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AliEn Work Queue integration

Submit ALICE pilot jobs to Work Queue. Configure an AliEn Grid site using Work Queue from CCTools as a backend to manage jobs, without the need for a complex resource management system.

Instant gratification


  • CCTools comes from /cvmfs/
  • alien-workqueue will be installed to $HOME/awq

You need to install CCTools first.

Once you have done that, clone, configure and install:

git clone
cd alien-workqueue
mkdir build
cd build
make install

This will install it under ~/awq.

Start Work Queue foremen on the head node

In our simple setup we have:

  • alien-workqueue acting as a Work Queue master
  • a layer of Work Queue foremen to offload jobs control (they will act as a worker with respect to the master, and as a master with respect to the workers)

The AliEn submit node must be configured as a Condor node. alien-workqueue comes with a fake condor_q and condor_submit that will enable the AliEn Condor backend to perform Work Queue submission as if it were a pure Condor site.

Start the foremen as follows (use WQ_NUM_FOREMEN for the number of desired foremen):

source $HOME/awq/etc/
WQ_NUM_FOREMEN=12 start-foremen

By default they will connect to a master on localhost:9094. If you want to change the master, prepend WQ_MASTER=host:port (port is mandatory).

Foremen will be started in the background. They can be terminated with: stop-foremen

Used ports are by defaut from 9080 to 9080+$WQ_NUM_FOREMEN-1. See the advanced usage for configuring this paramenter and more.

Start AliEn Work Queue and the AliEn CE on the head node

Now start the AliEn CE service, again after loading the alien-workqueue environment (which is necessary for AliEn to pick our fake condor_q and condor_submit):

source $HOME/awq/etc/
alien StartCE

Now it is recommended you open a "screen" to start alien-workqueue. Open a screen:

screen -S awq_screen

Inside the screen:

source $HOME/awq/etc/

Terminate it with Ctrl-C.

Note that by default no Work Queue Catalog is updated. To enable reporting to the catalog see the --catalog-* parameters under advanced usage.

Starting workers on execute nodes

The procedure is similar.

source $HOME/awq/etc/
WQ_NUM_FOREMEN=12 WQ_FOREMEN=foremen_host start-workers

Set $WQ_FOREMEN to the hostname or IP address of the host running foremen.

To stop them: stop-workers

Starting workers on execute nodes without foremen (connect to master only)

In this case we are not using any foreman. We start the workers like this:

source $HOME/awq/etc/
WQ_NUM_FOREMEN=1 WQ_FOREMEN=master_host WQ_MASTER_BASEPORT=9094 start-workers

From the point of view of the work_queue_worker there is no difference in connecting to a master or to a foreman. Here we are assuming that the master is running on port 9094 of host master_host.

Advanced functionalities

The following variables can be defined when starting

  • WQ_MASTER: host:port of the Work Queue master, i.e. the alien_work_queue process. Port is mandatory. Defaults to
  • WQ_FOREMEN: host (IP or hostname) where foremen are running. Defaults to
  • WQ_NUM_FOREMEN: number of foremen. Defaults to 2.
  • WQ_MASTER_BASEPORT: first listening port of the foremen. Every foreman will listen to $WQ_MASTER_BASEPORT + index. Defaults to 9080.
  • WQ_WORKDIR: writable temporary directory for Work Queue foremen and/or workers. Defaults to ~/.alien_wq_tmp. Does not need to be created in advance.
  • WQ_DRAIN: if this file exists (by default ~/.alien_wq_drain) it puts workers and foremen in drain mode, i.e. when current jobs are done, exits.
  • WQ_SINGLETASK: if set to 1 (default is 0) the Work Queue worker will be run in "single task" mode, i.e. it will shut down after executing the first task. This is useful in the case where workers are frequently scheduled as microservices (as in Mesos).
  • WQ_IDLETIMEOUT: number of seconds to wait for a new task before exiting. Defaults to 100.
  • WQ_NORESPAWN: do not respawn work_queue_worker after it exits if set to 1. Defaults to 0 (i.e. respawn indefinitely).

The following options are available to alien_work_queue:

  • --job-wrapper <full_path>: specify a path to an executable (a simple script will do) used to load the AliEn job agent. The script must at some point load it with something like exec "$@" (therefore by maintaining the PID). Before doing this process it can, for instance, set the environment properly. We provide an example, installed under <prefix>/etc/, which is used to conditionally run the job agent through Parrot if the CVMFS mount point is not available in the job environment.
  • --work-dir <full_path>: working directory (defaults to /tmp/awq). If you set this parameter you must also export AWQ_WORKDIR for making it visible to the fake condor_* commands.
  • --catalog-host <host>, --catalog-port <port>: if specified, report information to the specified Work Queue Catalog server. Port is optional and defaults to 9097. Project name can be optionally specified with --project-name.
  • --project-name: project name reported to the catalog server, if enabled. Defaults to alien_jobs.

Motivation and use

alien-workqueue enables Work Queue to be used as a (fake) Condor backend for ALICE AliEn job submission. Since we are submitting pilot jobs we do not need a complex job scheduling mechanism and Work Queue is lightweight enough for us.

We are currently using alien-workqueue in production for opportunistically using the ALICE High Level Trigger clusters outside data taking. With this extremely simple approach, constituted by:

  • 12 foremen
  • alien-workqueue
  • the AliEn VoBox services

all running on a single box we can easily scale from zero to 10k concurrently running jobs within minutes!

Moreover, with the mesos-workqueue tool we have developed we can run the ALICE AliEn middleware on Mesos-provided resources too.


Thanks to the CCTools people for making such a great tool!