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Working with nbgrader

Quickstart upon reopening a stopped Gitpod workspace

# Increase gitpod timeout setting
gp timeout set 6h

# Launch Jupyter session in Assignment dir
gogo assignments

Or manually start Jupyter session to work on assignments

# Navigate to Assignments db location
cd nbgrader/Assignments

# Launch jupyter-lab
# Only use this for teaching or grading
jupyter lab --NotebookApp.allow_origin='*' --NotebookApp.allow_remote_access=True --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.password='' --no-browser --port=8888

# If using older nbgrader < v0.9.0, can use jupyter-notebook for creating assignment notebooks.
# nbgrader 0.8.5 has the good cell toolbars.
jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.allow_origin='*' --NotebookApp.allow_remote_access=True --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.password='' --no-browser --port=8888

Note: See other gitpod settings here.

Setting up Gitpod Environment

Setup is handled via .gitpod.yml ans .gitpod.Dockerfile

  • Add channels defaults, conda-forge, and bioconda
  • pip install nbgrader and all python deps (conda was too slow)
  • conda installed non-python packages (blast bwa samtools)
  • init nbextensions
  • alias 'gogo' launcher script
# Navigate to nbgrader project dir
cd nbgrader/Assignments

## Create a config for jupyter notebook (might be fine to skip this bit)
#jupyter notebook --generate-config 
##Add lines:
#c.NotebookApp.allow_origin = '*'
#c.NotebookApp.allow_remote_access = True

# Generate blank nbgrader config file
nbgrader generate_config

# Add these lines to
import tempfile
c.Exchange.root = tempfile.mkdtemp()
c.NotebookApp.allow_origin = '*'
c.NotebookApp.allow_remote_access = True

# andUpdate the Course name
c.CourseDirectory.course_id = 'COURSE_ID_2024'

# Populate nbgrader student database (on first run only)
nbgrader db student import ../students/students_2024.csv

# Open jupyter for grading or assignment development
# Launch jupyter-lab
jupyter lab --NotebookApp.allow_origin='*' --NotebookApp.allow_remote_access=True --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.password='' --no-browser --port=8888

# or if using older nbgrader < v0.9.0, can use jupyter-notebook
jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.allow_origin='*' --NotebookApp.allow_remote_access=True --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.password='' --no-browser --port=8888

Installing nbgrader locally

# Create conda env from yml
conda env create -f nbgrader/environment.yml

# or create manually
conda create --name graderenv python=3.11
source activate graderenv
conda install -c conda-forge 'nbgrader==0.8.5'
# Note: Check that you are using the latest versions of
# nbconvert
# jupyter-client

## Install Jupyter extensions
# Jupyter notebook
jupyter nbextension install --sys-prefix --py nbgrader
jupyter nbextension enable --sys-prefix --py nbgrader

# Optional extensions
# Jupyter Lab
jupyter labextension enable nbgrader
# Jupyter Server
jupyter serverextension enable --sys-prefix --py nbgrader

# Packages for Comp Gen Assignment 1 & 2 2024
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
#pip install numpy pandas seaborn matplotlib pysam biopython
conda install -c bioconda blast bwa samtools

Setting up local nbgrader instance

Generate blank config file.

# Generate blank config file
nbgrader generate_config

Add the following line to the config file to create temp dirs as required:

import tempfile
c.Exchange.root = tempfile.mkdtemp()

You may wish to edit some of the default timeout settings if you find student solutions take too long to run.

To populate the student database import a csv with the format:

# Populate nbgrader student database
cd nbgrader/Assignments
nbgrader db student import ../students/students_2024.csv

Or manually add a student

#Manually create a student
nbgrader db student add --first-name=Adam --last-name=Taranto --lms-user-id=U001 U001

Set up directory structure for assignment submissions. Should be run in top level nbgrader dir that also contains "source" folder.

This code imports student IDs from a single column file.

cd nbgrader/Assignments
cat ../students/id_list_2024.csv | tr -d '\r' | while IFS=, read -r ID
    mkdir -p "submitted/${ID}/Assignment_1"
    mkdir -p "submitted/${ID}/Assignment_2"
    mkdir -p "submitted/${ID}/Assignment_3"

Creating a new assignment

Configure a project

# Edit the assignment notebook
jupyter notebook
# view --> cell toolbar --> create assignment

If updating an old assignment update metadata with

nbgrader update . #from source dir

Note on Cell types:

Notes on writing tests:

Generate & release assignment from within jupyter, or manually:

nbgrader generate_assignment Assignment_1
nbgrader release_assignment Assignment_1

Grading an assignment

Student submissions should be located in the following path and have the same name as the source assignment:

submitted/[STUDENT ID]/Assignment_1/Assignment_1.ipynb

Check submission metadata:

cd submitted
nbgrader update . #from submission dir

To bulk autograde submissions:

# Submissions must be in the student folders with generic Assignment name
# Bulk autograde
nbgrader autograde --assignment Assignment_1
nbgrader autograde --assignment Assignment_2
nbgrader autograde --assignment Assignment_3
nbgrader autograde --assignment Exam_B

#nbgrader autograde --force --assignment Assignment_3

If you need to amend any test in an assignment during marking:

# First edit the *source* notebook, then generate a new release:
nbgrader generate_assignment Assignment_1
nbgrader release_assignment Assignment_1
# The re-run autograding
nbgrader autograde --force --assignment Assignment_1

Exporting grades

Export grades to CSV

nbgrader export --to grades/A1_grades_nbgrader.csv --assignment Assignment_1
nbgrader export --to grades/A2_grades_nbgrader.csv --assignment Assignment_2
nbgrader export --to grades/A3_grades_nbgrader.csv --assignment Assignment_3
nbgrader export --to grades/Exam_B_grades_nbgrader.csv --assignment Exam_B

Custom export grades per question to CSV

You can use the custom exporter module gpqExporter to export grades per question.

# Note: In this case "--to" sets an output directory that individual assignment
# grade reports are written to.

nbgrader export --to grades --exporter=plugins.gpqexport.gpqExporter --assignment Assignment_1
nbgrader export --to grades --exporter=plugins.gpqexport.gpqExporter --assignment Assignment_2
nbgrader export --to grades --exporter=plugins.gpqexport.gpqExporter --assignment Assignment_3
nbgrader export --to grades --exporter=plugins.gpqexport.gpqExporter --assignment Exam_B

# Use --student to get grades for a specific student
nbgrader export --to grades --exporter=plugins.gpqexport.gpqExporter --assignment Assignment_1 --student 217020

Note: When formatting for Canvas, must use linux EOL characters

Generating feedback

Create feedback dir with html reports

nbgrader generate_feedback "Assignment_1"
nbgrader generate_feedback "Assignment_2"
nbgrader generate_feedback "Assignment_3"

Generate feedback for one student:

nbgrader generate_feedback "Assignment_2" --student 188001

Format feedback html reports

# Studentlist file format:
# ../students/students_2024.csv
# ID,FirstName,LastName

#cd nbgrader/Assignments

mkdir -p feedback/A1_feedback


while IFS=',' read -r ID Fname Lname
  if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
    mv -f "${FILE}" "${OUTDIR}/${Fname}_${Lname}_feedback_${ASSNAME}.html" && \
    rm -rf "feedback/${ID}" && \
    echo "Moved: ${FILE}"
    echo "File not found: ${FILE} Student: ${Fname} ${Lname}"


Config scripts for managing nbgrader envs in Gitpod







No releases published


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  • Python 95.6%
  • Shell 3.5%
  • Jupyter Notebook 0.9%