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Multilingual parser and Cross-lingual ELMo (#2628)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Multilingual version of biaffine dependency parser with elmo alignment

* alignment addition to elmo embedder

* dataset reader for multiple sources

* iterator that groups samples from the same language

* Clean multilang biaffine

* Inherit unmodified functions from the biaffine parser.

* Also using defaultdict for same_lang_iterator.

* Multi-lang dep config example

* Jsonnet format

* Larger softmax value

The previous one caused overflow sometimes. e-10 is good enough

* formating

* reorganize multilang dataset reader to work with a pathname

* factoring biaffine parser to prevent duplicating code

* multilangTokenEmbedder interface

* fix parser factorization and pylint staff

* more pylint

* inspect embedder and fix params_test

* make mypy happy

* cr comments and doc

* doc

* fix doc

* Multilingual tests (#4)

* Added dependencies data for es, fr and it + json configuration for tests

* Tests for multilingual UD reader and same-language iterator

* Tests for multilingual dependency parser

* fixed some of the tests - not final

* use not lazy option in the parser test

* better doc

* test basic text field emb

* pylint

* multilingual embedder test

* cr comments

* new link
  • Loading branch information
TalSchuster authored and matt-gardner committed Jun 12, 2019
1 parent 92ee421 commit da16ad1
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Showing 41 changed files with 1,430 additions and 51 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions allennlp/data/dataset_readers/
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Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
from import SequenceTaggingDatasetReader
from import SnliReader
from import UniversalDependenciesDatasetReader
from import UniversalDependenciesMultiLangDatasetReader
from import (
from import QuoraParaphraseDatasetReader
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192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions allennlp/data/dataset_readers/
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@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
from typing import Dict, Tuple, List, Iterator, Any
import logging
import itertools
import glob
import os
import numpy as np

from overrides import overrides

from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError
from import DatasetReader
from import Field, TextField, SequenceLabelField, MetadataField
from import Instance
from import SingleIdTokenIndexer, TokenIndexer
from import Token
from import lazy_parse

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name

def get_file_paths(pathname: str, languages: List[str]):
Gets a list of all files by the pathname with the given language ids.
Filenames are assumed to have the language identifier followed by a dash
as a prefix (e.g. en-universal.conll).
pathname : ``str``, required.
An absolute or relative pathname (can contain shell-style wildcards)
languages : ``List[str]``, required
The language identifiers to use.
A list of tuples (language id, file path).
paths = []
for file_path in glob.glob(pathname):
base = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0]
lang_id = base.split('-')[0]
if lang_id in languages:
paths.append((lang_id, file_path))

if not paths:
raise ConfigurationError("No dataset files to read")

return paths

class UniversalDependenciesMultiLangDatasetReader(DatasetReader):
Reads multiple files in the conllu Universal Dependencies format.
All files should be in the same directory and the filenames should have
the language identifier followed by a dash as a prefix (e.g. en-universal.conll)
When using the alternate option, the reader alternates randomly between
the files every instances_per_file. The is_first_pass_for_vocab disables
this behaviour for the first pass (could be useful for a single full path
over the dataset in order to generate a vocabulary).
Notice: when using the alternate option, one should also use the ``instances_per_epoch``
option for the iterator. Otherwise, each epoch will loop infinitely.
languages : ``List[str]``, required
The language identifiers to use.
token_indexers : ``Dict[str, TokenIndexer]``, optional (default=``{"tokens": SingleIdTokenIndexer()}``)
The token indexers to be applied to the words TextField.
use_language_specific_pos : ``bool``, optional (default = False)
Whether to use UD POS tags, or to use the language specific POS tags
provided in the conllu format.
alternate : ``bool``, optional (default = True)
Whether to alternate between input files.
is_first_pass_for_vocab : ``bool``, optional (default = True)
Whether the first pass will be for generating the vocab. If true,
the first pass will run over the entire dataset of each file (even if alternate is on).
instances_per_file : ``int``, optional (default = 32)
The amount of consecutive cases to sample from each input file when alternating.
def __init__(self,
languages: List[str],
token_indexers: Dict[str, TokenIndexer] = None,
use_language_specific_pos: bool = False,
lazy: bool = False,
alternate: bool = True,
is_first_pass_for_vocab: bool = True,
instances_per_file: int = 32) -> None:
self._languages = languages
self._token_indexers = token_indexers or {'tokens': SingleIdTokenIndexer()}
self._use_language_specific_pos = use_language_specific_pos

self._is_first_pass_for_vocab = is_first_pass_for_vocab
self._alternate = alternate
self._instances_per_file = instances_per_file

self._is_first_pass = True
self._iterators: List[Tuple[str, Iterator[Any]]] = None

def _read_one_file(self, lang: str, file_path: str):
with open(file_path, 'r') as conllu_file:"Reading UD instances for %s language from conllu dataset at: %s", lang, file_path)

for annotation in lazy_parse(
# CoNLLU annotations sometimes add back in words that have been elided
# in the original sentence; we remove these, as we're just predicting
# dependencies for the original sentence.
# We filter by None here as elided words have a non-integer word id,
# and are replaced with None by the conllu python library.
annotation = [x for x in annotation if x["id"] is not None]

heads = [x["head"] for x in annotation]
tags = [x["deprel"] for x in annotation]
words = [x["form"] for x in annotation]
if self._use_language_specific_pos:
pos_tags = [x["xpostag"] for x in annotation]
pos_tags = [x["upostag"] for x in annotation]
yield self.text_to_instance(lang, words, pos_tags, list(zip(tags, heads)))

def _read(self, file_path: str):
file_paths = get_file_paths(file_path, self._languages)
if (self._is_first_pass and self._is_first_pass_for_vocab) or (not self._alternate):
iterators = [iter(self._read_one_file(lang, file_path))
for (lang, file_path) in file_paths]
self._is_first_pass = False
for inst in itertools.chain(*iterators):
yield inst

if self._iterators is None:
self._iterators = [(lang, iter(self._read_one_file(lang, file_path)))
for (lang, file_path) in file_paths]
num_files = len(file_paths)
while True:
ind = np.random.randint(num_files)
lang, lang_iter = self._iterators[ind]
for _ in range(self._instances_per_file):
yield lang_iter.__next__()
except StopIteration:
lang, file_path = file_paths[ind]
lang_iter = iter(self._read_one_file(lang, file_path))
self._iterators[ind] = (lang, lang_iter)
yield lang_iter.__next__()

def text_to_instance(self, # type: ignore
lang: str,
words: List[str],
upos_tags: List[str],
dependencies: List[Tuple[str, int]] = None) -> Instance:
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
lang : ``str``, required.
The language identifier.
words : ``List[str]``, required.
The words in the sentence to be encoded.
upos_tags : ``List[str]``, required.
The universal dependencies POS tags for each word.
dependencies ``List[Tuple[str, int]]``, optional (default = None)
A list of (head tag, head index) tuples. Indices are 1 indexed,
meaning an index of 0 corresponds to that word being the root of
the dependency tree.
An instance containing words, upos tags, dependency head tags and head
indices as fields. The language identifier is stored in the metadata.
fields: Dict[str, Field] = {}

tokens = TextField([Token(w) for w in words], self._token_indexers)
fields["words"] = tokens
fields["pos_tags"] = SequenceLabelField(upos_tags, tokens, label_namespace="pos")
if dependencies is not None:
# We don't want to expand the label namespace with an additional dummy token, so we'll
# always give the 'ROOT_HEAD' token a label of 'root'.
fields["head_tags"] = SequenceLabelField([x[0] for x in dependencies],
fields["head_indices"] = SequenceLabelField([int(x[1]) for x in dependencies],

fields["metadata"] = MetadataField({"words": words, "pos": upos_tags, "lang": lang})
return Instance(fields)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions allennlp/data/iterators/
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Expand Up @@ -8,3 +8,4 @@
from import BucketIterator
from import HomogeneousBatchIterator
from import MultiprocessIterator
from import SameLanguageIterator
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions allennlp/data/iterators/
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@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
from collections import deque, defaultdict
from typing import Iterable, Deque
import logging
import random

from allennlp.common.util import lazy_groups_of
from import Instance
from import DataIterator
from import BucketIterator
from import Batch

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name

def split_by_language(instance_list):
insts_by_lang = defaultdict(lambda: [])
for inst in instance_list:
inst_lang = inst.fields['metadata'].metadata['lang']

return iter(insts_by_lang.values())

class SameLanguageIterator(BucketIterator):
Splits batches into batches containing the same language.
The language of each instance is determined by looking at the 'lang' value
in the metadata.
It takes the same parameters as :class:``
def _create_batches(self, instances: Iterable[Instance], shuffle: bool) -> Iterable[Batch]:
# First break the dataset into memory-sized lists:
for instance_list in self._memory_sized_lists(instances):
if shuffle:
instance_list = split_by_language(instance_list)
for same_lang_batch in instance_list:
iterator = iter(same_lang_batch)
excess: Deque[Instance] = deque()
# Then break each memory-sized list into batches.
for batch_instances in lazy_groups_of(iterator, self._batch_size):
for poss_smaller_batches in self._ensure_batch_is_sufficiently_small( # type: ignore
batch_instances, excess):
batch = Batch(poss_smaller_batches)
yield batch
if excess:
yield Batch(excess)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions allennlp/models/
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Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
from allennlp.models.biattentive_classification_network import BiattentiveClassificationNetwork
from allennlp.models.constituency_parser import SpanConstituencyParser
from allennlp.models.biaffine_dependency_parser import BiaffineDependencyParser
from allennlp.models.biaffine_dependency_parser_multilang import BiaffineDependencyParserMultiLang
from allennlp.models.coreference_resolution.coref import CoreferenceResolver
from allennlp.models.crf_tagger import CrfTagger
from allennlp.models.decomposable_attention import DecomposableAttention
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104 changes: 59 additions & 45 deletions allennlp/models/
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Expand Up @@ -209,6 +209,64 @@ def forward(self, # type: ignore
raise ConfigurationError("Model uses a POS embedding, but no POS tags were passed.")

mask = get_text_field_mask(words)

predicted_heads, predicted_head_tags, mask, arc_nll, tag_nll = self._parse(
embedded_text_input, mask, head_tags, head_indices)

loss = arc_nll + tag_nll

if head_indices is not None and head_tags is not None:
evaluation_mask = self._get_mask_for_eval(mask[:, 1:], pos_tags)
# We calculate attatchment scores for the whole sentence
# but excluding the symbolic ROOT token at the start,
# which is why we start from the second element in the sequence.
self._attachment_scores(predicted_heads[:, 1:],
predicted_head_tags[:, 1:],

output_dict = {
"heads": predicted_heads,
"head_tags": predicted_head_tags,
"arc_loss": arc_nll,
"tag_loss": tag_nll,
"loss": loss,
"mask": mask,
"words": [meta["words"] for meta in metadata],
"pos": [meta["pos"] for meta in metadata]

return output_dict

def decode(self, output_dict: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:

head_tags = output_dict.pop("head_tags").cpu().detach().numpy()
heads = output_dict.pop("heads").cpu().detach().numpy()
mask = output_dict.pop("mask")
lengths = get_lengths_from_binary_sequence_mask(mask)
head_tag_labels = []
head_indices = []
for instance_heads, instance_tags, length in zip(heads, head_tags, lengths):
instance_heads = list(instance_heads[1:length])
instance_tags = instance_tags[1:length]
labels = [self.vocab.get_token_from_index(label, "head_tags")
for label in instance_tags]

output_dict["predicted_dependencies"] = head_tag_labels
output_dict["predicted_heads"] = head_indices
return output_dict

def _parse(self,
embedded_text_input: torch.Tensor,
mask: torch.LongTensor,
head_tags: torch.LongTensor = None,
head_indices: torch.LongTensor = None
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:

embedded_text_input = self._input_dropout(embedded_text_input)
encoded_text = self.encoder(embedded_text_input, mask)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -258,59 +316,15 @@ def forward(self, # type: ignore
loss = arc_nll + tag_nll

evaluation_mask = self._get_mask_for_eval(mask[:, 1:], pos_tags)
# We calculate attatchment scores for the whole sentence
# but excluding the symbolic ROOT token at the start,
# which is why we start from the second element in the sequence.
self._attachment_scores(predicted_heads[:, 1:],
predicted_head_tags[:, 1:],
head_indices[:, 1:],
head_tags[:, 1:],
arc_nll, tag_nll = self._construct_loss(head_tag_representation=head_tag_representation,
loss = arc_nll + tag_nll

output_dict = {
"heads": predicted_heads,
"head_tags": predicted_head_tags,
"arc_loss": arc_nll,
"tag_loss": tag_nll,
"loss": loss,
"mask": mask,
"words": [meta["words"] for meta in metadata],
"pos": [meta["pos"] for meta in metadata]

return output_dict

def decode(self, output_dict: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:

head_tags = output_dict.pop("head_tags").cpu().detach().numpy()
heads = output_dict.pop("heads").cpu().detach().numpy()
mask = output_dict.pop("mask")
lengths = get_lengths_from_binary_sequence_mask(mask)
head_tag_labels = []
head_indices = []
for instance_heads, instance_tags, length in zip(heads, head_tags, lengths):
instance_heads = list(instance_heads[1:length])
instance_tags = instance_tags[1:length]
labels = [self.vocab.get_token_from_index(label, "head_tags")
for label in instance_tags]

output_dict["predicted_dependencies"] = head_tag_labels
output_dict["predicted_heads"] = head_indices
return output_dict
return predicted_heads, predicted_head_tags, mask, arc_nll, tag_nll

def _construct_loss(self,
head_tag_representation: torch.Tensor,
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