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Solidarity Map

A map based, virtual action of solidarity


Right now this project has just been build for All Out's recent St Petersburg action however with some customisation this project can be used for any city. All are welcome to use the code as is or customise it to your specific needs. Extending this project to support multiple cities is the goal so pull request submissions are welcome and encouraged.

If you would like to contribute to this project there are also a number of existing issues we'd love to have solutions to. See the Issues tab of this project.

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev

# build for production and launch server
$ yarn build
$ yarn start

# generate static project
$ yarn generate

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.

Getting map data for a new city

This is the process I used for St Petersburg

  1. Go to and search for the city, in this case "St Petersburg"


  2. Choose the OSM relation on the left of the page that defines the area of the city you are after (in my case I didn't need to select anything, the correct one was already chosen).

  3. Zoom the map to the desired level so the city just fills the map area.

  4. Click the "show map bounds" button on the map box. Take note of the "map center", "map zoom" and "viewbox" values

  5. In the "maps" folder of this project, duplicate the StPetersburg folder example, naming the folder after your city in a similar camelCase format.

  6. Set the "map center", "map zoom" and "viewbox" values in the initial.js file accordingly

  7. Back on page, click the "details" button on the chosen relation. Scrolling the list you should find an Address section, or an OSM entry. This contains the OSM relation id for the city data you are after. Take note of this id.

  8. Navigate to

  9. Run the following query, where <relation_id> is the id you noted in the previous step


    You should see a similar map to before.

  10. Click the "Export" button, go to the "Data" section and download as GeoJSON

  11. Copy this file to your geojson/cityName folder in this project and name the file area.geojson

  12. In the .env file in the root of your project, ensure that you have the PRIDE_LOCATION environment variable set to the camelCased cityName from your previous step.

General customisation

There's a number of other environment variables that can control certain behaviour around this app. Please get in contact with the authors if you require more information.

Also the existing text copy in this project right now is purely St Petersburg specific and is available in 5 different languages.


This project is set up to be easily deployable to Heroku but it could be hosted anywhere a Nuxt.js project can run.

Database API backend

This app also requires an API backend to talk to and store information such as map marker locations. This service is provided via the accompanying project.


A virtual geotagging action of solidarity






No releases published
