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Nomadic Matt Article-Scraper 🏝️🚀

Article Scraper

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Functionality 💪

Here's how the app works:

  1. This is a web app that allows users to scrape the news from another website. The website used in this site is Nomadic Matt's Travel Blog.

    1.1 The Scrape Articles button will populate the page with the latest articles from Nomadic Matt's blog.

    1.2 To clear all articles from the page simply click on the Clear Articles button.

  2. Each article card has a headling, an image, and two links at the bottom.

    2.1 The user can either View the article from the Nomadic Matt website, or they can save the article to a new page on this site.

  3. After saving a couple of articles, click on the Saved Articles link on the top right corner of the page.

    3.1 On the saved page the user will see each article they have saved and an option to comment on the article.

    3.2 There is an option to delete articles from the saved page and also to delete the comments after one is written.

Getting Started 🏁

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for grading and testing purposes.

  1. Clone repository. Click on the clone button next to the repository (clone with SSH).
  2. Open Terminal and git clone (paste) into directory of your choice.
  3. Open folder in VS Code.
  4. The file structure follows an MVC pattern with the main diretories being models, public, routes, views, and a server.js file connecting the app to the server and the correct port.
  5. the models folder handles the data of the application.
  6. public holds the assets, css, images and the javascript which holds all the necessary 'on click' functions.
  7. The routes folder holds the logic for the routes which receives the user input, validates it and passes it through the modls.
  8. Inside of the views folder are the handlebars files which dynamically displays information on the web page.

Pre-Requisites ✔️

  1. Node - use this site to install node into your computer: *to check if node is installed type node -v into your terminal. If installed it will print the version number on the screen.
  2. NPM ( - Node Package Manager. Use this site to assist in downloading packages or modules.
  3. Install dependencies using npm install.

Built With 🔧

  • Node - As an asynchronous event driven JavaScript runtime, Node is designed to build scalable network applications.
  • Javascript - JavaScript is the programming language of HTML and the Web
  • JSON - Javascript object notation, syntax for storing and exchanging information.
  • Express - Node.js web app framework designed to make developing websites, web apps, & API's much easier.
  • Handlebars - Handlebars allows you to separate the generation of HTML from the rest of your JavaScript and write cleaner code.
  • MVC - The Model-View-Controller is an architectural pattern that separates an application into three main logical components: the model, the view, and the controller.
  • Mongoose - An object modeling tool for MongoDB. Manages relationships between data and translates between objects in code and the representation of them in MongoDB.
  • Cheerio - Uses JQuery syntax for developers to work with downloaded web data and focus on the data rather than parsing through it.
  • Ajax - Updates web page, sends data to server and also requests and receives data.
  • Heroku - A cloud based platform that lets companies build, deliver, monitor and scale applications.

Author ⌨️

*** Amanda Dovel *** - amandadovel

Acknowledgments 🌟

  • Amber Burroughs, Tutoring badass


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