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Language Guided Generation of 3D Embodied AI Environments


Holodeck is based on AI2-THOR, and we currently support macOS 10.9+ or Ubuntu 14.04+.

New Feature: To add ANY new assets to AI2-THOR, please check the objathor repo!

Note: To yield better layouts, use DFS as the solver. If you pull the repo before 12/28/2023, you must set the argument --use_milp to False to use DFS.


After cloning the repo, you can install the required dependencies using the following commands:

conda create --name holodeck python=3.9.16
conda activate holodeck
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install --extra-index-url ai2thor==0+6f165fdaf3cf2d03728f931f39261d14a67414d0


Download the data from google drive and extract it to the data/ folder, or use the following command to download from S3:



You can use the following command to generate a new environment.

python --query "a living room" --openai_api_key <OPENAI_API_KEY>

To be noticed, our system uses gpt-4-1106-preview, so please ensure you have access to it.

Note: To yield better layouts, use DFS as the solver. If you pull the repo before 12/28/2023, you must set the argument --use_milp to False to use DFS.

Load the scene in Unity

  1. Install Unity and select the editor version 2020.3.25f1.
  2. Clone AI2-THOR repository and switch to the new_cam_adjust branch.
git clone
git checkout 6f165fdaf3cf2d03728f931f39261d14a67414d0
  1. Reinstall some packages:
pip uninstall Werkzeug
pip uninstall Flask
pip install Werkzeug==2.0.1
pip install Flask==2.0.1
  1. Load ai2thor/unity as project in Unity and open ai2thor/unity/Assets/Scenes/Procedural/Procedural.unity.
  2. In the terminal, run this python script:
python connect_to_unity --scene <SCENE_JSON_FILE_PATH>
  1. Press the play button (the triangle) in Unity to view the scene.


Please cite the following paper if you use this code in your work.

      title={Holodeck: Language Guided Generation of 3D Embodied AI Environments}, 
      author={Yue Yang and Fan-Yun Sun and Luca Weihs and Eli VanderBilt and Alvaro Herrasti and Winson Han and Jiajun Wu and Nick Haber and Ranjay Krishna and Lingjie Liu and Chris Callison-Burch and Mark Yatskar and Aniruddha Kembhavi and Christopher Clark},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.09067},