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Merlin's tapwizard


Merlin's TAP Wizard for is a bootstrapped docker instance that has

  • Essential Tools (such as Kapp, Ytt, Kpack, yq, jq, Tanzu CLI etc) needed to TAP and Cartographer
  • Many automations built in to achieve the below feature set

A wizard like UI (with automation) for

  • Installing TAP using UI for the TAP profile to support the architecture described here: (Not needed for OpenSource Cartographer)
  • UI interface to AppToolkit (Not needed for commercial TAP)
  • UI for configuring Cartographer
    • Interactive UI to Create Cartographer Templates for common scenarios such as
      • GitPull (private repository)
      • Test (using Maven) and associated Tekton Task
      • Kpack image build
      • Grype Source and Image Scan, Trivy Image Scan (UI presents a choice to choose one) and associated seevral Tekton Tasks
      • GitOps CI (Knative Config and Git Writer) and associated Tekton Tasks
      • Deploy Deliverable - GitOps CD (GitPull from private GitOps Repo, Delivery template)
    • Interactive UI to Create Supply Chains using templates
    • The UI and automations behind it also takes care of creating and wiring of Cartographer Templates, SupplyChain and Tekton Task using RBAC, Secrets, and ServiceAccounts etc following best practice.
  • UI for configuring Kpack
    • Interactive UI to Create Kpack Store, Stack and Builder
    • The UI and automations behind it also takes care of creating and wiring of using RBAC, ServiceAcconts and Secrets.

(GUI coming soon)

This docker will server interface for

  • Tanzu CLI installed (Usage: tanzu --help in the bash prompt)
  • all carvel tools (Usage: kapp --help, imppkg --help, ytt --help etc in the bash prompt)
  • Merlin CLI for Tap or TCE App Toolkit (Usage: merlin --help in the bash prompt)


  • docker ce or ee installed locally
  • kubeconfig file of a k8 cluster (aks, eks, tkg, tce managed, tce unmanaged).
    • if there's already a k8s cluster get the kubeconfig file for the cluser and place it in the .kube directory with filename config
      • this wizard will detect the available contexts and prompt for selecting the the right one.
      • If the kubernetes control plane is private and requires accessing through bastion host please replace the control plane url/ip of clusters.cluster.server field with kubernetes. eg> server: https://kubernetes:6443 in kubeconfig file placed in .kube directory of this dir. You may also be required to replace the value of from private url/ip to kubernetes, eg> value: https://kubernetes:6443
    • If k8s cluster is not pre-existing you can create a new k8s cluster using this wizard
      • This wizard can create aks k8s cluster if there's no kubeconfig detected the wizard will prompt for creating a new cluster. Choose aks and the wizard will create an aks cluster. (post cluster create it will add the kubeconfig file in .kube directory). creating aks cluster requires a service principle. If you do not have a service principal follow the wizard prompt to create a new one.
      • You may also choose to create a TCE cluster using tanzu cli which will also place config file in the .kube dir.
      • when you provide AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID the wizard will install aws cli. You can create a eks cluster using the aws cli.
  • Container registry details (see below env variable)
  • .env file (see below)

Few more Prerequisites for TAP


Run cp .env.sample .env

fill out the necessary details (ignore the vsphere related variables for now)

  • BASTION_HOST=IP or FQDN of the bastion host. This wizard does not support password based login. Hence, when using bastion host you must place private key file called id_rsa (name must be id_rsa) in the .ssh dir (and the public key file named being in the bastion host's user's .ssh dir).
  • BASTION_USERNAME=username for the bastion host login (the user who's .ssh has the file).
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=delete this variable or leave empty if not eks
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=delete this variable or leave empty if not eks
  • AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=delete this variable or leave empty if not eks
  • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=delete this variable or leave empty if not eks
  • PVT_REGISTRY_SERVER=the hostname of the registry server for cartographer used for supply chain. Examples: for DockerHub:, for Harbor:, for GCR:, for ACR: etc.
  • PVT_REGISTRY_PROJECT_REPO=the repository where workload images (after container images are stored) are stored in the registry. Images are written to SERVER-NAME/PVT_REGISTRY_PROJECT_REPO/WL_NAME-WL_NAMESPACE. EG: DockerHub: dockerhub-username, Harbor: allprojects/my-project, GCR: all-projects/my-project ACR: all-projects/my-project
  • PVT_REGISTRY_INSTALL_REPO=the repository where images for tap install are relocated during the process of TAP installation. Images are written to SERVER-NAME/PVT_REGISTRY_INSTALL_REPO/tap-packages. EG: DockerHub: dockerhub-username, Harbor: all-projects/installs, GCR: all-projects/installs ACR: all-projects/installs
  • PVT_REGISTRY_USERNAME=username of the above registry
  • PVT_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=password for the above username
  • TANZU_CLI_NO_INIT=true | leave it as it is
  • TAP_VERSION=1.3.0 | ONLY KEEP this variable if you want to use Tanzu TAP. Get the value from DELETE this variable if you want to use TCE app-toolkit.
  • | delete the below variable for app-toolkit or if not TAP or get it from here:
  • | delete the below variable for app-toolkit or if not TAP
  • INSTALL_REGISTRY_USERNAME=username for tanzunet | delete this variable if not TAP
  • INSTALL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=password for tanzunet | delete this variable if not TAP
  • DESCRIPTOR_NAME=tap-1.1 | delete the below variable if not TAP


for linux or mac

chmod +x

for windows


That's it

follow the prompt of the UI for a guided experience of installing TAP on k8s


  • --install-tap Signals the wizard to start the process for installing TAP for Tanzu Enterprise. Optionally pass values file using -f or --file flag. There's a sample values file in the configs directory called tap-values-sample.yaml
  • --install-app-toolkit Signals the wizard to start the process for installing App Toolkit package for TCE. Optionally pass values file using -f or --file flag.
  • --install-tap-package-repository Signals the wizard to start the process for installing package repository for TAP.
  • --install-tap-profile Signals the wizard to launch the UI for user input to take necessary inputs and deploy TAP based on profile curated from user input. Optionally pass profile file using -f or --file flag.
  • --create-developer-namespace signals the wizard create developer namespace.
  • --configure-kpack signals the wizard to configure kpack.
  • --configure-carto-templates signals the wizard start creating cartographer templates for supply-chain.
  • --create-carto-supplychain signals the wizard start creating cartographer supply-chain.
  • --create-carto-delivery signals the wizard start creating cartographer delivery (for git-ops).
  • --create-service-account signals the wizard start creating service account.
  • --create-docker-registry-secret signals the wizard start creating docker registry secret.
  • --create-basic-auth-secret signals the wizard start creating basic auth secret.
  • --create-git-ssh-secret signals the wizard start creating git ssh secret.

Demo Video:


Watch the video


Watch the video


  • GUI for installer

Flux CD Stuff

  • exclude from RUN cluster profile
  • Manually install fluxcd (as described below)
    • This is because with (which is what TAP installs) only does source code fetch
    • We also need to "kubectl apply -f config/delivery.yaml" (delivery.yaml generated and pushed by build cluster -- supply-chain / tekton gitops)
    • installing fluxcd the below way will also install which will do kubectl apply based on the source

curl -s | sudo bash
flux check --pre
export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your-token>
flux bootstrap github --owner=alinahid477 --repository=pvtrepo --path=flux-system --personal=true --private=true
## Modify the binaries/templates/fluxcd-run.yaml file accordingly and run the below
kubectl deploy -f binaries/templates/fluxcd-run.yaml

Some concept dump (WIP)

Road Map

  • EKS cluster create

IGNORE this part ---- TAP components

This diagram needs to be fixed TAP


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