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FastReso --- program for computing irreducible components of the particle distribution from direct resonance decays.


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# * Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Aleksas Mazeliauskas, Stefan Floerchinger, 
#                      Eduardo Grossi, and Derek Teaney
# * All rights reserved.
# *
# * FastReso is distributed under MIT license;
# * see the LICENSE file that should be present in the root
# * of the source distribution, or alternately available at:
# *
# */

# FastReso -- calculates the irreducible spectral components for resonance
# decays for the given list of particles and decay chains.
# When using FastReso please refer to/cite the accompanying publication 
# "Fast resonance decays in nuclear collisions"  Eur. Phys. J. C79 (2019) [arXiv:1809.11049]
# by Aleksas Mazeliauskas, Stefan Floerchinger, Eduardo Grossi, Derek Teaney
# COMPILATION (needed libraries: gsl, cmake and standard c++17):
  cmake ./
# RUNING FastReso ( by default will compute irreducible for pi,K,p, and
#  multi-strange baryons (Xsi, Lambda and Omega)
# for the freeze-out temperature T=145 MeV). It should take several minutes
# (longer for bigger resonance lists).
# using input files from THERMINATOR
  run_fastreso_therminator.exe ./
# using input files from AZYHYDRO-like hydro codes, e.g. MUSIC or VISHNU
  run_fastreso_azyhydro.exe decays_PDG2016Plus_massorder.dat ./
# CONFIGURATION: The main configuration is done by user supplied particle and decay data
# files. The current read-in routines are compatible with the files used 
# by MC event generators THERMINATOR 2 (arxiv:1102.0273) and SHARE (arxiv:nucl-th/0404083)
# by hydro codes stemming from AZYHYDRO (recently composed by Paolo Parotto)
  When using these lists, please refer to the following works:
  - Phys.Rev. D96 (2017) no.3, 034517 (
  - Phys.Rev. C98 (2018) no.3, 034909 (
  - Phys.Rev. C101 (2020) no.5, 054905 (
# Any commented line is skipped (i.e. no particles created or decayed). The
# decay list should be mass ordered, and, of course all particles appearing
# in decays should appear in the particles list.
# Additional configuration (e.g. for the momentum grid) can be done using
# 1) Runing
  run_fastreso_azyhydro.exe decays_PDG2016Plus_massorder.dat ./
#will first create derived class TFastReso_AZYHYDRO from TFastReso, which is responsible for reading-in input
#files and performing the decay calculations.

# 2) TFastReso object must be then invoked with read-in method
  fastreso.read_particle_data("decays_PDG2016Plus_massorder.dat", "Feq Fshear
Fbulk Ftemp Fvel", true) 
# The method reads the resonance list and creates a list
# of particles class TParticle_AZYHYDRO (derived from TParticle), which will
contain the irreducible components for Feq Fshear Fbulk Ftemp Fvel. One can
compute only Feq to speed computations.
# This class also contains the printout procedures.
# Boolean variable controls if to print the information of particles being

# 3) Then irreducible weight fj (or F_j) must be initialized, which depends on
# the freeze-out parameters (e.g. temperature). 
# Irreducible components are multiplied factors of momentum to make calculating integrals easier.
# Additional functions can be easily added in TFastReso_formulas.h). See note.pdf and the paper for
# documentation.
# Initialization is done by the method do_thermal (which also has optional parameters, e.g.
# chemical potential. See TFastReso class
# Then optionally the initial components can be printed out through

# 4) The actual decay procedure is calculated by (see TFastReso_formulas.h)
  fastreso.do_decays("decays_PDG2016Plus_massorder.dat", true)
# This methods reads sequentially the decay list and performs the decay
# incrementing the irreducible components of the decay product. To include
# all feed-down, decays should be done from the heaviest resonances. After a
# resonance is decay, its data is locked to prevent modification.
# If irreducible components are needed for a particular intermediate decay,
# it can be printed out using print_buffer routines (buffer is cleaned after
# each decay).
# Boolean variable controls if to print the information  about the decays
being read in

# 5) Finally particles, whose final decay components have to be printed can be
selected by PDGid
# in run_fastreso_azyhydro.cpp
# Header of the output (if all 12 components are computed)
# mc-number	             name	     mass	    width	deg	Qb	Qs	Qc	Qbot	isospin	charge	decays	   Nyield
#       211	          Pion(+)	  0.13957	0.00000e+00	1	0	  0	0	1	1	  1	  1	0.00027924
# 1:pbar [GeV]	2:m [GeV]	3:Feq 1	4:Feq 2	5:Fshear 1	6:Fshear 2	7:Fshear 3	8:Fbulk 1	9:Fbulk 2	10:Ftemp 1	11:Ftemp 2	12:Fvel 1	13:Fvel 2	14:Fvel 3

# Analogous routine applies to other forms of import, e.g. THERMINATOR. 
# The header of the output is
#      Name	     Mass	    Gamma	 Spin	Isospin	   I3	Nq	Ns	Naq	Nas	Nc	Nac	       MC	   Nyield
# pi0139plu	 0.139570	0.00000e+00	  0.0	  1.0	  1.0	1	0	1	0	0	0	      211	0.00027924
# 1:pbar [GeV]	2:m [GeV]	3:Feq 1	4:Feq 2	5:Fshear 1	6:Fshear 2	7:Fshear 3	8:Fbulk 1	9:Fbulk 2	10:Ftemp 1	11:Ftemp 2	12:Fvel 1	13:Fvel 2	14:Fvel 3

# For custom input files, it is easiest
# to create new derivative classes of TFastReso and TParticles. The decay procedure only needs
# few of available information, e.g. masses and branching ratios, but in the future decay width could be used.

# FastReso does not compute the integral over the freeze-out surface. This
# depends on particular event and should be implemented by the user. However a
# common use case is boost-invariant and azimuthally symmetric freeze-out
# surface. Then the eta and phi integrals can be done without the knowledge of
# freeze-out contour in tau-r plane.
# Class TKernel implements the computation of these integrals for equilibrium,
# shear and bulk components. See the paper and the note.pdf for mode details.

# To compute freeze-out kernels first run run_fastreso_azyhydro.exe for the
# particles and temperatures of interest. Then do
./run_kernels.exe ./inputfolder ./outputfolder/
# This will calculate the kernels for pT and ur ranges given in grid_param.h
# file for the default set of particles (pi, K, p, Xsi, Lambda, Omega). 
# TKernel class use TParticle object as an input. Typically decayed particle
components are re-initialized by the output of run_fastreso_azyhydro.exe .
I.e., given the output file TParticle object can be read in. Note that
currently this works only if all 12 components are output. In principle, one
could do decays and kernel calculations in a single routine, without the need
to output. Then one could speed up the procedure by only computing Feq
components, for example.
# TKernel class defines printout procedure which computes pT and ur grid of 
# freeze-out kernels (not equally spaced).
TKernel kernel(&pion);
kernel.print("PDGid211_total_T0.145", "Keq Kshear Kbulk")
# produces kernels for all Keq Kshear and Kbulk components. Computations can
be speed up by only using Keq.
# For convenience a routine to output root files is given in
# where kernels are stored as 3D histograms.
# Typically irreducible components and kernels are computed for a range of
# temperatures. This should be specified by the user.

# cmake confirugation file
# the main program file (add final printout calls here)
# The main class files (add intermediate printout calls here, add additional
# components here)
  TFastReso_THERMINATOR.h .cpp
  TFastReso_AZYHYDRO.h .cpp
# Particle data holder class. Printout routines and momentum grid is defined
# here.
  TParticle_THERMINATOR.h .cpp
  TParticle_AZYHYDRO.h .cpp

# Kernel computation class. Printout routines, velocity and momentum grid is defined
# here.
# Particle and decay data files 
# a table of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients to calculate the correct branching
# ratio (needed for THERMINATOR type input)
# Grid and gsl integration parameters
# Documentation file

# Notes:
# 1)Photons spectra omitted for photons (hard-coded by hand). Also, the
# degeneracy factor (2 instead of 3) has to be hard-coded. Note that if mass
# <=1MeV, particle is treaded as massless.
# 2) Finite widths of resonances is neglected. If decay process violate formal
# mass conservation, i.e. Ma < Ma+Mb+(Mc), decay is skipped.
# 3) All decays which are not commented out in are performed,
# including weak decays. Comment out unwanted decays manually or add a rule,
# e.g. min width in TFastReso_THERMINATOR.cpp.
# 4) For production results we typically use the following grid and integration parameters (which might
# take longer on a simple laptop, but is not a problem on a single ~16 core machine)
  static const int fNpbar = 201; // number of points fluid restfram pbar grid
  static const double fPbarMax = 5.5; //  the max pbar value
  const double fEpsRel = 1e-6;
  const double fEpsAbs = 1e-10;
  const int fKey = GSL_INTEG_GAUSS51;
# 5) To initialize bulk perturbations the user needs to provide (temperature
# dependent) speed of sound cs2(T)
#  (2019-07-23):
# 1) Decays into massless particles, i.e. photon, is now supported through the change of variables
# in integration variables. This only affects photon spectra, but is not well
# tested. See notes.pdf
# 2) For easier integration the irreducible components were multiplied by powers of mometum. See TFastReso_formulas.h and Notes.pdf
# 3) Some checks on integration status was introduced, so that error handler could be turn-off if really needed.
# 4) Old version of the code is saved on the branch 1809.11049

# New (2021-01-01):
# 1) Added new lists of resonance decays in resonance_lists folder. See README file
# 2) Introduced possibility to only compute particular components, e.g. Feq.
# 3) Added code to compute boost-invariant and azimuthally independent
# freeze-out kernels. Possibility to compute Keq, Kshear and Kbulk components.
# 4) For using FastReso with Partial Chemical Equilibrium (PCE) the user must
# implement the computation of the appropriate chemical potentials and initialize TFastReso::do_thermal
# routine with them. For PCE see, for example, P. Huovinen,  Eur.Phys.J.A37, 121  (2008),arXiv:0710.4379 [nucl-th] 
# 5) TFastReso currently does not support resonance with finite-widths and
# decays with 4 or more particles in the final state.
# 6) Bulk components depends on speed of sound, which can be user specific.


FastReso --- program for computing irreducible components of the particle distribution from direct resonance decays.







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