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Generic Connector for Apache Spark

Build Status

This library simplifies the connection of a external system with Apache Spark. Its main idea is to use a core functionality that is responsible of working with Apache Spark and implement specific connectors for any system. It can be used in batch or streaming scenarios which is awesome. From the first time, the idea is to be a read only connector library. So any write operations will not be implemented.

This is are the ideas behind the library:

  • The Spark core of the library is shared by all the connectors.
  • Batch and streaming scenarios are compatible with the library.
  • It is very easy and fast to integrate with a new system. Just extends SgcConnector.
  • SgcConnector has two operation:
  • def list(): Seq[SgcSlot]: list all the slots available to fetch.
  • def fetch(slot: SgcSlot, out: OutputStream): fetch a slot to memory.
  • A slot is the smallest part than a SgcConnector can fetch in a single time. That means that the data of a slot cannot be split.
  • In order to be streaming compatible the slot returned by the SgcConnector must contains date information (SgcDateSlot) in order to be sorted by time.

NOTE: Generic Connector is with Apache Spark > 1.5.X and only for the Scala/Java interpreter.


This library requires Spark 1.5+

Using in Apache Spark as a package

You can use Generic Connector in the Spark Shell adding the packages dependencies:

  • Spark 1.x:

    • Scala 2.10

        ./bin/spark-shell --packages alvsanand:spark-generic-connector:0.2.0-spark_1x-s_2.10
    • Scala 2.11

        ./bin/spark-shell --packages alvsanand:spark-generic-connector:0.2.0-spark_1x-s_2.11
  • Spark 2.x:

    • Scala 2.10

        ./bin/spark-shell --packages alvsanand:spark-generic-connector:0.2.0-spark_2x-s_2.10
    • Scala 2.11

        ./bin/spark-shell --packages alvsanand:spark-generic-connector:0.2.0-spark_2x-s_2.11

Linking [Not yet released] as a Scala Library

You can link against this library in your program at the following coordinates:

Generic Connector core

  • Scala 2.10

     groupId: es.alvsanand
     artifactId: spark-generic-connector-main_2.10
     version: 0.2.0
  • Scala 2.11

     groupId: es.alvsanand
     artifactId: spark-generic-connector-main_2.11
     version: 0.2.0

Generic Connector for Apache Spark 1.X

  • Scala 2.10

     groupId: es.alvsanand
     artifactId: spark-generic-connector-spark_1x_2.10
     version: 0.2.0
  • Scala 2.11

     groupId: es.alvsanand
     artifactId: spark-generic-connector-spark_1x_2.11
     version: 0.2.0

Generic Connector for Apache Spark 2.X

  • Scala 2.10

     groupId: es.alvsanand
     artifactId: spark-generic-connector-spark_2x_2.10
     version: 0.2.0
  • Scala 2.11

     groupId: es.alvsanand
     artifactId: spark-generic-connector-spark_2x_2.11
     version: 0.2.0

Google connectors [Google Cloud Storage / Doubleclick Datatranfers]

  • Scala 2.10

     groupId: es.alvsanand
     artifactId: spark-generic-connector-google_2.10
     version: 0.2.0
  • Scala 2.11

     groupId: es.alvsanand
     artifactId: spark-generic-connector-google_2.11
     version: 0.2.0

FTP connectors [FTP / SFTP / FTPS]

  • Scala 2.10

     groupId: es.alvsanand
     artifactId: spark-generic-connector-ftp_2.10
     version: 0.2.0
  • Scala 2.11

     groupId: es.alvsanand
     artifactId: spark-generic-connector-ftp_2.11
     version: 0.2.0

How to use it

Currently Sgc supports two scenarios:

  • Batch
  • Streaming

Batch scenario

In order to use the library with Apache Spark in batch mode, you must follow the next steps:

  • Import dependencies:

      import org.apache.spark.streaming.sgc._
      import es.alvsanand.sgc.ftp.{FTPCredentials, FTPSlot}
      import es.alvsanand.sgc.ftp.normal.{FTPSgcConnectorFactory, FTPParameters}
  • Create a parameters object:

      val parameters = FTPParameters("HOST", PORT, "DIRECTORY", FTPCredentials("USER", Option("PASSWORD"))
  • Create the RDD passing the SgcConnectorFactory and the parameters:

      val rdd = sc.createSgcRDD(FTPSgcConnectorFactory, parameters)
  • Use the RDD as desired:[SgcRDDPartition[SgcSlot]].slot)

Streaming scenario

In order to use the library with Apache Spark in streaming mode, you must follow the next steps:

  • Import dependencies:

      import org.apache.spark.streaming.sgc._
      import es.alvsanand.sgc.ftp.{FTPCredentials, FTPSlot}
      import es.alvsanand.sgc.ftp.normal.{FTPSgcConnectorFactory, FTPParameters}
  • Create a parameters object:

      val parameters = FTPParameters("HOST", PORT, "DIRECTORY", FTPCredentials("USER", Option("PASSWORD"))
  • Create the InputDStream passing the SgcConnectorFactory and the parameters:

      val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, batchTime)
      val ds = ssc.createSgcInputDStream(FTPSgcConnectorFactory, parameters, range)
  • Use the InputDStream as desired:

      ds.foreachRDD { rdd =>

SgcConnector ready to use

Nowadays, Sgc has implemented the following connectors:

  • Google services:

  • FTP servers like:

    • FTPSgcConnector: is able to fetch files from a FTP server.
    • FTPSSgcConnector: is able to fetch files from a FTPS server
    • SFTPSgcConnector: is able to fetch files from a SFTP server

Note: for more details of every connectors visit Examples section

How to create new Connectors

  • Import dependencies:

      import com.wix.accord.Validator
      import com.wix.accord.dsl.{be, _}
      import es.alvsanand.sgc.core.connector.{SgcConnector, SgcConnectorException, SgcConnectorParameters}
      // Every other required dependency
  • Create a new type of SgcConnectorParameters:

      case class RssParameters(url: String) extends SgcConnectorParameters
  • Create a new type of SgcSlot:

      case class RssSlot(title: String, description: String, link: String, date: Date) extends SgcDateSlot

Note: in case to be streaming compatible the slot must extend SgcDateSlot. If not, SgcSlot.

  • Create a new type of SgcConnector:

      class RssSgcConnector(parameters: RssParameters)
        extends SgcConnector[RssSlot, RssParameters](parameters) {
  • Implement the SgcConnector:

    1. Override getValidator in order to validates the parameters:

        override def getValidator(): Validator[RssParameters] = {
            validator[RssParameters] { p =>
              p.url is notNull
              p.url is notEmpty
    2. Create a client and be sure it is Thread Safe or there is one instance for every Thread:

        private lazy val client: RSSClient = initClient()
        private def initClient(): RSSClient = synchronized {
            var client: RSSClient = null
            // Initialize client
    3. It is also recommendable to create helper methods to use the client:

        private def connect(): Unit = {
          if (!client.isConnected) {
            Try(client.connect()) match {
              case Failure(e) => throw SgcConnectorException(s"Error connecting to server", e)
              case _ =>
        private def disconnect(): Unit = {
          if (client.isConnected) {
        private def useClient[T](func: () => T): T = {
          Try(connect()) match {
            case Failure(e) => throw e
            case _ =>
         val value = Try(func())
          Try(disconnect()) // Ignore exception in disconnecting
          value match {
            case Success(s) => s
            case Failure(e) => throw e
    4. Override list in order to list the slots available:

        def list(): Seq[RssSlot] = {
            var entries: Array[FeedMessage] = Array.empty
              files = useClient[Array[RssSlot]](() => {
                client.listFiles(".").map(x => RssSlot(x.title, x.description,, Date))
            match {
              case Success(v) => v
              case Failure(e) => {
                throw SgcConnectorException(s"Error listing messages", e)
    5. Override list in order to validates the parameters:

          override def fetch(slot: FTPSlot, out: OutputStream): Unit = {
              val in = useClient[InputStream](() => {
              if (in != null) {
                IOUtils.copy(in, out)
            match {
              case Success(v) =>
              case Failure(e) => {
                val msg = 
                throw SgcConnectorException(s"Error fetching slot[$slot]", e)
  • Create a new type of SgcConnectorFactory:

       object RssSgcConnectorFactory extends SgcConnectorFactory[RssSlot, RssParameters] {
         override def get(parameters: RssParameters): SgcConnector[RssSlot, RssParameters] = {
           new RssSgcConnector(parameters)


Here you can see the Scala API documentation of the project.


There are multiple notebooks that show the features of the Library and how to use it correctly.

Building From Source

To build the JAR slots simply run sbt package from the project root. The build configuration includes support for both Scala 2.10 and 2.11.