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Hydrogen versions are determined exclusively by changesets. When new changesets are merged into a release branch like v1.x-2022-07, a new PR will be automatically created containing the proposed version.

This PR can stay open and will be continously updated by the changesets bot until you are ready to release a new version.

Learn more about how we decided to manage Hydrogen releases on GitHub and NPM.

Releasing new versions

When you are ready to release a new version of Hydrogen, merge the PR created by the changesets bot. This will convert all changesets into appropriate CHANGELOG files, add Git tags, create GitHub releases for each package contained in the release, and publish them to NPM.

Then, the action will automatically compile the TypeScript templates to JavaScript and push these changes to the dist branch of the repo. The Shopify CLI will read the templates from this branch when running yarn create @shopify/hydrogen.

Releasing unstable versions

Hydrogen maintains an unstable branch as a home for features and breaking changes related to the unstable version of the Storefront API.

To release an unstable version:

  1. Merge your changes into the unstable branch.
  2. Visit the Changesets Snapshot GitHub Action workflow.
  3. Click "Run Workflow." Be sure to select unstable as the branch name.

A new snapshot release will be created with your changes and tagged on NPM with unstable. You can install the unstable version of Hydrogen using this tag:

yarn add @shopify/hydrogen@unstable

Releasing experimental or snapshot versions

Sometimes, you might want to publish the latest version of the main branch as an NPM release to test in standalone apps. Or you want to test a new, unmerged feature in an NPM release.

To do so, you can merge your code into a new branch and give it a name, like experimental. Feel free to "recycle" the existing branch (delete it or force-push your code). You can also create a branch of your own if you working on a long-lived feature that will likely include many snapshot releases. Since NPM releases are permanent, existing developers working on a previously-released experimental version will be bound to the timestamped release number.

However, be mindful that any new "tags" we create will show up at the top of under the Hydrogen versions tab, so consider re-using the existing experimental branch when possible.

Note: The experimental branch, and other snapshot release branches, should be treated as ephemeral, and you should NOT develop your features directly in the branch. Instead, use a separate feature branch and merge it into that branch to perform releases.

To release an snapshot version:

  1. Merge your changes into the experimental branch (or your custom snapshot branch).
  2. Visit the Changesets Snapshot GitHub Action workflow.
  3. Click "Run Workflow." Be sure to select the same branch name from step 1.

A new snapshot release will be created with your changes and tagged on NPM with experimental or your branch name. You can install this version of Hydrogen using that tag:

yarn add @shopify/hydrogen@experimental

Patching previous minor versions with updates

Occasionally, we will need to patch a previous minor release of Hydrogen to address a security issue or to fix a critical bug which affects developers who cannot easily update to the latest major or minor version.

To do so, follow these steps for each minor version you need to patch:

  1. Determine what the branch name would be for your desired version.


    If the latest release is v1.2.3 on branch v1.x-2022-07, and you need to patch v1.1.x, your branch would be v1.1.x-2022-07.

  2. If a branch already exists for your desired minor release, you can skip to step 4. To create your release branch, check out the Git tag created for the most recent release in that minor range and create the desired branch name. You can view the list of tags using git tag.


    If the latest release for v1.1.x was v1.1.5, then you would run git checkout @shopify/hydrogen@1.1.5 -b v1.1.x-2022-07.

  3. Update .changesets/config.json to set baseBranch to your new release branch. This tells Changesets which base branch to use when preparing the "Release" PR which you will eventually merge to publish the release. Be sure to push this branch to GitHub.


    Update would be "baseBranch": "v1.1.x-2022-07"

  4. Create a new branch off of your desired release branch, apply your fix, and push that branch to GitHub.

  5. Create a pull request for your fix branch, and use the release branch determined above as your base branch. Here is an example of backport fix PR.

  6. Ensure tests pass on your branch, and get approval from someone on the Hydrogen team. Then, merge your PR.

  7. Changesets will create a new pull request called Release <branch name>. When you've applied all the patches you need to that specific minor version, merge that PR. Changesets will release a new version to NPM and to GitHub Releases.

  8. Developers can now install the latest patch version for the minor version: yarn add @shopify/hydrogen@^v1.1.

Common problems

After merging the auto-generated changeset PR, my GitHub Action encountered an Error with the message No commits between X and changeset-release/Y

This happens when changesets does not properly clear out all the changesets in the .changesets directory of the hydrogen repo. The soluction is to create a new PR with all of the .changesets removed. The GitHub Action will re-run when you merge the second PR.

Things to consider and improve upon

  • Oxygen reads the hydrogen demo-store template from the create-hydrogen-app package in this repo. Until the Oxygen teams updates their workflow, we need to continue to publish this package whenever the demo-store template changes.