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An awesome app with VueJs and some other stuff \o/

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

MongoDB (
Nodemon (optional) ( 


A step by step series of examples that tell you have to get a development env running

Get the project (lol) :

Clone or download it ! (because it's better with the repo)

Open terminal (if it's not the case)

Access to : 
- MILOLIB/back 
- MILOLIB/front
- MILOLIB/front_client

Install dependencies :

Make 'npm install' in three path !

Setup environnement (MILOLIB/back) :

Copy the "example.env" file, paste in the same path (MILOLIB/back) and rename it into ".env". 
(or just rename the "example.env" into ".env")
Then setup it if you want to use a custom environnement.

Setup seeder (MILOLIB/back) :

In terminal make :
- "node seeder/babel/allStaff.babel.js" or "npm run s_staff"
- "node seeder/babel/clients.babel.js" or "npm run s_client"

Then check if the datas are in your database :
- milolib->collection->users (5 entries) 
- milolib->collection->clients (3 entries))

Notes Staff Seeder : 
Email : admin-conseiller Password : admin-conseiller
Email : conseiller Password : conseiller
Email : invité Password : invité
Email : admin Password : admin
Email : accueil Password : accueil

Notes Client Seeder : 
Email : client Password : client
Email : a@a Password : a
Email : z@z Password : a

Finally go back to your terminal and write :

- MILOLIB/back : "npm start"
- MILOLIB/front : "npm run dev" or "npm start"
- MILOLIB/front_client : "npm run dev" or "npm start"

Go to your localhost (default port on 8080) :

http://localhost:8080/ (first npm run dev [front])
http://localhost:8081/ (second npm run dev [front_client])

Enjoy :

Send donation ! it's free for us ୧$◡$୨ ! #giveMeMoney

Running the tests (╯■ᗝ■)╯︵ ┻━┻


Break down into end to end tests


And coding style tests




Built With

Backend :

Frontend :

  • Axios - Used to make promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
  • Bootstrap-vue - Used to style and make a responsive design with Vue.js
  • Sweetalert2 - Used to make sweet alert ~
  • Vue - The web framework used
  • Vue-router - Used to create Vue.js routes
  • Vuex - Centralized State Management for Vue.js


You can contribute for 5$/day (ง$Ѡ$)ง


No versioning for the moment ...



This project is licensed under the Moulinex License (∩⏒ ³⏒)⊃━☆゚.* - see google for details


  • Hat tip to anyone who's code was used
  • Inspiration
  • etc


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published
