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A full-stack e-commerce store using C#, .Net Core, TypeScript, and Angular

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Repository files navigation

E-Commerce Shopping Website

C#, TypeScript; .Net Core, ASP.NET, Angular, Bootstrap, REST; JWT; SQLite; Redis, Docker


  • Applied the repository, unit of work and specification pattern in .NET Core to decouple the data layer from the business logic layer, facilitating test-driven development (TDD) and improve code maintainability by 50%
  • Built basket and caching with Redis and Docker, boosting response time by 30%; Used ASP.NET Identity and JWT for user authentication
  • Developed pagination, sorting, searching, and filtering features in frontend using TypeScript, Angular, and Bootstrap
  • Utilized Stripe Webhooks to handle payments with a 99% success rate; Deployed the app to production through Linux Ubuntu

Live Demo Website ->

  • Demo account:
  • Demo test credit card:
    • card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
    • card expiry: any future date
    • card cvc: any three digits


From shopping to basket, users can sort, search, and filter products. They can easily add items to their basket and update quantities as needed.

From basket to checkout, users can save a default address, select their preferred shipping method, review their order, and submit it. Once the order is submitted, the basket is automatically emptied. Additionally, users can view specific orders or review their entire order history. For demonstration purposes, we use the test credit card provided by Stripe to simulate a successful order.

Local build

Step 1. Clone the GitHub project to the local directory

git clone

Step2. Create a Stripe developer account

  1. Go to offical Stripe website to register for a developer account to use the payment feature:

Step 3. Start backend

  1. Go to the API folder.
  2. Fill in your Stripe PublishableKey and SecretKey in the appsettings.json file.
  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Information"
  "StripeSettings": {
    "PublishableKey": "Fill in your public key from Stripe developer tool",
    "SecretKey": "Fill in your secret key from Stripe developer tool",
    "WhSecret": "Fill in your webhook signing key"
  "AllowedHosts": "*"
  1. Use Stripe CLI to test Webhooks functions.

    • (1) Run stripe login in the terminal.
    • (2) Run stripe listen -f https://localhost:5001/api/payments/webhooks to create a local listener. You will get a webhook signing key returned by this command. Pass the webhook signing key to the WhSecret in the appsettings.json file.
  2. Run dotnet watch in the terminal.

  3. If the backend runs successfully, the terminal should show messages like this:

info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[14]
      Now listening on: https://localhost:5001
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Hosting environment: Development
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Content root path: .../skinet/API
  1. Use a list of test card provided by Stripe to test the payment function:
  2. (Optional) open https://localhost:5001/swagger/index.html to see Swagger API.

Step 4. Start Docker to use Redis in-memory storage for the basket

  1. Run docker-compose up in the terminal.

Step 5. Start frontend

  1. Go to the client folder.
  2. Run npm install to install dependencies if it's your first time running the project.
  3. Run ng serve in the terminal.
  4. Open https://localhost:4200

Project Structure

Screen Shot 2024-05-19 at 4 45 34 PM
├── API

           ├── Controllers
           ├── Dtos
           ├── Errors
           ├── Extensions
           ├── Helpers
           ├── MiddleWare
           ├── Properties
           ├── program.cs                       # Entry point of the back-end application
           ├── appsettings.Development.json     # Use only for development stage

├── Core                                        # Business logic

           ├── Entities
           ├── Interfaces                       # The repository pattern
           ├── Specifications                   # The specification pattern

├── Infrastructure                              # Connect with database

           ├── Data                             # Store repository 
           ├── Identity
           ├── Services

├── client                                      # Client side


A full-stack e-commerce store using C#, .Net Core, TypeScript, and Angular







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