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Simple LED Sign for addressable LED strips
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Written for the WS2811 (NeoPixels), but easily modifiable to work with
LPN8806 or other types of strips with addressable LEDs. Requires the
LED strip library, and uses the TVout fonts for this first test version.
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allenhuffman committed Mar 15, 2014
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32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions LEDSign.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Simple LED Scrolling Message
By Allen C. Huffman (
This file contains some #defines used by the LEDSign sketch. There are some
more clever ways to handle much of this, but I wanted some of the code to
be pretty straight forward and simple. (Even then, some places got a bit
bogged down anyway.)

#define TOPLEFT 0
#define TOPRIGHT 1
#define BOTTOMLEFT 2

#define STRAIGHT 0
#define ZIGZAG 1

#define DOWN 0
#define UP 1

// These may change. The original idea was to have LEFT/RIGHT be true/false
// opposite to simplify the "ZIGZAG" mode, but instead I chose to do it
// manually so it doesn't relay on the values being 0 and 1.
#define RIGHT 0
#define LEFT 1

// End of LEDSign.h

360 changes: 360 additions & 0 deletions LEDSign.ino
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
Simple LED Scrolling Message
By Allen C. Huffman (
This is a very simple (and rather brute force) scrolling message program for
addressable LED strips like the WS2811 (Adafruit NeoPixels) or LPN8806. It
currently is configured for the WS2811/NeoPixels, but could be modified to
work with any other type of strip. A future revision will abstract the LED
functions so they are easier to change for other types of LED strips.
1. Set the #define for the number of LEDs per strips (32, 52, 66, etc.)
2. Set the #define for the number of strips you are using (1-x).
3. Set how many LEDs will be in each row. If using 7 strips, with each
strip representing a row in your sign, this would be 1. If using
strips in a spiral (a circual sign), this number would be how many
LEDs are in each row of the spiral. (For example, you can use two 1m
strips of 60 LEDs, and spiral them 20 LEDs per row and get a small
six row circular display, which is what I originally wrote this for
because I didn't have any more LED stiprs.)
4. Set the *font pointer to your PROGMEM font data array of characters.
5. If using TVout fonts, the font width, height and start character can
be determined from the start of the file, so three #defines are there
to be replaced by code to read those values from the start of the font
array. The FONTDATAOFFSET is how many bytes to skip from the start of
the font array to get to the actual data (for TVout fonts, the first
three bytes are the font WIDTH, HEIGHT and START CHARACTER). If using
other font data (that does not have the 3-byte header at the start),
you could hard code the FONTWIDTH/FONTHEIGHT values.
2014-03-13 0.00 allenh - Initial version.
2014-03-14 0.01 allenh - Cleaning up code and making configurable.
* Handle LED spacing gaps (if there are LEDs between each row that are not
to be displayed as part of the row).
* Handle COLOR.
* A bug will leave the left most column on if the final character has set
pixels in the rightmost column. Oops.
#define VERSION "0.01"

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#include "LEDSign.h"

// If using the TVout fonts, either include the individual header file for
// the font you wish to use, or include this one to access them all. The
// current version of this program has the font selected at compile time, so
// there is no reason to include more than just that font, but in the future
// I plan to update it so fonts can be selected.
#include "fontALL.h" // Use the TVout fonts for this test.

// If defined, this will print out the banner text to the Serial console.
//#define DEBUG

// Adafruit NeoPixel library configuration.
#define PIN 6

// LED strip configuration.
// Example: 7 1m 60-LED strips (similar to BetaBrite 80x7 display).
#define LEDSTRIPS 7
#define LEDSPERROW 60

// Example: 2 1m 60-LED strips, spiraled with 20 per row. (6 rows).
//#define LEDSTRIPS 2
//#define LEDSPERSTRIP 60
//#define LEDSPERROW 20

// LED strip layout.

// If the strips run one direction, then reverse for the next row,
// use ZIGZAG, else use STRAIGHT.

#define SCROLLSPEED 100 // 100ms (1000=1 second)

// If defined, a strip.setBrightness(x) will be done. I use this so more
// LEDs can be powered off an Arduino supply if they are all very dim/low
// power. You should be using a proper power supply, however!

// Specify which font to use. (These examples are for the TVout fonts.)
//const unsigned char *font = font4x6;
const unsigned char *font = font6x8;
//const unsigned char *font = font8x8; // Blank row on top. Bad font.
//const unsigned char *font = font8x8ext;

// Set these defines to match the font data, or, if using the TVout
// fonts, these values can be read from the first three bytes of
// the file (and FONTDATAOFFSET is set to skip those first three
// bytes).
#define FONTWIDTH (pgm_read_byte_near(&font[0]))
#define FONTHEIGHT (pgm_read_byte_near(&font[1]))
#define FONTSTARTCHAR (pgm_read_byte_near(&font[2]))

// These defines are calculated.

// Longest message we can display.
#define MAXMSGLEN 80

// Parameter 1 = number of pixels in strip
// Parameter 2 = Arduino pin number (most are valid)
// Parameter 3 = pixel type flags, add together as needed:
// NEO_KHZ800 800 KHz bitstream (most NeoPixel products w/WS2812 LEDs)
// NEO_KHZ400 400 KHz (classic 'v1' (not v2) FLORA pixels, WS2811 drivers)
// NEO_GRB Pixels are wired for GRB bitstream (most NeoPixel products)
// NEO_RGB Pixels are wired for RGB bitstream (v1 FLORA pixels, not v2)
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(LEDS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

// IMPORTANT: To reduce NeoPixel burnout risk, add 1000 uF capacitor across
// pixel power leads, add 300 - 500 Ohm resistor on first pixel's data input
// and minimize distance between Arduino and first pixel. Avoid connecting
// on a live circuit...if you must, connect GND first.

// For the Adafruit LPN8806/NeoPixel libraries, three bytes of RAM are
// used for each pixel. This crashes the Arduino, so we could easily do a
// simple sanity check before initializing things... To do this, we'd
// need to make the "strip" a global (which is is) and initialize it after
// the check (if the check was successful).
#if (LEDS*3>2000)

// A debug Serial.print()/Serial.println() macro.
#if defined(DEBUG)
#define DEBUG_PRINT(...) Serial.print(__VA_ARGS__)
#define DEBUG_PRINTLN(...) Serial.println(__VA_ARGS__)
#else // If not debugging, it will not be included.
#define DEBUG_PRINT(...)
#define DEBUG_PRINTLN(...)

void setup()

Serial.print(F("LEDSign "));
Serial.println(F(" by Allen C. Huffman ("));

Serial.print(F("Total LEDs : "));

Serial.print(F("LEDs per row : "));

Serial.print(F("Rows : "));

Serial.print(F("Free memory : "));

// Start up the LED strip

// Update the strip, to start they are all 'off';
} // end of setup()

void loop() {
char message[MAXMSGLEN];
uint8_t msgLen;

#if defined(LEDBRIGHTNESS)

Serial.print("Enter message: ");
msgLen = lineInput(message, MAXMSGLEN);

if (msgLen>0)
uint8_t fontWidth, fontHeight, fontStartChar;
uint8_t letter, fontByte, fontBit;
uint8_t letterOffset;
uint8_t row, col;
uint8_t offset;
char ch;
uint8_t layoutStart, layoutMode;
uint8_t colDir, rowDir;
uint8_t colOffset, rowOffset;

layoutStart = LAYOUTSTART;
layoutMode = LAYOUTMODE;

// If LED 0 starts at the bottom, we need to invert the rows when we
// display the message.
if (layoutStart==TOPLEFT || layoutStart==TOPRIGHT)
rowDir = DOWN;
rowDir = UP;

// If we start from the right side, we will be going backwards.
if (layoutStart==TOPLEFT || layoutStart==BOTTOMLEFT)
colDir = RIGHT;
colDir = LEFT;

fontWidth = FONTWIDTH;
fontHeight = FONTHEIGHT;
fontStartChar = FONTSTARTCHAR;

Serial.print(F("Font size : "));

// Loop through each letter in the message.
for (letter=0; letter<msgLen; letter++)
// Scroll fontWidth pixels for each letter.
for (offset=0; offset<fontWidth; offset++)
// If you comment out the above for loop, and then just set offset
// to 0, the sign will scroll a character at a time.
//offset = 0;
// Loop through each row...
for (row=0; row<ROWS && row<fontHeight ; row++)
letterOffset = 0;
fontBit = offset;

// If going down (starting at top), we will use the loop row,
// else we will calculate a row that goes backwards.
if (rowDir==DOWN)
rowOffset = row;
rowOffset = (fontHeight<ROWS ? fontHeight : ROWS)-1-row;

// Now loop through each pixel in the row (column).
for (col=0; col<LEDSPERROW; col++)
// If going right (starting at left), we will use the loop col,
// else we will calculate a col that goes backwards.
if (colDir==LEFT)
colOffset = col;
colOffset = LEDSPERROW-1-col;

// If we run out of letters, replace with a space.
if (letter+letterOffset>=msgLen)
ch = ' ';
else // Otherwise, get the actual letter.
ch = message[letter+letterOffset];

// Get the appropriate byte from the font data.
if (bitRead(pgm_read_byte_near(&font[FONTDATAOFFSET+
(colDir==LEFT ? 7-fontBit : 7-(fontWidth-1)+fontBit))==1)
// 1 = set a pixel.

// 0 = unset a pixel.
strip.setPixelColor(LEDSPERROW-col+(row*LEDSPERROW), 0);


// Move to next bit in the character.
// If we get to the width of the font, move to the next letter.
if (fontBit >= fontWidth)
fontBit = 0;
} // end of for (col=0; col<LEDSPERROW; col++)


// If the LED strips are zig zagged, at the end of each row we
// will reverse the direction.
if (layoutMode==ZIGZAG)
// Invert direction.
if (colDir==LEFT)
colDir = RIGHT;
colDir = LEFT;
} // end of if (layoutMode==ZIGZAG)
} // end of for (row=0; row<ROWS && row<fontHeight ; row++);

#if defined(DEBUG)
for (uint8_t i=0; i<LEDSPERROW; i++) Serial.print(F("-"));
} // end of for (offset=0; offset<fontWidth; offset++)
} // end of for (letter=0; letter<msgLen; letter++)
} // end of if (msgLen>0)
} // end of while(1)
} // end of loop()

// Simple utility function to return the current free RAM.
unsigned int freeRam() {
extern int __heap_start, *__brkval;
int v;
return (int) &v - (__brkval == 0 ? (int) &__heap_start : (int) __brkval);
} // end of freeRam()

// End of LEDSign

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