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LaraChat Installation

Redis is required.

git clone
cd laravel-reactjs-socketio-chat
curl -sS | php
php composer.phar install
php composer.phar run-script all

Set database connection in .env file. For sqlite, make sure you write the absolute path.

php artisan migrate
npm install
php artisan serve

It tries to serve on port 8000. Open a new tab in the terminal and in the root directory, type:

./node_modules/laravel-echo-server/bin/server.js init

Steps should look like these:

? Do you want to run this server in development mode? Yes
? Which port would you like to serve from? 6001
? Which database would you like to use to store presence channel members? redis
? Enter the host of your Laravel authentication server. http://localhost:8000
? Will you be serving on http or https? http
? Do you want to generate a client ID/Key for HTTP API? Yes
? Do you want to setup cross domain access to the API? No
? What do you want this config to be saved as? laravel-echo-server.json
appId: 0bd9a970d761cae2
key: ba6e6627e0ef39847a72adb81caf0a2f
Configuration file saved. Run laravel-echo-server start to run server.

laravel-echo-server.json file is created. Beware that the port of the laravel authentication server is 8000 when artisan is served as default.

./node_modules/laravel-echo-server/bin/server.js start

Open http://localhost:8000 in the browser.

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