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AngularJS directive for layout control. Show or remove elements based on the logged user 'roles'.


Choose your flavour

  • npm install authorized-roles
  • bower install authorized-roles

and add authorized-roles.js (or .min) to your index.html


  • Add the alpez.authorizedroles directive to your application module:
  • Inject authorizedRolesService to populate its roles array with the roles of the currently authenticated user. It makes sense to do this at the very beginning of your app initialization, in your main controller:
angular.module('sampleApp').controller('MainControler', MainControler);

MainControler.$inject = ['authorizedRolesService'];
function MainControler(authorizedRolesService){

    function saveUserRoles(loggedUserRoles){
        authorizedRolesService.roles = loggedUserRoles;

Note that "authorizedRolesService.roles" has to be populated with an array of (one or more) strings.

  • Use the authorized-roles attribute on the HTML elements that you want to show/remove based on the roles previously inserted

This button will be visible for users with the role "ADMIN" (or to put it in other words, the directive will remove the button element if no role "ADMIN" is found among the user roles):

<button authorized-roles="['ADMIN']">THE ADMIN BUTTON</button>

As soon as one the roles set in the attribute matches any of the logged user roles, the element won't be removed from the DOM.

<label authorized-roles="['ADMIN','LEVEL_A','LEVEL_B']">I am visible for any of these roles</label>


Note that authorized-roles depends on AngularJS and therefore it must be added to the project, as well as its corresponding <script> tags before dynamic-table's one