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a complete example of Consumer Group Case: Keyword monitor
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wjo1212 committed Dec 27, 2018
1 parent 8505f50 commit bd8320f
Showing 1 changed file with 137 additions and 0 deletions.
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions tests/consumer_group_examples/
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@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import time
import logging
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
from aliyun.log.consumer import *
from aliyun.log.pulllog_response import PullLogResponse
from multiprocessing import current_process
import re

format='[%(asctime)s] - [%(threadName)s] - {%(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d} %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
handlers=[RotatingFileHandler("sls_client_{0}.log".format(current_process().pid), maxBytes=100*1024*1024, backupCount=5),

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class KeywordMonitor(ConsumerProcessorBase):
this consumer will keep monitor with k-v fields. like {"content": "error"}
def __init__(self, keywords=None):
super(KeywordMonitor, self).__init__()
assert keywords, ValueError("At least you need to configure one keywords to monitor")
assert isinstance(keywords, dict), ValueError("The keyword should be dict as in field:keyword format.")
self.keywords = keywords
self.kw_check = {}
for k, v in self.keywords.items():
self.kw_check[k] = re.compile(v)

def process(self, log_groups, check_point_tracker):
logs = PullLogResponse.loggroups_to_flattern_list(log_groups)"Get data from shard {0}, log count: {1}".format(self.shard_id, len(logs)))
match_count = 0
sample_error_log = ""
for log in logs:
m = None
for k, c in self.kw_check.items():
if k in log:
m =[k])
if m:
logger.debug('Keyword detected for shard "{0}" with keyword: "{1}" in field "{2}", log: {3}'
.format(self.shard_id, log[k], k, log))
if m:
match_count += 1
sample_error_log = log

if match_count:"Keyword detected for shard {0}, count: {1}, example: {1}".format(self.shard_id, match_count, sample_error_log))
logger.debug("No keyword detected for shard {0}".format(self.shard_id))


def get_monitor_option():
# Basic options

# load connection info env and consumer group name from envs
endpoint = os.environ.get('SLS_ENDPOINT', '')
accessKeyId = os.environ.get('SLS_AK_ID', '')
accessKey = os.environ.get('SLS_AK_KEY', '')
project = os.environ.get('SLS_PROJECT', '')
logstore = os.environ.get('SLS_LOGSTORE', '')
consumer_group = os.environ.get('SLS_CG', '')

assert endpoint and accessKeyId and accessKey and project and logstore and consumer_group, \
ValueError("endpoint/access_id/key/project/logstore/consumer_group/name cannot be empty")

# Some advanced options

# DON'T configure the consumer name especially when you need to run this program in parallel
consumer_name = "{0}-{1}".format(consumer_group, current_process().pid)

# This options is used for initialization, will be ignored once consumer group is created and each shard has beeen started to be consumed.
cursor_position = CursorPosition.END_CURSOR
cursor_start_time = -1 # Will be used when cursor_position when could be "begin", "end", "specific time format in ISO", it's log receiving time.

# during consuption, when shard is splitted, if need to consume the newly splitted shard after its parent shard (read-only) is finished consumption or not.
# suggest keep it as False (don't care) until you have good reasion for it.
in_order = False

# once a client doesn't report to server * heartbeat_interval * 2 interval, server will consider it's offline and re-assign its task to another consumer.
# thus don't set the heatbeat interval too small when the network badwidth or performance of consumtion is not so good.
heartbeat_interval = 20

# if the coming data source data is not so frequent, please don't configure it too small (<1s)
data_fetch_interval = 0.1

# fetch size in each request, normally use default.
# maximum is 1000, could be lower.
# the lower the size the memory efficiency might be better.
max_fetch_log_group_size = 1000

# suggest keep the default size (2), use multiple process instead
# when you need to have more concurrent processing, launch this consumer for mulitple times and give them different consuer name in same consumer group
worker_pool_size = 2

# create one consumer in the consumer group
option = LogHubConfig(endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKey, project, logstore, consumer_group, consumer_name,

# monitor options
keywords = {'status': r'5\d{2}'}

return option, keywords

def main():
option, keywords = get_monitor_option()"*** start to consume data...")
worker = ConsumerWorker(KeywordMonitor, option, args=(keywords,) )

while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:"*** try to exit **** ")

if __name__ == '__main__':

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