machine", resource name
 "timeStamp":1529905824134, //time stamp
 "totalQps":1.0, // total request count per minute

Get real-time metric by resource name

Note: the metric is single-instance level.

Run command curl http://localhost:8719/cnode?id=xxxx to query a specified resource name. The parameter id corresponds to the resource name. Fuzzy query is supported.

Sample result:

idx id                                thread    pass      blocked   success    total    aRt   1m-pass   1m-block   1m-all   exeption   
6   /app/aliswitch2/machines.json     0         0         0         0          0        0     0         0          0        0          
7   /app/sentinel-admin/machines.json 0         1         0         1          1        6     0         0          0        0          
8   /identity/machine.json            0         0         0         0          0        0     0         0          0        0          
9   /registry/machine                 0         2         0         2          2        1     192       0          192      0          
10  /app/views/machine.html           0         1         0         1          1        2     0         0          0        0   

Display origin metrics of the resource

Command: curl http://localhost:8719/origin?id=xxxx

id: nodeA
idx origin  threadNum passedQps blockedQps totalQps aRt   1m-passed 1m-blocked 1m-total 
1   caller1 0         0         0          0        0     0         0          0        
2   caller2 0         0         0          0        0     0         0          0      

Among which, origin is defined by calling the following method:


Invocation Chain

API: GET /tree

EntranceNode: machine-root(t:0 pq:1 bq:0 tq:1 rt:0 prq:1 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)
-EntranceNode1: Entrance1(t:0 pq:1 bq:0 tq:1 rt:0 prq:1 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)
--nodeA(t:0 pq:1 bq:0 tq:1 rt:0 prq:1 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)
-EntranceNode2: Entrance1(t:0 pq:1 bq:0 tq:1 rt:0 prq:1 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)
--nodeA(t:0 pq:1 bq:0 tq:1 rt:0 prq:1 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)

t:threadNum  pq:passQps  bq:blockedQps  tq:totalQps  rt:averageRt  prq: passRequestQps 1mp:1m-passed 1mb:1m-blocked 1mt:1m-total

History Resource Metrics

Metric log

Resource metrics log is generated in the directory: ${home}\logs\csp\${appName}-${pid}-metrics.log.${date}.xx. For example, log file name would be: app-3518-metrics.log.2018-06-22.1

1529573107000|2018-06-21 17:25:07|sayHello(java.lang.String,long)|10|3601|10|0|2
index example description
1 1529573107000 time stamp
2 2018-06-21 17:25:07 date
3 sayHello(java.lang.String,long) resource name
4 10 the count of pass resource per second
5 3601 the count of blocked resource per second
6 10 the count of exit resource per second
7 0 the count of exception per second
8 2 the avg response time

Block log

Also, the block log will be generated in the dir ${home}\logs\csp\sentinel-block.log. If no block happens, the log will not be generated.

2014-06-20 16:35:10|1|sayHello(java.lang.String,long),FlowException,default,origin|61,0
2014-06-20 16:35:11|1|sayHello(java.lang.String,long),FlowException,default,origin|1,0
Index Example Description
1 2014-06-20 16:35:10 timestamp
2 1 the resource index
3 sayHello(java.lang.String,long) resource name
4 XXXException FlowException is blocked by flow rules, DegradeException is blocked by degradation rules,SystemExceptionis blocked by system rules
5 default the limit app defined in effective rule
6 origin the origin of the blocked resource. could be empty
7 61,0 61 the blocked count this second. and 0 can be ignored

Metric log fetching API

curl http://localhost:8719/metric?startTime=XXXX&endTime=XXXX

History Resource Metrics

1529998904000|2018-06-26 15:41:44|abc|100|0|0|0|0
1529998905000|2018-06-26 15:41:45|abc|4|5579|104|0|728
1529998906000|2018-06-26 15:41:46|abc|0|15698|0|0|0
1529998907000|2018-06-26 15:41:47|abc|0|19262|0|0|0
1529998908000|2018-06-26 15:41:48|abc|0|19502|0|0|0
1529998909000|2018-06-26 15:41:49|abc|0|18386|0|0|0
1529998910000|2018-06-26 15:41:50|abc|0|19189|0|0|0
1529998911000|2018-06-26 15:41:51|abc|0|16543|0|0|0
1529998912000|2018-06-26 15:41:52|abc|0|18471|0|0|0
1529998913000|2018-06-26 15:41:53|abc|0|19405|0|0|0
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