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Build Guide

This document explains how you can build this library from source, including some examples of build environment. In this repository there are two builds:

  • A power-grid-model pip Python package with C++ extension as the calculation core.
  • A CMake C++ project to build native C++ unit tests and/or performance benchmark.
  • In the future, the following two libraries might be provided:
    • A C++ header-only library of the calculation core
    • A C/C++ dynamic shared library (.dll or .so) with pure C ABI interface.

Build Requirements

To build the library from source, you need to first prepare the compiler toolchains and the build dependencies. In this section a list of general requirements are given. After this section there are examples of setup in Linux (Ubuntu 20.04) , Windows 10, and macOS (Big Sur).

Architecture Support

This library is written and tested on x86_64 and aarch64 architecture. Building the library in x86_32 might be working, but is not tested. The MKL library is only available for x86_64. So only Eigen sparse solver is available for aarch64.

The source code is written with the mindset of ISO standard C++ only, i.e. avoid compiler-extension or platform-specific features as much as possible. In this way the effort to port the library to other platform/architecture might be minimum.

Compiler Support

You need a C++ compiler with C++17 support. Below is a list of tested compilers:


  • gcc >= 9.3
  • clang >= 9.0

You can define the environment variable CXX to for example clang++ to specify the C++ compiler.


  • MSVC >= 14.2 (Visual Studio 2019, IDE or build tools)


  • clang >= 12.0

Build System for CMake Project

This repository uses CMake and Ninja as C++ build system.

Build Dependencies


The table below shows the C++ build dependencies

Library name Requirements to build Python package Requirements to build CMake project Remark License
boost Define environment variable BOOST_INCLUDE to the include folder of boost* CMake needs to be able find boost header-only Boost Software License - Version 1.0
eigen3 Define environment variable EIGEN_INCLUDE to the include folder of eigen3* CMake needs to be able find eigen3 header-only Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
Catch2 None CMake needs to be able find Catch2 header-only Boost Software License 1.0
nlohmann-json None CMake needs to be able find nlohmann_json header-only MIT
MKL Add path to MKL runtime library ( or mkl_rt.dll) into PATH (Windows) or LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Linux)
  • Define environment variable MKL_INCLUDE to the include folder
  • Define environment variable MKL_LIB to the lib folder (.lib or .so)
  • Add path to MKL runtime library ( or mkl_rt.dll) into PATH (Windows) or LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Linux)
Optional for use of MKL PARDISO sparse solver. Intel Simplified Software License (proprietary license)

* The environment variables should point to the root include folder of the library, not a subfolder. For example in the path BOOST_INCLUDE there should be a folder called boost which has all the boost header files.


The table below shows the Python dependencies

Library name Remark License
cython build dependency Apache License 2.0
numpy build/runtime dependency BSD-3
wheel build dependency MIT
pytest Development dependency MIT
pytest-cov Development dependency MIT

You can install the development dependencies using pip.

pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Build Python Package

Once you have prepared the build dependencies, you can install the library from source in develop mode. Go to the root folder of the repository.

pip install -e .

If you have the development dependencies installed in your Python environment, you can run the tests.


Build CMake Project

There is a root cmake file in the root folder of the repo CMakeLists.txt. It specifies dependencies and the build options for the project. The core algorithm is implemented in the header-only library power_grid_model. There are two sub-project defined in the root cmake file:

In principle, you can use any C++ IDE with cmake and ninja support to develop the C++ project. When you use cmake build for the root cmake file, the following additional options are available besides the standard cmake option. If no option is defined, the cmake project will build the unit tests with Eigen sparse solver.

Option Description
POWER_GRID_MODEL_SPARSE_SOLVER Specify which sparse solver to use during the build. There are three options:
EIGEN: use built-in SparseLU solver of eigen3.
MKL: use MKL PARDISO solver and link MKL library at link-time.
MKL_RUNTIME: build the project using both Eigen sparse solver and MKL PARDISO solver. The MKL library mkl_rt is loaded at runtime. If the MKL library cannot be found, it falls back to the built-in Eigen sparse solver. This is the build option for Python package.
POWER_GRID_MODEL_BUILD_BENCHMARK When set to 1, build the both sub-projects: unit test and benchmarks. Otherwise only build the unit test.

Example Setup for Ubuntu 20.04 (in WSL or physical/virtual machine)

In this section an example is given for setup in Ubuntu 20.04. You can use this example in Windows Subsystem for Linux ( WSL), or in a physical/virtual machine.

Environment variables

Append the following lines into the file ${HOME}/.bashrc.

export CXX=clang++-11  # or clang++-10, or g++-9, or g++-10
export CC=clang-11  # or clang-10, or gcc-9, or gcc-10
export VCPKG_FEATURE_FLAGS=-binarycaching
export VCPKG_ROOT=${HOME}/vcpkg
export EIGEN_INCLUDE=${VCPKG_ROOT}/installed/x64-linux/include/eigen3
export BOOST_INCLUDE=${VCPKG_ROOT}/installed/x64-linux/include
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${HOME}/.local/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
export MKL_LIB=${HOME}/.local/lib
export MKL_INCLUDE=${HOME}/.local/include

Ubuntu Software Packages

Install the following packages from Ubuntu. In the .bashrc you can set environment variable CXX to select a C++ compiler.

sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade
sudo apt install -y curl zip unzip tar git build-essential lcov gcc g++ gcc-10 g++-10 clang clang-11 make cmake gdb ninja-build pkg-config python3.9 python3.9-dev python3.9-venv python3-pip

C++ package manager: vcpkg

The recommended way to get C++ package is via vcpkg.

cd ${HOME}
git clone
cd vcpkg
./vcpkg install eigen3 catch2 boost nlohmann-json

The installation of boost will take a long time, be patient


The easiest way to install mkl is through pip. Since you can have multiple Python environment which may depend on a single mkl library. It is better to install mkl without virtual environment. Make sure your current shell is NOT in a virtual environment (no parentheses before the prompt). Without sudo, it will install the mkl into the folder ${HOME}/.local.

python3.9 -m pip install mkl mkl-include mkl-devel

Build Python Library from Source

It is recommended to create a virtual environment. Clone repository, create and activate virtual environment, and install the build dependency. go to a root folder you prefer to save the repositories.

git clone  # or
cd power-grid-model
python3.9 -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Install from source in develop mode, and run pytest.

pip install -e .

Build CMake Project

There is a convenient shell script to build the cmake project: You can study the file and write your own build script. Six configurations are pre-defined for two input arguments, which will be passed into cmake. It includes debug or release build, as well as the option to use MKL at link-time, or at runtime, or not at all.

  • Option 1
    • Debug
    • Release
  • Option 2
    • EIGEN
    • MKL

As an example, go to the root folder of repo. Use the following command to build the project with MKL at link-time and benchmark:

./ Release MKL

One can run the unit tests and benchmark by:



Optional: to generate a C++ test coverage report

If you want to generate a C++ test coverage report you should do a few extra steps.

  1. Install the following extra packages from Ubuntu.
sudo apt install lcov gcovr
  1. Change your compiler in ${HOME}/.bashrc
export CXX=g++-10  # or clang++-10, or g++-9, or g++-10
export CC=gcc-10  # or clang-10, or gcc-9, or gcc-10

Example Setup for Windows 10

Environment variables

Define the following environment variables in user wide.

Name Value
PreferredToolArchitecture x64
VCPKG_FEATURE_FLAGS -binarycaching
EIGEN_INCLUDE <ROOT_FOLDER_OF_VCPKG>\installed\x64-windows\include\eigen3
BOOST_INCLUDE <ROOT_FOLDER_OF_VCPKG>\installed\x64-windows\include
MKL_LIB <ROOT_FOLDER_OF_MINICONDA>\envs\mkl-base\Library\lib
MKL_INCLUDE <ROOT_FOLDER_OF_MINICONDA>\envs\mkl-base\Library\include

Further, append <ROOT_FOLDER_OF_MINICONDA>\envs\mkl-base\Library\bin to environment variable PATH in user wide.

Software Toolchains

You need to install the MSVC compiler. You can either install the whole Visual Studio IDE or just the build tools.

Other toolchains:

C++ package manager: vcpkg

The recommended way to get C++ package is via vcpkg. Open a PowerShell console, go to the parent folder of your desired <ROOT_FOLDER_OF_VCPKG>.

git clone
cd vcpkg
./vcpkg install eigen3 catch2 boost nlohmann-json


You can install mkl from conda. Since you might want to use mkl in different projects, it is recommended to (only) install mkl in a separate conda environment. In this example the environment is called mkl-base. Open a Miniconda PowerShell Prompt.

conda create -n mkl-base python=3.9
conda activate mkl-base
conda install mkl mkl-include mkl-devel

Build Python Library from Source

It is recommended to create a conda environment. Clone repository, create and activate conda environment, and install the build dependency. go to a root folder you prefer to save the repositories, open a Git Bash Console.

git clone

Then open a Miniconda PowerShell Prompt, go to the repository folder.

conda create -n power-grid-env python=3.9
conda activate power-grid-env
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Install from source in develop mode, and run pytest.

pip install -e .

Build CMake Project

If you have installed Visual Studio 2019/2022 (not the build tools), you can open the repo folder as a cmake project. The IDE should be able to automatically detect the Visual Studio cmake configuration file CMakeSettings.json. Six configurations are pre-defined. It includes debug or release build, as well as the option to use MKL at link-time, or at runtime, or not at all.

  • x64-Debug
  • x64-Debug-MKL
  • x64-Debug-MKL-at-runtime
  • x64-Release
  • x64-Release-MKL
  • x64-Release-MKL-at-runtime

Example Setup for macOS (Big Sur)

In this section an example is given for setup in macOS Big Sur and Python 3.10. It is likely that other versions (3.8+) of Python are also supported, though you'll need to change some paths accordingly.

Environment variables

Append the following lines into the file ${HOME}/.bashrc.

export CXX=clang++
export CC=clang
export VCPKG_FEATURE_FLAGS=-binarycaching
export VCPKG_ROOT=${HOME}/vcpkg
export EIGEN_INCLUDE=${VCPKG_ROOT}/installed/x64-osx/include/eigen3  # use arm64-osx in m1 Mac
export BOOST_INCLUDE=${VCPKG_ROOT}/installed/x64-osx/include  # use arm64-osx in m1 Mac
# Skip the following for Mac M1 (due to MKL)
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
export MKL_LIB=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib
export MKL_INCLUDE=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/include

macOS Software Packages

Install the following packages with Homebrew.

brew install ninja cmake pkg-config

C++ package manager: vcpkg

The recommended way to get C++ package is via vcpkg.

cd ${HOME}
git clone
cd vcpkg
./vcpkg install eigen3 catch2 boost nlohmann-json

The installation of boost will take a long time, be patient


Skip this step for Mac M1.

The easiest way to install mkl is through pip. Since you can have multiple Python environment which may depend on a single mkl library. It is better to install mkl without virtual environment. Make sure your current shell is NOT in a virtual environment (no parentheses before the prompt). Without sudo, it will install the mkl into the folder ${HOME}/.local.

python3.9 -m pip install mkl mkl-include mkl-devel

Build Python Library from Source

It is recommended to create a virtual environment. Clone repository, create and activate virtual environment, and install the build dependency. go to a root folder you prefer to save the repositories.

git clone  # or
cd power-grid-model
python3.9 -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Install from source in develop mode, and run pytest.

pip install -e .

Build CMake Project

There is a convenient shell script to build the cmake project: You can study the file and write your own build script. Six configurations are pre-defined for two input arguments, which will be passed into cmake. It includes debug or release build, as well as the option to use MKL at link-time, or at runtime, or not at all.

  • Option 1
    • Debug
    • Release
  • Option 2
    • EIGEN
    • MKL

As an example, go to the root folder of repo. Use the following command to build the project with MKL at link-time and benchmark:

./ Release MKL

One can run the unit tests and benchmark by:

