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File metadata and controls

218 lines (143 loc) · 5.63 KB


One of the advantages of Tipboard is flexibility in feeding tiles with data. We achieve that by providing a simple, REST API - that way, your feeding scripts may be written in any language (Python, Ruby, Bash, Perl, PHP - you name it). The only limitation is the format of input data accepted by a given tile type (see tiles_library for the details).

To experiment with resources specified below you can use tools like Advanced REST Client (Chrome extension), or cURL, if you prefer working from command line. For Python programmers, there's an excellent Requests library, which we strongly recommend.

API key

To send anything to your tiles, first you have to get your API key. This unique key is generated for you automatically during Tipboard's installation and may be read in the ~/.tipboard/ file - it is a sequence of characters starting with API_KEY, e.g.:

API_KEY = 'e2c3275d0e1a4bc0da360dd225d74a43'

If you can't see any such string, just add the key manually (it doesn't have to be as long and hard to memorize as the one above, though).


Every change in file requires restart of the application.

Available resources

Current API version: v0.1


In 99% of cases, probably only push and tileconfig will be of interest to you (and maybe tiledata too).