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Urban traffic simulator based on a hybrid cellular automata and agent-based model.

Using this tool we can model synthetic and symmetric cities where electric vehicles (EV) and non-electric vehicles (ICEV) are placed. This simulator enables the study of the arrangement of EV charging stations testing three different stations layout:

  • A large central station
  • Four medium-sized stations distributed around the city
  • Multiple small stations scattered all over the city.

The binary files with the application ready to execute can be downloaded from: release 1

Installation requisites

Python 3 (tested on version 3.8) as well as the package-management tool pip. Since some parts of the code have to be compiled, the necessary libraries must also be installed.

apt-get install python3
apt-get install python3-pip
apt-get install python3-dev


First, create a new Python virtual environment

pip3 install virtualenv
python3 -m virtualenv simtravel-env
source simtravel-env/bin/activate

Then, install all needed module by using the requirements.txt and compile the code as a Python extension module.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 build_ext --inplace


Finally, the execution of the simulation can be done in two different ways. By using the desktop application, and therefore visualizing the result, or by using the parallel script which is much faster due to no visualization at all.

The desktop app can be executed using the file which can be found in the scripts folder.

python3 -m scripts.run_app

The second way to execute the simulations is through the parallel script. First, we need to modify the input parameters. A template of the parameter file can be found on parameters.yaml. Afterwards, we execute the following command:

python3 -m -np 16 -pf ./parameters.yaml

Where -np is the total number of processes that we want to use and -pf is the argument to indicate where the parameter file is. By default -np takes value 1 and -pf assumes that the parameter file is inside ./scripts/parameters.yaml.