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Use corda 3.3

Docker 17.09 and up is required for this Dockerfile.

Docker configuration files to create and spin up Docker images for a few Corda Nodes (banka/bankb/bankc), Notary and one CordApp.

The docker image is based on Alpine/OpenJDK (

Usage (automatic way - using docker compose)

  • Check Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml (e.g. to adjust version or exposed ports)
  • use the network bootstrap for generate your nodes
  • Bootstrapping a test network The Corda Network Bootstrapper can be downloaded from here
  • Create a directory containing a node config file, ending in “_node.conf”, for each node you want to create. Then run the following command: java -jar network-bootstrapper-VERSION.jar <nodes-root-dir>
  • docker-compose build - to build base Corda images for Corda Nodes/ Notary
  • docker-compose up - to spin up all Corda containers (Nodes + Notary)
  • docker exec -it banka /bin/sh - to log in to one of the running Node containers

Corda configuration

At the moment java options are put into corda_docker.env. All the others are in Dockerfile/docker_compose.yml


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