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Saikou API. Saikou is a social media project for anime and manga enthusiasts to share their hobby each other.

Website CircleCI

Table of Contents


There are 3 repos in the project: saikou is for documentary, saikou-client is the web app using React and lastly saikou-server is the back-end server using Express and mongoDB. You can check it at the following:




Tech Stacks

  • Git — Distributed version control system
    • GitHub — Provides hosting for software development and version control using Git
  • JavaScript — The primary programming language
    • Node.js — JavaScript runtime environment and package manager
    • npm, Yarn — JavaScript runtime environment and package manager
  • REST API — REpresentational State Transfer, architectural style for distributed hypermedia systems
  • Nodemon — Tool to automatically restart Node application when file changes
  • PM2 — Process manager for Node.js
    • PM2.IO — PM2+ Monit to monitor PM2 instances (formerly named Keymetrics)
  • Express — Minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework
  • MongoDB — Cross-platform document-oriented database program
    • Mongoose — Schema-based Object-Data Modeling (ODM) for MongoDB
      • Mongoose Unique Validator — A plugin which adds pre-save validation for unique fields within a Mongoose schema.
      • Mongoose Auto Increment — A plugin that auto-increments any ID field on your schema every time a document is saved.
  • morgan — HTTP request logger middleware for Node.js
  • cors — Express middleware that to enable CORS with various options
  • bcrypt — Library to hash passwords
  • crypto — JavaScript library of crypto standards
  • Express Helmet — Secure Express app by setting various HTTP headers
  • JSON Web Token (JWT) — Compact URL-safe means of representing claims
    • jsonwebtoken — JWT implementationm, symmetric and asymmetric
  • HTTPie — Command-line HTTP client that will make you smile
  • ESLint — Pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript
    • Prettier — Opinionated code formatter and extension for code editor
    • Standard — JavaScript style guide, linter, and formatter
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP) — Suite of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally
    • Google Compute Engine (GCE) — Configurable virtual machines running in Google's data centers
  • Nginx — High-performance HTTP web server, load balancer, and reverse proxy
  • Let's Encrypt — Free SSL/TLS Certificates to enable HTTPS
    • Certbot — Automatically enable HTTPS on your website by deploying Let's Encrypt certificates
  • Circle CI — Intelligent and user-friendly Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Cloudflare — Enterprise-grade authoritative DNS service
  • Uniregistry — Retail domain name registrar

API Endpoints


HTTP Endpoint Description
GET / Show info message


Endpoint HTTP Description
/auth/register POST Register new user
/auth/login POST Login to existing user
/auth/logout POST Logout the authenticated user


HTTP Endpoint Description
GET /users Get all users
GET /users/:id Get user by id
PUT /users/:id Update user by id
DELETE /users/:id Delete user by id
DELETE /users Delete all users


HTTP Endpoint Description
GET /anime Get all anime
GET /anime/:id Get anime by id
POST /anime Add new anime
PUT /anime/:id Update anime by id
DELETE /anime/:id Delete anime by id
DELETE /anime Delete all anime


HTTP Endpoint Description
GET /manga Get all manga
GET /manga/:id Get manga by id
POST /manga Add new manga
PUT /manga/:id Update manga by id
DELETE /manga/:id Delete manga by id
DELETE /manga Delete all manga

Application Structure

Getting Started


Install dependencies using yarn:


Setup Environment Variables

For development:

SERVER_USER=(GCE username)
SERVER_HOST=(GCE public ip)

For production:

SERVER_USER=(GCE username)
SERVER_HOST=(GCE public ip)

Run Development

yarn dev


  • Setup domain on Uniregistry.
  • Setup DNS on Cloudflare.
  • Setup server on Google Compute Engine using f1-micro (1 vCPU, 0.6 GB memory).
    • Not Google App Engine, as we need the database in it but not using DBaaS.
    • If you need more power, use g1-small (1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory).
  • (Optional) Setup storage server on Google Cloud Storage.
    • By default the upload API fallbacks to public/uploads folder.
  • Setup Node.js toolchain and databse in the desired server instance.
  • Run PM2 deploy scripts:
    • yarn pm2:deploy:setup
    • yarn pm2:deploy





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