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Accelerator Implementations

The table shows which native implementation or information is used to represent an alpaka functionality.

alpaka Serial std::thread Boost.Fiber OpenMP 2.0 OpenMP 4.0 CUDA 9.0+
Devices Host Core Host Cores Host Core Host Cores Host Cores NVIDIA GPUs
Lib/API standard C++ std::thread boost::fibers::fiber OpenMP 2.0 OpenMP 4.0 CUDA 9.0+
Kernel execution sequential std::thread(kernel) boost::fibers::fiber(kernel) omp_set_dynamic(0), #pragma omp parallel num_threads(iNumKernelsInBlock) #pragma omp target, #pragma omp teams num_teams(...) thread_limit(...), #pragma omp distribute, #pragma omp parallel num_threads(...) cudaConfigureCall, cudaSetupArgument, cudaLaunch
Execution strategy grid-blocks sequential sequential sequential sequential undefined undefined
Execution strategy block-kernels sequential preemptive multitasking cooperative multithreading preemptive multitasking preemptive multitasking lock-step within warps
getIdx emulated block-kernel: mapping of std::this_thread::get_id() grid-block: member variable block-kernel: mapping of std::this_fiber::get_id() grid-block: member variable block-kernel: omp_get_num_threads() to 3D index mapping grid-block: member variable block-kernel: omp_get_num_threads() to 3D index mapping grid-block: member variable threadIdx, blockIdx
getExtent member variables member variables member variables member variables member variables gridDim, blockDim
getBlockSharedMemDynSizeBytes allocated in memory prior to kernel execution allocated in memory prior to kernel execution allocated in memory prior to kernel execution allocated in memory prior to kernel execution allocated in memory prior to kernel execution __shared__
allocBlockSharedMem master thread allocates syncBlockKernels -> master thread allocates -> syncBlockKernels syncBlockKernels -> master thread allocates -> syncBlockKernels syncBlockKernels -> master thread allocates -> syncBlockKernels syncBlockKernels -> master thread allocates -> syncBlockKernels __shared__
syncBlockKernels not required barrier barrier #pragma omp barrier #pragma omp barrier __syncthreads
atomicOp hierarchy depended std::lock_guard< std::mutex > n/a #pragma omp critical #pragma omp critical atomicXXX
ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC, ALPAKA_FN_ACC, ALPAKA_FN_HOST inline inline inline inline inline __device__, __host__, __forceinline__


The serial accelerator only allows blocks with exactly one thread. Therefore it does not implement real synchronization or atomic primitives.



To prevent recreation of the threads between execution of different blocks in the grid, the threads are stored inside a thread pool. This thread pool is local to the invocation because making it local to the KernelExecutor could mean a heavy memory usage and lots of idling kernel-threads when there are multiple KernelExecutors around. Because the default policy of the threads in the pool is to yield instead of waiting, this would also slow down the system immensely.



To prevent recreation of the fibers between execution of different blocks in the grid, the fibers are stored inside a fibers pool. This fiber pool is local to the invocation because making it local to the KernelExecutor could mean a heavy memory usage when there are multiple KernelExecutors around.



Parallel execution of the kernels in a block is required because when syncBlockThreads is called all of them have to be done with their work up to this line. So we have to spawn one real thread per kernel in a block. omp for is not useful because it is meant for cases where multiple iterations are executed by one thread but in our case a 1:1 mapping is required. Therefore we use omp parallel with the specified number of threads in a block. Another reason for not using omp for like #pragma omp parallel for collapse(3) num_threads(blockDim.x*blockDim.y*blockDim.z) is that #pragma omp barrier used for intra block synchronization is not allowed inside omp for blocks.

Because OpenMP is designed for a 1:1 abstraction of hardware to software threads, the block size is restricted by the number of OpenMP threads allowed by the runtime. This could be as little as 2 or 4 kernels but on a system with 4 cores and hyper-threading OpenMP can also allow 64 threads.


OpenMP only provides a linear thread index. This index is converted to a 3 dimensional index at runtime.


We can not use #pragma omp atomic because braces or calling other functions directly after #pragma omp atomic are not allowed. Because we are implementing the CUDA atomic operations which return the old value, this requires #pragma omp critical to be used. omp_set_lock is an alternative but is usually slower.


Nearly all CUDA functionality can be directly mapped to alpaka function calls. A major difference is that CUDA requires the block and grid sizes to be given in (x, y, z) order. alpaka uses the mathematical C/C++ array indexing scheme [z][y][x]. In both cases x is the innermost / fast running index.

Furthermore alpaka does not require the indices and extents to be 3-dimensional. The accelerators are templatized on and support arbitrary dimensionality. NOTE: Currently the CUDA implementation is restricted to a maximum of 3 dimensions!

NOTE: You have to be careful when mixing alpaka and non alpaka CUDA code. The CUDA-accelerator back-end can change the current CUDA device and will NOT set the device back to the one prior to the invocation of the alpaka function.

Programming Interface

Function Attributes

CUDA alpaka
__device__ ALPAKA_FN_ACC
__global__ ALPAKA_FN_ACC
__host__ __device__ ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC


You can not call CUDA-only methods, except when ALPAKA_ACC_GPU_CUDA_ONLY_MODE is enabled.


CUDA alpaka
__shared__ alpaka::declareSharedVar<std::uint32_t, __COUNTER__>(acc)




Index / Work Division

CUDA alpaka
threadIdx alpaka::getIdx<alpaka::Block, alpaka::Threads>(acc)
blockIdx alpaka::getIdx<alpaka::Grid, alpaka::Blocks>(acc)
blockDim alpaka::getWorkDiv<alpaka::Block, alpaka::Threads>(acc)
gridDim alpaka::getWorkDiv<alpaka::Grid, alpaka::Blocks>(acc)
warpSize alpaka::warp::getSize(acc)


CUDA alpaka
dim3 alpaka::Vec< TDim, TVal >

CUDA Runtime API

The following tables list the functions available in the CUDA Runtime API and their equivalent alpaka functions:

Device Management

CUDA alpaka
cudaChooseDevice --
cudaDeviceGetAttribute --
cudaDeviceGetByPCIBusId --
cudaDeviceGetCacheConfig --
cudaDeviceGetLimit --
cudaDeviceGetP2PAttribute --
cudaDeviceGetPCIBusId --
cudaDeviceGetSharedMemConfig --
cudaDeviceGetQueuePriorityRange --
cudaDeviceReset alpaka::reset(device)
cudaDeviceSetCacheConfig --
cudaDeviceSetLimit --
cudaDeviceSetSharedMemConfig --
cudaDeviceSynchronize void alpaka::wait(device)
cudaGetDevice n/a (no current device)
cudaGetDeviceCount std::sizet alpaka::getDevCount< TPltf >()
cudaGetDeviceFlags --
cudaGetDeviceProperties alpaka::getAccDevProps(dev) (Only some properties available)
cudaIpcCloseMemHandle --
cudaIpcGetEventHandle --
cudaIpcGetMemHandle --
cudaIpcOpenEventHandle --
cudaIpcOpenMemHandle --
cudaSetDevice n/a (no current device)
cudaSetDeviceFlags --
cudaSetValidDevices --

Error Handling

CUDA alpaka
cudaGetErrorName n/a (handled internally, available in exception message)
cudaGetErrorString n/a (handled internally, available in exception message)
cudaGetLastError n/a (handled internally)
cudaPeekAtLastError n/a (handled internally)

Queue Management

CUDA alpaka
cudaStreamAddCallback alpaka::enqueue(queue, [](){dosomething();})
cudaStreamAttachMemAsync --
  • queue=alpaka::QueueCudaRtNonBlocking(device);
  • queue=alpaka::QueueCudaRtBlocking(device);
cudaStreamCreateWithFlags see cudaStreamCreate (cudaStreamNonBlocking hard coded)
cudaStreamCreateWithPriority --
cudaStreamDestroy n/a (Destructor)
cudaStreamGetFlags --
cudaStreamGetPriority --
cudaStreamQuery bool alpaka::empty(queue)
cudaStreamSynchronize void alpaka::wait(queue)
cudaStreamWaitEvent void alpaka::wait(queue, event)

Event Management

CUDA alpaka
cudaEventCreate alpaka::Event< TQueue > event(dev);
cudaEventCreateWithFlags --
cudaEventDestroy n/a (Destructor)
cudaEventElapsedTime --
cudaEventQuery bool alpaka::isComplete(event)
cudaEventRecord void alpaka::enqueue(queue, event)
cudaEventSynchronize void alpaka::wait(event)

Memory Management

CUDA alpaka
cudaArrayGetInfo --
cudaFree n/a (automatic memory management with reference counted memory handles)
cudaFreeArray --
cudaFreeHost n/a
cudaFreeMipmappedArray --
cudaGetMipmappedArrayLevel --
cudaGetSymbolAddress --
cudaGetSymbolSize --
cudaHostAlloc n/a, the existing buffer can be pinned using alpaka::prepareForAsyncCopy(memBuf)
cudaHostGetDevicePointer --
cudaHostGetFlags --
cudaHostRegister --
cudaHostUnregister --
cudaMalloc alpaka::allocBuf<TElement>(device, extents1D)
cudaMalloc3D alpaka::allocBuf<TElement>(device, extents3D)
cudaMalloc3DArray --
cudaMallocArray --
cudaMallocHost alpaka::allocBuf<TElement>(device, extents) 1D, 2D, 3D suppoorted!
cudaMallocManaged --
cudaMallocMipmappedArray --
cudaMallocPitch alpaka::allocBuf<TElement>(device, extents2D)
cudaMemAdvise --
  • alpaka::getMemBytes
  • alpaka::getFreeMemBytes
cudaMemPrefetchAsync --
cudaMemRangeGetAttribute --
cudaMemRangeGetAttributes --
cudaMemcpy alpaka::memcpy(memBufDst, memBufSrc, extents1D)
cudaMemcpy2D alpaka::memcpy(memBufDst, memBufSrc, extents2D)
cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray --
cudaMemcpy2DAsync alpaka::memcpy(memBufDst, memBufSrc, extents2D, queue)
cudaMemcpy2DFromArray --
cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync --
cudaMemcpy2DToArray --
cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync --
cudaMemcpy3D alpaka::memcpy(memBufDst, memBufSrc, extents3D)
cudaMemcpy3DAsync alpaka::memcpy(memBufDst, memBufSrc, extents3D, queue)
cudaMemcpy3DPeer alpaka::memcpy(memBufDst, memBufSrc, extents3D)
cudaMemcpy3DPeerAsync alpaka::memcpy(memBufDst, memBufSrc, extents3D, queue)
cudaMemcpyArrayToArray --
cudaMemcpyAsync alpaka::memcpy(memBufDst, memBufSrc, extents1D, queue)
cudaMemcpyFromArray --
cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync --
cudaMemcpyFromSymbol --
cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync --
cudaMemcpyPeer alpaka::memcpy(memBufDst, memBufSrc, extents1D)
cudaMemcpyPeerAsync alpaka::memcpy(memBufDst, memBufSrc, extents1D, queue)
cudaMemcpyToArray --
cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync --
cudaMemcpyToSymbol --
cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync --
cudaMemset alpaka::memset(memBufDst, byte, extents1D)
cudaMemset2D alpaka::memset(memBufDst, byte, extents2D)
cudaMemset2DAsync alpaka::memset(memBufDst, byte, extents2D, queue)
cudaMemset3D alpaka::memset(memBufDst, byte, extents3D)
cudaMemset3DAsync alpaka::memset(memBufDst, byte, extents3D, queue)
cudaMemsetAsync alpaka::memset(memBufDst, byte, extents1D, queue)
makecudaExtent --
makecudaPitchedPtr --
makecudaPos --
cudaMemcpyHostToDevice n/a (direction of copy is determined automatically)
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost n/a (direction of copy is determined automatically)

Execution Control

CUDA alpaka
cudaFuncGetAttributes --
cudaFuncSetCacheConfig --
cudaFuncSetSharedMemConfig --
  • alpaka::exec<TAcc>(queue, workDiv, kernel, params...)
  • auto byteDynSharedMem = alpaka::getBlockSharedMemDynSizeBytes(kernel, ...)
cudaSetDoubleForDevice n/a (alpaka assumes double support)
cudaSetDoubleForHost n/a (alpaka assumes double support)


CUDA alpaka
cudaOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor --
cudaOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags --

Unified Addressing

CUDA alpaka
cudaPointerGetAttributes --

Peer Device Memory Access

CUDA alpaka
cudaDeviceCanAccessPeer --
cudaDeviceDisablePeerAccess --
cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess automatically done when required

OpenGL, Direct3D, VDPAU, EGL, Graphics Interoperability

not available

Texture/Surface Reference/Object Management

not available

Version Management

not available



The HIP documentation is outdated and must be overworked.

Current Restrictions on HCC platform

  • Workaround for unsupported syncthreads_{count|and|or}.
    • Uses temporary shared value and atomics
  • Workaround for buggy hipStreamQuery, hipStreamSynchronize.
    • Introduces own queue management
    • hipStreamQuery and hipStreamSynchronize do not work in multithreaded environment
  • Workaround for missing cuStreamWaitValue32.
    • Polls value each 10 ms
  • Device constant memory not supported yet
  • Note that printf in kernels is still not supported in HIP
  • Exclude hipMalloc3D and hipMallocPitch when size is zero otherwise they throw an Unknown Error
  • TestAccs excludes 3D specialization of HIP back-end for now because verifyBytesSet fails in memView for 3D specialization
  • dim3 structure is not available on device (use alpaka::Vec instead)
  • Constructors' attributes unified with destructors'.
    • Host/device signature must match in HIP(HCC)
  • A chain of functions must also provide correct host-device signatures
    • E.g. a host function cannot be called from a host-device function
  • Recompile your target when HCC linker returned the error: "File format not recognized clang-7: error: linker command failed with exit code 1"
  • If compile-error occurred the linker still may link, but without the device code
  • AMD device architecture currently hardcoded in alpakaConfig.cmake

Compiling HIP from Source

Follow HIP Installation guide for installing HIP. HIP requires either nvcc or hcc to be installed on your system (see guide for further details).

  • If you want the HIP binaries to be located in a directory that does not require superuser access, be sure to change the install directory of HIP by modifying the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX cmake variable.
  • Also, after the installation is complete, add the following line to the .profile file in your home directory, in order to add the path to the HIP binaries to PATH: PATH=$PATH:<path_to_binaries>
git clone --recursive
cd HIP
mkdir -p build
cd build
make install
  • Set the appropriate paths (edit ${YOUR_**} variables)
# HIP_PATH required by HIP tools
# Paths required by HIP tools
# - if required, path to HCC compiler. Default /opt/rocm/hcc.
# - if required, path to HSA include, lib. Default /opt/rocm/hsa.
# HIP binaries and libraries
export PATH=${HIP_PATH}/bin:$PATH
  • Test the HIP binaries
# calls nvcc or hcc
which hipcc
hipcc -V
which hipconfig
hipconfig -v

Verifying HIP Installation

  • If PATH points to the location of the HIP binaries, the following command should list several relevant environment variables, and also the selected compiler on your system-\`hipconfig -f\`
  • Compile and run the square sample, as pointed out in the original HIP install guide.

Compiling Examples with HIP Back End

As of now, the back-end has only been tested on the NVIDIA platform.

  • NVIDIA Platform
    • One issue in this branch of alpaka is that the host compiler flags don't propagate to the device compiler, as they do in CUDA. This is because a counterpart to the CUDA_PROPAGATE_HOST_FLAGS cmake variable has not been defined in the FindHIP.cmake file. alpaka forwards the host compiler flags in cmake to the HIP_NVCC_FLAGS cmake variable, which also takes user-given flags. To add flags to this variable, toggle the advanced mode in ccmake.

Random Number Generator Library rocRAND for HIP Back End

rocRAND provides an interface for HIP, where the cuRAND or rocRAND API is called depending on the chosen HIP platform (can be configured with cmake in alpaka).

Clone the rocRAND repository, then build and install it

git clone
cd rocRAND
mkdir -p build
cd build

The CMAKE_MODULE_PATH is a cmake variable for locating module finding scripts like FindHIP.cmake. The paths to the rocRAND library and include directories should be appended to the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable.