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154 lines (130 loc) · 5.29 KB


File metadata and controls

154 lines (130 loc) · 5.29 KB


Load data from a VCF (variant call format) file into numpy arrays, and (optionally) from there into an HDF5 file.


Installation requires numpy and cython:

$ pip install cython
$ pip install numpy
$ pip install vcfnp


$ git clone --recursive git://
$ cd vcfnp
$ python build_ext --inplace


For usage from Python, see the IPython notebook example, or try:

>>> from __future__ import print_function, division
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib
>>> matplotlib.use('TkAgg')
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import vcfnp
>>> vcfnp.__version__
>>> filename = 'fixture/sample.vcf'
>>> # load data from fixed fields (including INFO)
... v = vcfnp.variants(filename, cache=True).view(np.recarray)
[vcfnp] 2015-01-23 11:10:46.670723 :: caching is enabled
[vcfnp] 2015-01-23 11:10:46.670830 :: cache file available
[vcfnp] 2015-01-23 11:10:46.670866 :: loading from cache file fixture/sample.vcf.vcfnp_cache/variants.npy
>>> # print some simple variant metrics
... print('found %s variants (%s SNPs)' % (v.size, np.count_nonzero(v.is_snp)))
found 9 variants (5 SNPs)
>>> print('QUAL mean (std): %s (%s)' % (np.mean(v.QUAL), np.std(v.QUAL)))
QUAL mean (std): 25.0667 (22.816)
>>> # plot a histogram of variant depth
... fig = plt.figure(1)
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> ax.hist(v.DP)
(array([ 4.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  1.,  2.,  0.,  2.]), array([  0. ,   1.4,   2.8,   4.2,   5.6,   7. ,   8.4,   9.8,  11.2,
        12.6,  14. ]), <a list of 10 Patch objects>)
>>> ax.set_title('DP histogram')
<matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x7f28f18f5c50>
>>> ax.set_xlabel('DP')
<matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x7f28f207c3c8>
>>> # load data from sample columns
... c = vcfnp.calldata_2d(filename, cache=True).view(np.recarray)
>>> # print some simple genotype metrics
... count_phased = np.count_nonzero(c.is_phased)
>>> count_variant = np.count_nonzero(np.any(c.genotype > 0, axis=2))
>>> count_missing = np.count_nonzero(~c.is_called)
>>> print('calls (phased, variant, missing): %s (%s, %s, %s)'
...     % (c.flatten().size, count_phased, count_variant, count_missing))
calls (phased, variant, missing): 27 (14, 12, 2)
>>> # plot a histogram of genotype quality
... fig = plt.figure(2)
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> ax.hist(c.GQ.flatten())
(array([ 15.,   0.,   1.,   1.,   0.,   1.,   2.,   4.,   2.,   1.]), array([  0. ,   6.1,  12.2,  18.3,  24.4,  30.5,  36.6,  42.7,  48.8,
        54.9,  61. ]), <a list of 10 Patch objects>)
>>> ax.set_title('GQ histogram')
<matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x7f28f1eb1cc0>
>>> ax.set_xlabel('GQ')
<matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x7f28f18d4fd0>

Command line scripts are also provided to facilitate parallelizing the conversion of a VCF file to NPY arrays split by genome region. For example, the following command will create an NPY file containing a variants array for the second 100kb on chromosome 2:

$ vcf2npy \
    --vcf /path/to/my.vcf \
    --fasta /path/to/ref.fa \
    --output-dir /path/to/npy/output \
    --array-type variants \
    --chromosome chr20 \
    --task-size 100000 \
    --task-index 2 \
    --progress 1000

For those with access to a cluster running Sun Grid Engine a script is provided to submit a job array parallelizing the conversion, e.g.:

$ qsub_vcf2npy \
    --vcf /path/to/my.vcf \
    --fasta /path/to/ref.fa \
    --output-dir /path/to/npy/output \
    --array-type variants \
    --chromosome chr20 \
    --task-size 100000 \
    --progress 1000 \
    -l h_vmem=1G \
    -N test_vcfnp \
    -j y \
    -o /path/to/sge/logs \
    -q shortrun.q

It should be straightforward to adapt this script to run on other parallel computing platforms, see the scripts folder for the source code.

A script is also provided to load data from multiple NPY files into a single HDF5 file. E.g., after having converted a VCF file to 100kb variants and calldata_2d NPY splits, run something like:

$ vcfnpy2hdf5 \
    --vcf /path/to/my.vcf \
    --input-dir /path/to/npy/output \
    --output /path/to/my.h5

If you want to group the data by chromosome, do something like the following for each chromosome separately:

$ vcfnpy2hdf5 \
    --vcf /path/to/my.vcf \
    --input-dir /path/to/npy/output \
    --input-filename-template {array_type}.chr20*.npy \
    --output /path/to/my.h5 \
    --group chr20

There is also a script which will process a VCF file in parallel on the local machine and load into an HDF5 file, e.g.:

$ vcf2hdf5_parallel \
    --vcf /path/to/my.vcf \
    --fasta /path/to/refseq.fa

Finally, there is a script fo converting the fixed fields of a VCF file to CSV, e.g.:

$ vcf2csv \
    --vcf /path/to/my.vcf \
    --dialect excel-tab \


Based on Erik Garrison's vcflib.