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SwiftBox Configuration

Build Status Swift 4.1 Linux MacOS

SwiftBox Configuration allows to pass type-safe configuration such as command line, environment variables and external providers (e.g Vault) by declaring one simple struct. Configuration can be inherited from multiple sources simultaneously.

Feed the configuration with:

  • Command line arguments: ./yourapp --config:simple=test --config:nested.number=1 --config:array.0=string
  • Environment variables: SIMPLE=test NESTED_NUMBER=1 ARRAY_0=string ./yourapp
  • JSON
  • Dictionary

SwiftBox Configuration supports:

  • overriding (source that is declared later can override previous values)
  • inheritance
  • optionals
  • type-safety
  • nesting (structs and arrays)
  • environment variables prefixes (avoid conflicting with system variables)



1. Import

Import module:

import SwiftBoxConfig

2. Configuration structure

When you create your configuration, remember that it in order to be decoded properly, it must conform to the Configuration protocol.

struct Conf: Configuration {
    let simple: String
    let int: Int
    let double: Double
    let nested: NestedConf // nested configuration
    let array: [String?] // array of optionals
    let arraynested: [NestedConf] // nested array

    struct NestedConf: Configuration {
        let value: String? // optional

3. Bootstrap

Configuration must be bootstrapped before use. To do so, you need to conform to the ConfigManager protocol in the first place:

extension Conf: ConfigManager {
    public static var configuration: Conf? = nil

Next, call bootstrap method on your ConfigManager and pass sources you want to use:

try Conf.bootstrap(from: [EnvSource()])

Remember that bootstrap must be called before using config and cannot be called more than once. Otherwise, fatalError will be thrown.

4. Usage

After completing all the previous steps you can finally use config in your application. You can access the configuration instance via global property:[0] // Optional[String] // Optional[String][0].value // Optional[String]


Configuration can be fed with multiple sources. Sources are passed into bootstrap function.

If you are using multiple sources, outputs are merged (structs are merged recursively, other values are overridden):

try Conf.bootstrap(from: [
    DictionarySource(dataSource: [
        "int": 1,
        "string": "some",
        "array": [1, 2],
        "nested": ["value1": 1]
    DictionarySource(dataSource: [
        "string": "test",
        "array": [2, 3],
        "nested": ["value2": 2]

// Output config:
    "int": 1,
    "string": "test",
    "array": [2, 3],
    "nested": [
        "value1": 1,
        "value2": 2

Dictionary source

Allows reading configuration from Dictionary, may be used to specify in-code defaults for configuration.

try Conf.bootstrap(from: [
    DictionarySource(dataSource: [
        "int": 1,
        "string": "some",
        "array": [1, 2],
        "nested": ["value1": 1]

JSON source

Allows reading configuration from JSON data.

try Conf.bootstrap(from: [
    JSONSource(dataSource: "{\"test\": \"sample\"}")

Environment source

Allows reading configuration data from environment.

try Conf.bootstrap(from: [
    EnvSource(prefix: "SAMPLE")

Prefix can be set for EnvSource, so it reads only variables which key starts with a given value.

Sample Configuration
struct Conf: Configuration {
    let simple: String
    let int: Int
    let double: Double
    let nested: NestedConf
    let array: [String?]
    let arraynested: [NestedConf]

    struct NestedConf: Configuration {
        let value: String?

Above example may be populated using following env variables:


Value "null" is coerced to internal nil value

Command line source

Allows reading configuration data from environment.

Conf.bootstrap(from: [
    CommandLineSource(prefix: "--config:my-prefix-")

If a prefix is set, only arguments which start with a given value will be read. Defaults to --config:

Sample Configuration
struct Conf: Configuration {
    let simple: String
    let int: Int
    let double: Double
    let null: String?
    let nested: NestedConf
    let array: [String?]
    let arraynested: [NestedConf]

    struct NestedConf: Configuration {
        let value: String?

The example above may be populated using following command line arguments:


Value "null" is coerced to internal nil value

Custom sources

To create custom sources, you need to create a class that conforms to ConfigSource. DictionarySource is the simplest working source that can be used as an example:

public typealias Storage = [String: Any?]

public class DictionarySource: ConfigSource {
    let dataSource: Storage

    public init(dataSource: Storage) {
        self.dataSource = dataSource

    public func getConfig() throws -> Storage {
        return self.dataSource