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CSS Modules Helpers

JS Helpers for configuring CSS Modules and selecting hashed DOM selectors.


npm i --save-dev postcss-modules css-modules-helpers

Configure PostCSS Modules

require the createManifest module and pass it to the PostCSS Modules getJSON option.

/* postcss.config.js */

const modules = require('postcss-modules');
const createManifest = require('css-modules-helpers/createManifest');

module.exports = () => ({
  plugins: [
      generateScopedName: '[name]__[local]___[hash:base64:5]',
      getJSON: createManifest,


Use these functions to retrieve hashed classnames and selectors from the CSS Modules output.

Note: Each of these assumes a classname manifest attached to window.cssModulesClassnames.


getComponentClassnames will return all classnames associated with a given component. These values are not suitable for use in selecting elements from the DOM, but would be used to add or remove values from an element's classList

import { getComponentClassnames } from 'css-modules-helpers';

const classnames = getComponentClassnames('site-header');
// { menuButton: 'site-header__menu-button___2EGUQ', menu: 'site-header__menu___9gIXs' }


getComponentSelectors will return all of a component's classnames formatted as DOM selectors. Use this when configuring child selectors for js-component-framework. To get only one selector from a component, see getSelectorFromComponent.

import { getComponentSelectors } from 'css-modules-helpers';

const selectors = getComponentSelectors('site-header');
// { menuButton: '.site-header__menu-button___2EGUQ', menu: '.site-header__menu___9gIXs' }


getElementFromComponent will return an element or elements from another component. By default, the function will return a single element; pass true as a third parameter to return a NodeList.

import { getElementFromComponent } from 'css-modules-helpers';

const element = getElementFromComponent('menu-button', 'site-header');
// <button class="site-header__menu-button___2EGUQ"></button>


getSelectorFromComponent will return a specific selector from a component. See getComponentSelectors to get all of a component's selectors.

import { getSelectorFromComponent } from 'css-modules-helpers';

const menuButton = getSelectorFromComponent('menu-button', 'site-header');
// '.site-header__menu-button___2EGUQ'