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a powerful server for developing and deploying websites with this tool you can easily write api and websites page on fly

One of the standout features is the automatic generation of the server API from functions in the "api" folder. This can help speed up development by reducing the amount of boilerplate code needed to set up the server API. Additionally, the generation of the corresponding "clientApi" folder can simplify the process of calling the server API from the front-end without having to worry about URL structures.

It also integrate with TypeScript a useful feature, as it provides type checking and improves the overall maintainability of the code.

Finally, the presence of a public folder for static resources and front-end code makes it easy to organize and serve static content.

features at glance

generate api from api folder generate clientApi base of api folder to use in client if api were in typescript the clientApi will be too and hold their types and return so you can simply call them in client without worrying about the url and return type and other stuffs generate webpages from public folder(can be configured) can watch for file changes to reload supports typescript files and link to them directly without need to compile them and make a mess in your project support jsx and tsx syntax(it's slightly different from standard jsx) extendable by leveraging plugins

folder structure

api client api public (automatically will generate it) server.config.js (automatically will generate it)

api folder

ninja server will read through all api directory and create urls at the directory structure and require the ts or js files it expects the exports in these files to be whether a function or an object then it will generate urls depends on the names of these exports for example if api has a file named users.js and it exports login function it will generate a path like /users/login each of these function can get 2 parameters the 1st is an object which is passed by the request and the other is XCon if an export is an object then it destructure it further and create urls from it for example if users.js was

export const api = {
  login: (data, x) => {}

the generated path would be /users/api/login so be careful in naming

api functions must have this type: (parameters?: object, X: XCon) => object | string parameters can be any object XCon has 3 members ({request, headers, statusCode}) retruns an object and it must be JSON valid object (e.g. no circular call in object) when the operation is succeed (statusCode with 2xx) otherwise must return an string explaining what was gone wrong

api parameters

the parameters can be whether from url query or post body depends on method of request with request method of "GET" , "DELETE" it will try to parse the url query then to json with request method of "POST" , "PUT" it will try to get it from request's body and then convert it to json then pass it to api


ninja server will automatically create api on clientApi folder to be used for front end developing clientApi functions : async (data: object) => object when the api wants to return an error with an status code other than 2xx it must returns an string as error message in this case the in clientApi when everything is correct it simply returns "respond.json()" and on statusCode other than 2xx it will throw error with the string returned it's upon the programmer to handle catch these errors

for testing you need to

using jsx or tsx

ninja server supports jsx and tsx syntax to generate webpage at compile(I know) or run time it expects to get a function named "index" from these files so if it not exist it will skip it the returned index function if it won't get any parameter then it assume its static so will be executed it at once otherwise it executes it each time a request to that page url is made and its parameters is evaluated like an api

notice on using tsx you must add the following config to tsconfig.json

  "compilerOptions": {
    "jsx": "preserve"
  "include": [

you should change public folder to your configured folder

npm start npm test


a basic server with some features






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