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Port Terminator

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Port Terminator is an npm library for managing and terminating processes associated with specific ports on your system.

npm install port-terminator
# OR
yarn add port-terminator


Importing the Library

Import the library in your Node.js application:

const { portTerminator, isPortOpen, portsTerminator } = require("port-terminator");
// or using ES6 import
import { portTerminator, isPortOpen, portsTerminator } from "port-terminator";

Terminating Processes for a Single Port

Use portTerminator to terminate processes associated with a single port:

const portToTerminate = 8080;
try {
  await portTerminator(portToTerminate);
  console.log(`Processes associated with port ${portToTerminate} terminated successfully.`);
} catch (error) {
  console.error(`Error terminating processes for port ${portToTerminate}:`, error);

Checking if a Port is Open

Use isPortOpen to check if a port is open:

const portToCheck = 3000;
try {
  const isOpen = await isPortOpen(portToCheck);
  if (isOpen) {
    console.log(`Port ${portToCheck} is open.`);
  } else {
    console.log(`Port ${portToCheck} is closed or invalid.`);
} catch (error) {
  console.error(`Error checking port status for port ${portToCheck}:`, error);

Terminating Processes for Multiple Ports

Use portsTerminator to terminate processes associated with multiple ports:

const portsToTerminate = [8080, 3000, 5000];
try {
  const terminationResults = await portsTerminator(...portsToTerminate);
  terminationResults.forEach((response, port) => {
    if (response.status) {
      console.log(`Processes associated with port ${port} terminated successfully.`);
    } else {
      console.error(`Error terminating processes for port ${port}:`, response.error);
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Error terminating processes:", error);

Command-Line Interface (CLI)

You can use port-terminator as a global package.


Install the package globally using npm:

npm install --global port-terminator
# OR
yarn global add port-terminator

Using the CLI

Terminating Processes for a Single Port

To terminate processes associated with a single port, run the following command:

port-terminator 8080

Replace 8080 with the port number you want to terminate processes for.

Terminating Processes for Multiple Ports

You can also terminate processes for multiple ports by specifying multiple port numbers:

port-terminator 9000 3000 5000

Replace 9000, 3000, and 5000 with the port numbers you want to terminate processes for.

Please note that you need administrative or superuser privileges to terminate processes on some systems. Ensure you have the necessary permissions before using this command.


This library is open-source and available under the MIT License.