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@alonf alonf released this 09 Sep 15:26

IoT Hub Client Generator library - code generation and SDK

This C# code generation library makes creating an Azure IoT Client easy.


Update to new dependency packages to fix CVE


Update to .NET 7 and new dependency packages


Update to .NET 7 and new dependency packages - deprecated


A better fix for code generation error occurred when the IoTHub attributed class was declared in the global namespace (no namespace).


Fix a code generation error when the IoTHub attributed class was declared in the global namespace (no namespace).


  • Fix a DPS service global address assignment generation bug


  • Disable unused variables compilation warnings of the generated code
  • Add an initial update of the desired property on the first connection to the IoT Hub


  • Remove the EnrollmentGroupId property from DeviceDPSAtributes
  • Fix the Readme.MD file with the latest changes of V0.1.6


  • This release fixed some issues and added the ability to use variables' values in attribute properties:
    Example for the new option:
private static string CSFromVar="fgserg3456tesrg";
[Device(ConnectionString="[CSFromVar]"] DeviceClient DeviceClient {get;set;}

An example (A full client with Twin properties and messages):

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using IoTHubClientGeneratorSDK;
using Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client;
using Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Exceptions;
using Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Transport.Mqtt;

namespace IoTHubClientGeneratorDemo
    class Program
        static async Task Main()
            IoTHubClient iotHubClient = new IoTHubClient();
            await iotHubClient.InitIoTHubClientAsync();
            await iotHubClient.RunSampleAsync(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));

    [IoTHub(GeneratedSendMethodName = "SendTelemetryAsync")]
    public partial class IoTHubClient
        private static readonly Random RandomGenerator = new();
        private const int TemperatureThreshold = 30;
        private static readonly TimeSpan SleepDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);

        [Device(ConnectionString = "%connectionString%")]
        public DeviceClient DeviceClient { get; set; }

        //desired property are created and managed by the source generator
        [Desired("valueFromTheCloud")] private string DesiredPropertyDemo { get; set; }
        [Desired] private string DesiredPropertyAutoNameDemo { get; set; }
        [Reported("valueFromTheDevice")] private string _reportedPropertyDemo;
        [Reported("ReportedPropertyAutoNameDemo", "reportedPropertyAutoNameDemo")] private string _reportedPropertyAutoNameDemo;

        private (ConnectionStatus Status, ConnectionStatusChangeReason Reason) DeviceConnectionStatus { get; set; }
        void IoTHubErrorHandler(string errorMessage, Exception exception)
        if(exception is IotHubException {IsTransient: true})
                Console.WriteLine($"An IotHubException was caught, but will try to recover and retry: {exception}");
        if (ExceptionHelper.IsNetworkExceptionChain(exception))
                $"A network related exception was caught, but will try to recover and retry: {exception}");
        Console.WriteLine($"{errorMessage}, Exception: {exception.Message}");
        [C2DMessage(AutoComplete = true)]
        private async Task OnC2dMessageReceived2(Message receivedMessage)
                $"{DateTime.Now}> C2D message callback - message received with Id={receivedMessage.MessageId}.");

            //do something with the message

        private Task<MethodResponse> WriteToConsoleAsync(MethodRequest methodRequest)
            Console.WriteLine($"\t *** {methodRequest.Name} was called.");

            return Task.FromResult(new MethodResponse(new byte[0], 200));
        [DirectMethod(CloudMethodName = "TestMethod")]
        private Task<MethodResponse> WriteToConsole2Async(MethodRequest methodRequest)
            Console.WriteLine($"\t *** {methodRequest.Name} was called.");

            return Task.FromResult(new MethodResponse(new byte[0], 200));
        private async Task SendMessagesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            int messageCount = 0;

            while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                var temperature = RandomGenerator.Next(20, 35);
                var humidity = RandomGenerator.Next(60, 80);
                string messagePayload = $"{{\"temperature\":{temperature},\"humidity\":{humidity}}}";
                var properties = new Dictionary<string, string>()
                        "temperatureAlert", (temperature > TemperatureThreshold) ? "true" : "false"

                while (true)
                    var succeeded = await SendTelemetryAsync(messagePayload, messageCount.ToString(), cancellationToken, properties);
                    if (succeeded)
                    // wait and retry
                    await Task.Delay(SleepDuration, cancellationToken);
                await Task.Delay(SleepDuration, cancellationToken);

        public async Task RunSampleAsync(TimeSpan sampleRunningTime)
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(sampleRunningTime);
            Console.CancelKeyPress += (_, eventArgs) =>
                eventArgs.Cancel = true;
                Console.WriteLine("Sample execution cancellation requested; will exit.");

            Console.WriteLine("Sample execution started, press Control+C to quit the sample.");

                await SendMessagesAsync(cts.Token);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Unrecoverable exception caught, user action is required, so exiting...: \n{ex}");