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Hackathon Project: Gnosis Safe Dashboard


Welcome to our project for the EthLondon Global 2024 Hackathon! Our team is excited to present a Gnosis Safe Dashboard, aimed at providing users with a comprehensive tool for managing their Gnosis Safe accounts and transactions.

Live Preview

You can access the live preview of our project here.

Previous Version

You can find the codebase of our previous version on GitHub here.

Project Description

Our project focuses on creating a user-friendly interface for interacting with Gnosis Safe contracts. Here are some key features and functionalities:

  1. Gnosis Safe Dashboard: Our dashboard provides an intuitive interface for users to manage their Gnosis Safe accounts. Users can view their account details, transaction history, and other relevant information.

  2. Transaction Management: Users can initiate, review, and approve transactions directly from the dashboard. This feature streamlines the transaction process and enhances user control over their funds.

  3. Contract Deployment: We facilitate seamless contract deployment for Gnosis Safe accounts. Users can deploy new contracts and manage existing ones with ease.

  4. Auto Liquidity Management: Our project includes a tool to automatically manage user liquidity, providing an alternative to traditional staking yields.

Tooling Required

To set up the project locally and contribute to its development, you'll need the following tooling:

  • Node.js and npm: Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your system to run the project.
  • Git: You'll need Git for version control and collaboration on the project codebase.
  • Next.js: Our project is built with Next.js, a popular React framework for building server-side rendered applications.
  • Tailwind CSS: We use Tailwind CSS for styling our components. Make sure you're familiar with Tailwind CSS or willing to learn it.
  • Gnosis Safe Contracts: Familiarize yourself with Gnosis Safe smart contracts and their functionalities to understand our project better.

Gnosis Safe and Contract Addresses

  • Gnosis Safe Address: 0x445F11011D4E6B75F1eCDCB3bB748327D6B679B1
  • Contract Deployment Safe Address: 0xcBE5B275E81C1c0EFfF4281d2be4Cd7270D58AaA
  • GnosisScan Link


We welcome contributions from the community to improve our Gnosis Safe Dashboard. Feel free to submit pull requests, report issues, or suggest enhancements to help us make this project even better!

Thank you for your interest in our project. We look forward to your feedback and collaboration during the hackathon!


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