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Training Transformer ELMo

This document describes how to train and use a transformer-based version of ELMo with allennlp. The model is a port of the the one described in Dissecting Contextual Word Embeddings: Architecture and Representation by Peters et al. You can find a pretrained version of this model here.


  1. Obtain training data from

    export BIDIRECTIONAL_LM_DATA_PATH=$PWD'/1-billion-word-language-modeling-benchmark-r13output'
    export BIDIRECTIONAL_LM_TRAIN_PATH=$BIDIRECTIONAL_LM_DATA_PATH'/training-monolingual.tokenized.shuffled/*'
  2. Obtain vocab.

    pip install --user awscli
    mkdir vocabulary
    export BIDIRECTIONAL_LM_VOCAB_PATH=$PWD'/vocabulary'
    aws --no-sign-request s3 cp s3://allennlp/models/elmo/vocab-2016-09-10.txt .
    cat vocab-2016-09-10.txt | sed 's/<UNK>/@@UNKNOWN@@/' > tokens.txt
    # Avoid creating garbage namespace.
    rm vocab-2016-09-10.txt
    echo '*labels\n*tags' > non_padded_namespaces.txt
  3. Run training. Note: training_config refers to this directory.

    # The multiprocess dataset reader and iterator use many file descriptors,
    # so we increase the relevant ulimit here to help.
    # See
    # for a description of the underlying issue.
    ulimit -n 4096
    # Location of repo for training_config.
    cd allennlp
    allennlp train training_config/bidirectional_language_model.jsonnet --serialization-dir output_path
  4. Wait. This will take days. (Example results here are from a model trained for just 4 epochs.)

  5. Evaluate. There is one gotcha here, which is that we discard 3 sentences for being too long (otherwise we'd exhaust GPU memory). If we wanted to report this number formally (in a paper or similar), we'd need to handle this differently.

    allennlp evaluate --cuda-device 0 -o '{"iterator": {"base_iterator": {"maximum_samples_per_batch": ["num_tokens", 500] }}}' output_path/model.tar.gz $BIDIRECTIONAL_LM_DATA_PATH/heldout-monolingual.tokenized.shuffled/news.en-00000-of-00100

    A model trained for 4 epochs gives:

    2018-12-12 05:42:53,711 - INFO - allennlp.commands.evaluate - loss: 3.745238332322373
    In [1]: import math; math.exp(3.745238332322373) # To compute perplexity
    Out[1]: 42.3190920245054

Using Transformer ELMo with existing allennlp models

Using Transformer ELMo is essentially the same as using regular ELMo. See this documentation for details on how to do that.

The one exception is that inside the text_field_embedder block in your training config you should replace

"text_field_embedder": {
  "token_embedders": {
    "elmo": {
      "type": "elmo_token_embedder",
      "options_file": "",
      "weight_file": "",
      "do_layer_norm": false,
      "dropout": 0.5


"text_field_embedder": {
  "token_embedders": {
    "elmo": {
      "type": "bidirectional_lm_token_embedder",
      "archive_file": std.extVar('BIDIRECTIONAL_LM_ARCHIVE_PATH'),
      "dropout": 0.2,
      "bos_eos_tokens": ["<S>", "</S>"],
      "remove_bos_eos": true,
      "requires_grad": false


For an example of this see the config for a Transformer ELMo augmented constituency parser and compare with the original ELMo augmented constituency parser.

Calling the BidirectionalLanguageModelTokenEmbedder directly

Of course, you can also directly call the embedder in your programs:

from allennlp.modules.token_embedders.bidirectional_language_model_token_embedder import BidirectionalLanguageModelTokenEmbedder
from import ELMoTokenCharactersIndexer
from import Token
import torch

lm_model_file = "output_path/model.tar.gz"

sentence = "It is raining in Seattle ."
tokens = [Token(word) for word in sentence.split()]

lm_embedder = BidirectionalLanguageModelTokenEmbedder(
    bos_eos_tokens=["<S>", "</S>"],

indexer = ELMoTokenCharactersIndexer()
vocab = lm_embedder._lm.vocab
character_indices = indexer.tokens_to_indices(tokens, vocab, "elmo")["elmo"]

# Batch of size 1
indices_tensor = torch.LongTensor([character_indices])

# Embed and extract the single element from the batch.
embeddings = lm_embedder(indices_tensor)[0]

for word_embedding in embeddings:

Note: This sidesteps our data loading and batching mechanisms for brevity. See our main tutorial for an exposition of how they function.