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Instructions to use

Ali Naci Uysal edited this page Jul 5, 2018 · 3 revisions

Register & Login as a User

  • In the landing page, register yourself as a user by providing a username & password. Use this information to login to the system afterwards. Make sure ElasticSearch is running on the provided host & port in OEDA/Backend/oeda/databases/user_db_config.json

Create a Target System

  • Navigate to Target Systems section and press Create Target System button
  • You can customize your target system or select among available definitions from the pop-up. Make sure to fill-in the required fields and adhere to the naming conventions if you will use one of the available target system definitions.

Create an Experiment

  • Navigate to Experiments section and press Create Experiment button.
  • Select a target system among available ones
  • Provide a name for the experiment
  • Select the data type to be considered
  • Add at least one Changeable Variable to the experiment
  • Provide required parameters for Changeable Variable(s)
  • Provide required parameters for other fields of experiment
  • Press Create Experiment button on top-right
  • Upon successful creation of experiment, you will be redirected to Experiments page

Examine Results of a Running Experiment

  • Navigate to Experiments section using the dashboard just after creating the experiment
  • Press Results button to examine a newly-created experiment. Please wait for target system to be active and provide data. Plots will be updated in real-time.

Examine Results of a Successful Experiment

  • After experiment is ended successfully, you will be redirected to Successful Experiment Results page
  • In this page you can also see results of statistical tests and some additional plots