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Flash Ticketing

An online ticketing platform for art and cultural events.



Flash Ticketing

🔎 Background

This is my project outcome during my study in an online Vue.js bootcamp.

🎯 Goals:

  • Enhance my development skills with Nuxt.js and building SSR website
  • Understand how e-commerce website works basically

🚀 Features

  • Show all events in different categories, with different types, zone seating, event dates of tickets
  • Add, edit or delete items in shopping cart and my favourite list
  • Form validation in order form with Vee-validate
  • Apply coupon with coupon code
  • Add an order to the database after user finishes his purchase

More project details here

🛠 Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start

# generate static project
$ npm run generate

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.