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Create ZIM files out of HTTP websites

This project provides an API and an user interface in order to convert any website into a Zim file.

Exposed API

All APIs are talking JSON over HTTP. As such, all parameters should be sent as stringified JSON and the Content-Type should be set to "application/json".

POST /website-zim

By posting to this endpoint, you are asking the system to start a new download of a website and a conversion into a Zim format.

Required parameters

  • url: URL of the website to be crawled
  • title: Title that will be used in the created Zim file
  • email: Email address that will get notified when the creation of the file is over

Optional parameters

  • language: An ISO 639-3 code
    representing the language
  • welcome: the page that will be first shown in the Zim file
  • description: The description that will be embedded in the Zim file
  • author: The author of the content

Return values

  • job_id: The job id is returned in JSON format. It can be used to know the status of the process.

Status codes

  • 400 Bad Request will be returned in case you are not respecting the expected inputs. In case of error, have a look at the body of the response: it contains information about what is missing.
  • 201 Created will be returned if the process started.


$ http POST url="" title="Refugee Info" email=""
HTTP/1.1 201 Created

    "job": "5012abe3-bee2-4dd7-be87-39a88d76035d"

GET /status/{jobid}

Retrieve the status of a job and displays the associated logs.

Return values

  • status: The status of the job, it is one of 'queued', finished', 'failed', 'started' and 'deferred'.
  • log: The logs of the job.

Status codes

  • 404 Not Found will be returned in case the requested job does not exist.
  • 200 OK will be returned in any other case.


http GET
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "log": "<snip>",
    "status": "finished"

Okay, so how do I install it on my server?

Currently, the best way to install it is by retrieving the sources from github

$ git clone
$ cd zimit

Create a virtual environment and install the project in it:

$ virtualenv venv
$ venv/bin/pip install -e .
$ venv/bin/pip install -e

Then, run it how you want, for instance with pserve:

$ venv/bin/pserve zimit.ini

In a separate process, you also need to run the worker:

$ venv/bin/rqworker

And you're ready to go. To test it:

$ http POST url="" title="Refugee Info" email=""

Debian dependencies

Installing the dependencies

sudo apt-get install httrack libzim-dev libmagic-dev liblzma-dev libz-dev build-essential libtool libgumbo-dev redis-server automake pkg-config

Installing zimwriterfs

git clone
cd openzim/zimwriterfs

Then upgrade the path to zimwriterfs executable in zimit.ini

$ rqworker & pserve zimit.ini

How to deploy?

There are multiple ways to deploy such service, so I'll describe how I do it with my own best-practices.

First of all, get all the dependencies and the code. I like to have everything available in /home/www, so let's consider this will be the case here:

$ mkdir /home/www/
$ cd /home/www/
$ git clone

Then, you can change the configuration file, by creating a new one:

$ cd zimit
$ cp zimit.ini local.ini

From there, you need to update the configuration to point to the correct binaries and locations.

Nginx configuration

# the upstream component nginx needs to connect to
  upstream zimit_upstream {
      server unix:///tmp/zimit.sock;

  # configuration of the server
  server {
      listen      80;
      listen   [::]:80;
      charset     utf-8;

      client_max_body_size 200M;

      location /zims {
          alias /home/ideascube/;
          autoindex on;

      # Finally, send all non-media requests to the Pyramid server.
      location / {
          uwsgi_pass  zimit_upstream;
          include     /var/ideascube/uwsgi_params;

UWSGI configuration

uid = ideascube
gid = ideascube
chdir           = /home/ideascube/
ini             = /home/ideascube/
# the virtualenv (full path)
home            = /home/ideascube/

# process-related settings
# master
master          = true
# maximum number of worker processes
processes       = 4
# the socket (use the full path to be safe
socket          = /tmp/zimit.sock
# ... with appropriate permissions - may be needed
chmod-socket    = 666
# stats           = /tmp/ideascube.stats.sock
# clear environment on exit
vacuum          = true
plugins         = python

supervisord configuration


That's it!


Create zim packages out of regular websites






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