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Simple Example To Train and Serve Tensorflow Model at Scale with Kubeflow , Kubernetes and Seldon.

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How to install Kubeflow

  1. Download and unzip Kubeflow to a directory e.g. ~/sdk/kubeflow-0.2.7

  2. Set the environment variable export KUBEFLOW_REPO=~/sdk/kubeflow-0.2.7

  3. Initialize the ksonnet app ks init simple_demo_ks

  4. Change directory to cd simple_demo_ks

  5. Install kubeflow core components.

    i. Add kubeflow registry to ksonnet app ks registry add kubeflow "${KUBEFLOW_REPO}/kubeflow"

    ii.Install components

    ks pkg install kubeflow/argo
    ks pkg install kubeflow/core
    ks pkg install kubeflow/examples
    ks pkg install kubeflow/katib
    ks pkg install kubeflow/mpi-job
    ks pkg install kubeflow/pytorch-job
    ks pkg install kubeflow/seldon
    ks pkg install kubeflow/tf-serving
  6. Generate Kubeflow core component ks generate kubeflow-core kubeflow-core

  7. Set Kubeflow core parameters

    i. ks param set kubeflow-core reportUsage false

    ii.ks param set kubeflow-core usageId $(uuidgen)

  8. Deploy Kubeflow core component to Kubernetes cluster ks apply default

  9. Generate Seldon core component ks generate seldon seldon

  10. Set the role kubectl create clusterrolebinding seldon-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=default:default

  11. Deploy Seldon core component to Kubernetes cluster ks apply default

Train Simple

Optional Steps. You can use my docker hub image.

  1. Build docker training image make build

  2. Login to your personal docker hub account make login

  3. Push the training image to docker hub repository make push

Necessary Steps to run the training

  1. Create a Persistent Volume Claim to store data and trained model make createpvc

  2. Copy training data to PVC make copydata

  3. Train the model with Kubeflow make train reference TfJob

Serve Model

Optional Steps. You can use my docker hub image.

  1. Download the model from Persistent Volume Storage to local folder make download

  2. Wrap the model to docker image for serving via Seldon using openshift s2i make s2i

  3. Push the serving image to docker hub repository make s2ipush

Necessary Steps to serve the model.

  1. Serve the model with Kubeflow make serve

  2. Forward the ambassador port to to local host make portforward

  3. Make predictions from deployed serving image with Kubeflow make predict

Clean up

  1. make stop

  2. make clean

Tail Log

kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get pods -l seldon-app=iris-classification -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}') iris-classification

kubectl logs -f kube-demo-simple-master-0

Port Forward

kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods -n default -l service=ambassador -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') -n default 8080:80

Shell Seldon Container

kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -l seldon-app=iris-classification -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}') --container iris-classification -- /bin/bash

DataAccess Container

kubectl exec -it dataaccess -- /bin/bash

kubectl exec -it dataaccess -- ls -l /data

kubectl exec -it dataaccess -- ls -l /model









Seldon s2i Wrapper



Simple Example To Train and Serve Tensorflow Model at Scale with Kubeflow , Kubernetes and Seldon.






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