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I / Dependencies

This code was developped using Python 3.8, the required packages are listed in the file requirements.txt.

Remark: slycot is easily installed using conda whereas using pip can raise issues:

conda install -c conda-forge slycot

II / Estimators and Models

This package implements estimators for functional output regression using reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS) of function-valued functions as hypothesis class for various losses promoting either sparsity (epsilon insensitive losses) or robustness (Huber losses). The proposed solvers are based on dualization.

A / Models

The base models are built using identity separable kernels modelling the output functions in a RKHS of scalar-valued functions. We propose two implementations based on different representation schemes for the (functional) dual variables in model\

  • The class DecomposableIdentityScalar uses linear splines.
  • The class DecomposableIntOp uses a truncated (approximate) set of eigenfunctions associated to the integral operator of the output RKHS.

B / Estimators

To estimate those models, we propose estimators which correspond to different losses in estimator\ Each estimator is representation dependent and can therefore only be used in conjuction with its appropriate model.

  • The class FORSpl implements functional output regression with square loss. It must be used with a DecomposableIdentityScalar model.

  • The class FOREig implements functional output regression with square loss. It must be used with a DecomposableIntOp model.

  • The class SparseFORSpl implements functional output regression with epsilon insensitive loss (using either the 2 norm or the infinite norm). It must be used with a DecomposableIdentityScalar model.

  • The class SparseFOREig implements functional output regression with epsilon insensitive loss (2 norm only). It must be used with a DecomposableIntOp model.

  • The class RobustFORSpl implements functional output regression with Huber loss (using either the 2 norm or the infinite norm). It must be used with a DecomposableIdentityScalar model.

  • The class RobustFOREig implements functional output regression with epsilon insensitive loss (2 norm only). It must be used with a DecomposableIntOp model.

C / Solvers

Several solvers are proposed. They can be chosen when fitting the estimators

  • For epsilon insensitive and Huber losses, either *accelerated proximal gradient descent ("acc_proxgd")` or accelerated proximal gradient descent with restarts ("acc_proxgd_restart") can be used.

  • For the square loss, an additional solver based on Sylvester equation solver ("Sylvester") is proposed and is much faster.

See the parameters for the fit method in the next section for how to choose a solver.

D / Overview of relevant parameters

We give a brief overview of some key parameters, we refer to section III and the corresponding script for examples.


  • kernel_input: Kernel for the input data, see kernel/ for examples of valid kernels
  • kernel_output: Kernel of the output RKHS, see kernel/ for examples of valid kernels
  • subsample (int): Whether to downsample the output function by a factor 1 / subsample


  • kernel_input: Kernel for the input data, see kernel/ for examples of valid kernels
  • kernel_output: Kernel of the output RKHS, see kernel/ for examples of valid kernels
  • n_eig (int): Number of eigenfunctions to use in the approximation of the output functions
  • subsample (int) : Whether to downsample the output function by a factor 1 / subsample

FORSpland FOREig

  • lbda (float): Regularization parameter

SparseFORSpl and RobustFORSpl

  • lbda (float): Regularization parameter
  • loss_param (float): Parameter for the loss, either epsilon for epsilon-insensitive losses or kappa for Huber losses
  • norm (str): Norm to use, either {"2", "inf"}. For Huber loss, the "inf" corresponds to the Huber 1 loss.

SparseFOREig and RobustFOREig

  • lbda (float): Regularization parameter
  • loss_param (float): Parameter for the loss, either epsilon for epsilon-insensitive losses or kappa for Huber losses

fit method of all estimators

  • x (torch.Tensor): Input data
  • y (torch.Tensor): Output data
  • thetas (torch.Tensor): Sampling locations of the observations in y
  • solver (str): The solver to use, must be in {"acc_proxgd", "acc_proxgd_restart", "Sylvester"}. Note that Sylvester is valid only for the square loss and will raise an Error if passed for other losses. Default is "acc_proxgd_restart" for all estimators.
  • n_epochs (int): Maximum number of iterations
  • warm_start (bool): Should the estimator be re-initialized
  • tol (float): Stopping criterion. Iterative procedure stops when the normalized distance between consecutive iterates gets below this parameter
  • beta (float): Parameter for line search, 0 < beta < 1
  • sylvester_init (bool): Should initialization with close form for the square loss computed with Sylvester solver be used
  • verbose (bool): Should details of iterations be displayed during fitting

III / Quick start with simple examples

We provide a tool for generating a synthetic function to function regression dataset based on Gaussian processes in datasets. An instance of this dataset with default parameters can be generated easily with the load_gp_dataset function from the file datasets\, the corresponding default parameters are in the file datasets\config_synth and can therefore be changed.

Simple examples running the proposed models and estimators on such synthetic dataset can be found in the folder demos.

  • In the script demos\, we demonstrate basic usage of the models and estimators and give a brief overview of the most relevant parameters.

  • In the script demos\, we demonstrate how to select estimators based on cross-validation using the functions provided in the folder model_selection.


The losses and the corresponding estimators are described extensively in the paper which will appear soon in the PMLR proceedings of ICML 2022.

Please cite it when using this library

  title={Functional Output Regression with Infimal Convolution:
Exploring the Huber and $\epsilon$-insensitive Losses},
  author={Lambert, Alex and Bouche, Dimitri and Szab{\'o}, Zolt{\'a}n and d’Alch{\'e}-Buc, Florence},
  booktitle={The 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022)},