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HW Stream processing

Communication between services could have been implemented 3 different ways

1. HTTP only:

HTTP only

2. Async notification (HTTP for auth, user, billing, order services and message broker for notification service):

Async notification

3. Using event collaboration design:

Event collaboration

Async notification was implemented in this repo.

Clone the repo:

git clone && cd otus_stream_processing

Start minikube

minikube start --cpus=4 --memory=4g --vm-driver=virtualbox

Create namespaces:

kubectl apply -f k8s/namespaces.yaml

Setup ambassador:

Obtain a new licence

helm install -n ambassador --set licenseKey.value=<enter licence key here> \
-f k8s/ambassador.yaml ambassador datawire/ambassador

Setup RabbitMQ:

helm install -f k8s/rabbit.yaml my-rabbit bitnami/rabbitmq -n rabbit

Start services:

kubectl apply -f k8s/config.yaml -f k8s/postgres.yaml -n postgres
kubectl apply -f k8s/config.yaml -f k8s/auth-app.yaml -n auth
kubectl apply -f k8s/config.yaml -f k8s/user-app.yaml -n user
kubectl apply -f k8s/config.yaml -f k8s/billing-app.yaml -n billing
kubectl apply -f k8s/config.yaml -f k8s/order-app.yaml -n order
kubectl apply -f k8s/config.yaml -f k8s/notification-app.yaml -n notification

Wait for ambassador to up

for (( ; ; )); do [[ $(kubectl get po -n ambassador | grep "1/1" | wc -l) == 2 ]] \
    && echo "ambassador is up" && break || echo "ambassador is down" && sleep 3; done

Setup routes and auth rules

kubectl apply -f k8s/ambassador-routes.yaml -f k8s/ambassador-auth.yaml

Wait for services to up

BASE_URL=$(minikube service list|grep 'ambassador'|grep 'http'|grep -Eo 'http://[^ >]+'|head -1) \
    && until curl --fail $BASE_URL/auth/health; do sleep 3; done \
    && until curl --fail $BASE_URL/user/health; do sleep 1; done \
    && until curl --fail $BASE_URL/billing/health; do sleep 1; done \
    && until curl --fail $BASE_URL/order/health; do sleep 1; done \
    && until curl --fail $BASE_URL/notification/health; do sleep 1; done; echo; echo "services are up"

Run test:

BASE_URL=$(minikube service list|grep 'ambassador'|grep 'http'|grep -Eo 'http://[^ >]+'|head -1) \
    newman run --verbose --global-var "baseUrl=$BASE_URL" collection.json

Test result:

Test result


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