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Vagrant Box Packaging for Debian


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Debian is an operating system which is composed primarily of free and open-source software, most of which is under the GNU General Public License, and developed by a group of individuals known as the Debian project. Debian is one of the most popular Linux distributions for personal computers and network servers, and has been used as a base for several other Linux distributions.

Learn more about Debian:

Supported Boxes and Respective Packer Template Links


Quick Start

Once you have Vagrant and VirtaulBox installed, run the following commands under your project directory:

# Initialize Vagrant
vagrant init alvistack/debian-12

# Start the virtual machine
vagrant up

# SSH into this machine
vagrant ssh

# Terminate the virtual machine
vagrant destroy --force


You could also run our Molecule test cases if you have Vagrant and Libvirt installed, e.g.

# Run Molecule on Debian 12
molecule converge -s debian-12-libvirt

Please refer to .gitlab-ci.yml for more information on running Molecule.



Release tags could be find from GitHub Release of this repository. Thus using these tags will ensure you are running the most up to date stable version of this image.


Version tags ended with .0.0 are rolling release rebuild by GitLab pipeline in weekly basis. Thus using these tags will ensure you are running the latest packages provided by the base image project.


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