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ADR 005: A VASP Registration Credential based on W3C Standards

Table of Contents


  • 29-Jul-2021: Initial Draft
  • 09-Aug-2021: Second Draft


DRAFT - Not Implemented


Financial services regulation is based on registrations issued by publicly appointed authorities for a given jurisdiction. Registrations together with licenses allow legal entities to perform activities such holding client money, offer financial advice etc. Typically a regulator will maintain a central public registry, for example the FCA register.

This ADR describes the structure of a Financial Services registration based on the W3C specification for verifiable credential. This credential will be signed by the relevant authority and can be used as proof of identity such as when establishing relationships with new clients or counterparties.


ADR-003 identified an issuer actor. This issuer holds a license that gives permissions to perform certain activities. The license is issued by an authority actor: the regulator.

The use cases of Role-based permissions on-chain extends to other services or protocols. For example, exchange and custody services. A definition that can extend to these cases would be vital.

Current regulation is typically based around a single jurisdiction. Each jurisdiction can have one or more authorities. Each authority manages one or more financial services and licenses legal persons for these services. In effect a single legal person can have one or more licenses to provide different services from different authorities.

In the case of the EU, regulation can extend across multiple jurisdiction, specifically passporting means that licensed legal persons in one jurisdiction can offer the same financial services in another EU-based jurisdiction.

OpenVASP defines a credential and ovip-0013 as part of their protocol.


See Glossary for specific terms.

NOTES: In this ADR we SHALL USE legal person rather than legal entity. The terms are interchangeable, but legal person has a legal meaning. Note that W3C documentation uses legal entity when it refers to legal person


Within Cosmos Cash, registrations will be based upon Verifiable Credentials, as per W3C Recommendation. These SHALL BE called a RegistrationCredential.

  • Each credential SHALL BE issued by a single authority.
  • The credential SHALL BE issued to a single legal person.
  • The legal person will be denoted by their PUBLIC DID.
  • DID SHALL BE the primary means for identification of VASPs and authorities.
  • The credential Schema SHALL BE stored in a Verifiable Data Registry (VDR)
  • The credential SHALL BE stored in the same VDR AND be viewed.
  • Registrations CAN NOT expire, but CAN BE revoked under certain circumstances such as
    • The holder no longer exists
    • Some form of malpractice.

Credential Structure

Overall structure is based on standard verifiable credentials.


Level 1 Level 2 Type Mult. Notes
@context 1..1 See W3C Contexts Data Model
id 1..1 See W3C Identifiers Data Model
type List[String] 1..1 See W3C Types Data Model
issuer DID 1..1 DID of credential issuer, for example "did:sov:12345"
issuanceDate String 1..1 Date format SHALL BE RFC3339 standard
credentialSubject 1..1
id DID 1..1 DID of credential subject, for example "did:cosmos:cash:12345"
legalPerson Legal Person 0..1
address Address 1..1
ids Identification Type 1..*
proof 1..* As per W3C Proofs Data Model


  • Contexts CAN TAKE this value as an example: [ "", "" ].
  • Registration Credential SHALL BE versioned based on the context
  • id SHALL BE the ID of credential, for example ""
  • Types SHALL TAKE this value ["VerifiableCredential", "RegistrationCredential"]
  • Unlike the OpenVASP standard, the version is no longer part of the credentialSubject. The context SHALL BE USED to do this instead.
  • The subject of the credential SHALL BE the registered legal person. They will have a DID, one or more names, a registered address and one or more identifiers for tax, license and operating purposes.
  • OpenVASP vaspId is a string and must be a VASP Identifier as specified in ovip-0002. This is a string that is very similar to IBANs. In our specification Decentralized Identifiers SHALL BE used. This SHALL BE a PUBLIC DID, for example "did:git:df1245"

Legal Person

A legal person CAN HAVE multiple names representing a legal name, trading and short name. A relevant example would be where All in Bits GmBH is a LEGAL name, but Tendermint is a TRADING name.

Within this specification, a Legal Person MUST HAVE at least one name AND this must be a LEGAL name (see Name Type)

This defintion follows OpenVASP proposal of local and phonetic names. These SHALL BE optional.

Level 2 Name Type Mult. Notes
Name name List[Name] 1..*
Local Name nameLocal List[Name] 0..*
Phonetic Name namePhonetic List[Name] 0..*
Registration Country regCtry String(2) 1..1 regCtry MUST BE formatted as per ISO 3166-1


Each Name SHALL HAVE two values: the name itself and a value denoting the type.

Level 3 Name Type Mult. Notes
Name name String 1..1
Name type type Name Type 1..1

Name Type

A legal person can operate using a range of different names - see the example above. Name Type CAN TAKE the following values:

Code Name Description
LEGL Legal name Official name under which an organization is registered
SHRT Short name Short name of the organization
TRAD Trading name Name used by the organization for commercial purposes

Identification Type

Level 2 Name Type Mult. Notes
Identifier id String 1..1
Identifier Type type Identifier Type Code 1..1
Country of issue idCtry String 0..1
Registration Authority idAuthority String 0..1


  • If value of type is in [RAID, TXID, MISC] then idAuthority MUST BE present.
  • If the value of type is LEIX then idAuthority MUST NOT BE present.
  • idCtry MUST BE formatted as per ISO 3166-1.
  • idAuthority MUST BE a valid GLEIF Registration Authority Code

Identifier Type Code

Identifies the national identification type.

Code Name Description
ARNU Alien registration number Number assigned by a government agency to identify foreign nationals
CCPT Passport number Number assigned by a passport authority
RAID Registration authority identifier Identifier of a legal entity as maintained by a registration entity
DRLC Driver license number Number assigned to a driver's license
FIIN Foreign investment identity number Number assigned to a foreign investor (other than the alien number)
TXID Tax identification number Number assigned by a tax authority to an entity
SOCS Social security number Number assigned by a social security agency
IDCD Identity card number Number assigned by a national authority to an identity card
LEIX Legal Entity Identifier Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) as per ISO 17442
MISC Unspecified A national identifier which is known but cannot be categorized by the sender


  • This is more generic than required for a VASP, but this COULD BE reused for KYC credentials.


Unlike OpenVASP, address SHALL USE collonly defined standards for address, that include:

Address currently WILL NOT permit geographical coordinates.

Level 2 Name Type Mult. Notes
Address type adrType Address Type 1..1
Sub-Premise subPremise String 0..1 Equivalent of Floor, sub-unit etc.
Premise premise String 0..1 Equivalent of , Box Number etc.
thoroughfare thfare String 0..1 Equivalent Street Address or Road
Post code postcode String 0..1 Equivalent of zip code
Locality town String 1..1 Equivalent of Town or City
Sub Administrative Area subAdminArea String 0..1
administrative_area adminArea String 0..1 Equivalent of State/Province/Region
Country ctry String 1..1

Address Type

Identifies the nature of the address

Code Name Description Notes
HOME Residential Home address
BIZZ Business Business address
GEOG Geographic Unspecified physical address

Example Credential

Example Registration Credential in json-ld format is as follows:

	"@context": [
	"id": "",
	"type": [
	"issuer": "did:sov:12345",
	"issuanceDate": "2021-08-01T15:23:24Z",
	"credentialSubject": {
		"id": "did:cosmos:cash:1000bb528777",
		"legalPerson": {
			"names": [{
				"name": "Example VASP AG",
				"type": "LEGL"
			}, {
				"name": "EgVASP",
				"type": "SHRT"
			"ctryReg": "CH"
		"address": {
			"addr_type": "BIZZ",
			"thfare": "Liverpool Street",
			"premise": "22",
			"postcode": "EC2R",
			"locality": "London",
			"country": "GB"
		"ids": [{
			"id": "CH02035398520",
			"type": "RAID"
		}, {
			"id": "529900W6B9NEA233DS71",
			"type": "LEIX"
	"proof": {
		"type": "SIGNATURE-TYPE",
		"created": "2021-08-01T15:23:24Z",
		"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
		"verificationMethod": "",
		"jws": "a_jws_..."


This section describes the resulting context after applying the decision. List all consequences here, taking care not to list only the "positive" consequences. A particular decision may have positive, negative, and neutral consequences, but all of the consesquences affect the team and project in the future.

Backward Compatibility

This is the first definition of the credential. Backwards compatibility is not a concern.


This ADR offers the following benefits

  • A public VASP registry maintained by a regulator
  • A verified registration credential issued by a regulator provides guarantees to new clients that the holder is a registered VASP. Combined with a license credential it offer guarantees to the
  • The credential is compatible with W3C standards


{negative consequences}


{neutral consequences}

Further Discussions

While an ADR is in the DRAFT or PROPOSED stage, this section contains a summary of issues to be solved in future iterations. The issues summarized here can reference comments from a pull request discussion. Later, this section can optionally list ideas or improvements the author or reviewers found during the analysis of this ADR.


  • {reference link}