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Releases: align-technologies/DBC-Android


07 Sep 15:13
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What's Changed

  • Update publish name by @simon-the-canadian in #27

Full Changelog: 1.6.4...1.6.5


06 Sep 23:35
Choose a tag to compare

What's Changed

  • dependency clean up and github package publishing by @simon-the-canadian in #26

Full Changelog: 1.6.3...1.6.4

Android X Update

10 Sep 16:16
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Merge pull request #25 from simon-the-canadian/master

commiting gradle properties

Fixes "Dex cannot parse version 52 byte code"

20 Jun 22:44
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Merge pull request #20 from trevjonez/master

revert build script

Fixes #18

16 Jun 17:32
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Merge pull request #19 from trevjonez/master

UUID check case insensitive

Set checks and array support via list wrapping

17 Jan 15:59
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Merge pull request #17 from trevjonez/master

Set checks and primitive array support via List checks

Map `containsValue` and new android.os.Bundle checks

21 Sep 02:30
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Merge pull request #14 from trevjonez/master

RFC: Bundle checks

`isNotEqualTo(...)` & Collection size checks

07 Sep 19:23
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Adds isNotEqualTo(...)to the base checks and is available on all types.

Adds size is >, >= ,<, <= checks to collections conditions.

WARNING: Due to the change of type in method signatures (String became CharSequence) this change causes a binary incompatibility, all calling code of those methods should be recompiled against 1.4.0 My apologies for the inconvenience.

Fails method addition

23 Aug 19:20
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Adds a fails(DbcBlock) method to the set of possible assertions. The fails method expects a false return value or will trigger a DbcAssertionError.

Where you would previously do something like:
check(classLiteral).passes((subject) -> !(subject.isInterface()))

you can now do:
check(classLiteral).fails((subject) -> subject.isInterface())

which can be reduced further to:

Support annotations & generic base type

14 Jul 17:10
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This adds a generic type key for the ObjectCondition so that a check like this:

require(typeToAdd).isNotNull().passes(subject -> !((Class) subject).isInterface());

can be cleaned up to look like this:

require(typeToAdd).isNotNull().passes(subject -> !subject.isInterface());

It also adds the @CheckResult annotation so that a line like this:

check(someVar).message("This should not be null");

will be labeled as an error by android studio so that you know to update it to this:

check(someVar).message("This should not be null").isNotNull();