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alsonkemp edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 3 revisions

Installation is pretty painless if you use cabal-install, so make sure that you have cabal-install installed first. See the installation instructions.

To build Turbinado on a Linux machine:

git clone
cd turbinado-website
cabal install [this will install all dependencies, but will fail on building Turbinado. That’s okay.]

The ‘build-turbinado’ script.

Simple script which builds the trturbinado preprocessor, copies the trturbinado binary to ~/bin and then builds turbinado and its documentation. The full script is:


echo “Building trturbinado”
cd Turbinado/PreProcessor
echo " configuring…"
runghc Setup.lhs configure
echo " building…"
runghc Setup.lhs build
echo " copying to ~/bin…"
cp dist/build/trturbinado/trturbinado ~/bin
echo ""
echo “-—————”
echo ""

cd ../..
echo “Building turbinado”
echo " configuring…"
runghc Setup.lhs configure
echo " building…"
runghc Setup.lhs build
echo " building documentation…"
runghc Setup.lhs haddock —hscolour-css=static/css/hscolour.css —hyperlink-source

echo “Finished”

After Building

turbinado is not ‘installed’; it is in the dist/build/turbinado directory. So do the following to run it:

dist/build/turbinado/turbinado -p 9000

Then browse to the HelloWorld page to see if it’s alive:
