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Android app bootstrap

An empty android (kotlin) app pre-configured with Dagger, Retrofit, Room and Jetpack.


As this project uses Jetpack (a.k.a AndroidX) it requires you to have:

  • Android Studio 3.2+
  • JDK 8+


It's recommended that you clone the project and export it to an other folder

git clone
cd android-app-bootstrap-kotlin
git archive master | tar -x -C /somewhere/else

Change package name

If you want to change the package name, it is recommended to do so in Android Studio. First, create the package structure you want. Then modify the files below to point to your new package.

  • AndroidManifest.xml
    • package
  • app/build.gradle
    • applicationId

Finally, using Android Studio's refactor feature, move the contents of com.alimuzaffar.blank to your new package.

Build the app

As always, you can just use ./gradlew assemble to build all variants of the app.

Build using docker

  • CD into the directory with the source

  • If you want to download the existing docker image, run:

    docker pull alimuzaffar/android-build:28_0_3
  • If you want to build or create the docker image, run:

    docker build -t android-build:android-gradle .
  • Build the app in the docker container with:

    # Using the downloaded container
    docker run -it -v $PWD:/home/gradle/app -w /home/gradle/app alimuzaffar/android-build:28_0_3 ./gradlew assembleProdRelease
    # Using the built container
    docker run -it -v $PWD:/home/gradle/app -w /home/gradle/app android-build:android-gradle ./gradlew assembleProdRelease

NOTE: On Windows replace $PWD with %cd%


Make sure does not contain sdk.dir. This will override the environment variable which points to the android SDK and the app will not build.

Alternatively, you can drop down to bash in the docker container and run the commands manually.

docker run -it -v $PWD:/home/gradle/app alimuzaffar/android-build:28_0_3 bash
# OR
docker run -it -v $PWD:/home/gradle/app android-build:dandroid-gradle bash

Command explained

-t              : Allocate a pseudo-tty
-i              : Keep STDIN open even if not attached
-v, --volume=[host-src:]container-dest[:<options>]: Bind mount a volume.
-w=""           : Working directory inside the container

Basically, run a pseudo terminal, mount the current directory to an app folder in the docker container, move into that container and run the ./gradlew command.