This application allows to add links to chapters (digest articles) and generate output markup by targets using templates.
ToDo: Add to readme how to install, run etc.
name - name of the digest. This name will be used in episode titles. Example: "MODX Digest".
Episode is finished list of links for specified date range.
- number - number of episode, usually from 1 to infinite
- from - start date in date range
- till - end date in date range
- description - short custom description of this episode. Should be translatable.
- cover - cover image. Optional.
Section is logical part of episode. Sections common for all episodes, but can be skipped in case no links attached to them.
- title - title or name of section
- order - order of section, which first and which last.
Link is basic element of digest. Link means piece of information with description and refferes to external page with full information.
- uri - link to the article, should be unique to avoid duplicates or at leas, validate and warn when links already exists in storage.
- created - when link was added. Important field that can be automated but by this field links should be attached to the episode. Also, will be used for sorting.
- title - title of link.
- description - custom description of the link. Auhtor's work.
- section - section of the digest for attaching link. Example: events, addons, articles, github.
- language - language of link target (article).
Target is a place or service where episode is going to be published. Examples:, Goal of targets provide custom handlers and templates for managing output of each episode. Each episode should be compiled via target.
Todo: render also fit.
- name - name of target.
- template - path to file with a template.