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Installation and Deployment

Alva Chien (Hongjun Qian) edited this page Apr 12, 2017 · 7 revisions

To deploy this web app on a HTTP server, please follow the steps below:

  1. Setup the database instance; The repository is built with SQL Server 2016 and has been tested with Azure SQL and SQL Server 2016 both. Ideally the scripts and codes can be used directly with SQL Server Express edition (without testing so far).

Please run the script DBSchema.sql on the database and ensure the script executed successfully.

If you are using some other databases, like MySql, it won't be a huge efforts to modify the SQL to make it work on your database because the SQL used here can be easily changed to suit the database product.

  1. [On Windows] Setup the IIS; Please ensure the IIS has been installed and configured in your server.

  2. Clone or download this repository; You need clone or download this repository and build it. This repository contains two parts, server part written with Visual Studio 2015 (.Net Core 1.1 project), client part written with Visual Studio Code (Angular CLI project).

Following steps are required:

  • Run 'npm install' to ensure all dependency installed successfully;
  • Change the API in your environment.ts (in folder environments)
  • Run 'ng build -environment=prod' to build the Angular CLI project with the specified environment.
  • Run 'gulp copy' which copy the built bundle file to folder wwwroot.
  • Open ACGallery project with Visual Studio (and wait for the Nuget project loaded successfully), then switch to 'Release' and build the whole project. Alternatively, deploy it after the successful build.
  1. [On Windows] Deploy the ASP.NET Core application to IIS; Please refer to the ASP.NET Core Official Documentation.

  2. Others?

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