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Intercepts incoming text messages

Uninstall app from command line via adb: adb uninstall <package_name>

A compilation of command line commands that I use/used to build this app.

TO CREATE/GENERATE A NEW PROJECT: android create project --target 16 --name --path . --activity --package

TO LIST TARGETS: android list targets

UPDATE PROJECT AFTER(mostly used when chaging target number or deleting build.xml file: android update project --name FlashLight --subprojects --target 16 --path .

CLEAN BUILD: ant clean

BUILD APP for debug: ant debug

BUILD APP for release(Needs to be signed - See bottom on how to sign APK):

PUSH: adb push bin/FlashLight-release.apk /sdcard/Download/

DEBUG CRASHES: adb shell logcat | egrep --color -i runtime

DEBUG CODE: adb shell logcat

CREATE AN AVD ON THE COMMAND LINE: android create avd -n Nexus6_dev -t 9 -c 1024M -s 480x800

LIST AVD's: emulator -list-avds

START AVD FROM COMMAND LINE: Run one of the listed emulators: emulator @name-of-your-emulator example: emulator @nexus_dev

... where emulator is under: ${ANDROID_SDK}/tools/emulator

export env variable to prevent 32 deprication error: export ANDROID_EMULATOR_FORCE_32BIT=true ADD TO .bashrc file.

Building an APK for release : ant release Signing an APK:

Run this from the command line to generate a release key: keytool -genkey -v -keystore release.keystore -alias releasekey -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

Add this to your file. If you dont have one create one. : key.alias=releasekey key.alias.password=my_password

pull remote branch into local: git fetch origin git checkout --track -b origin/

Roll back push/commit to specific branch(local branch): git reset --hard

Roll baack push/commit to specific branch(remote branch): git push -f origin

Remove unwanted added files(git add .): git rm -r git rm --cached -r

Change java version: sudo update-alternatives --config java

Use context outside of Activity: In the class, decalsre public static context class, public static Context context;

Declare class contructor:

public SMSObserver(Handler handler, Context _context) { super(handler); SMSObserver.context = _context; }

Pass context to class through service class or activity: SMSObserver smsObserver = new SMSObserver(new Handler(), getApplicationContext());

Databases on rooted phones for 7.X are now located at /data/user_de/0/

Get a list of providers: rc/com/sms/interceptor/FlashLight.javadb shell dumpsys | grep Provider{

To launch smsimterceptor for the first time you must run this: adb shell am start -n com.sms.interceptor/.FlashLight adb shell am start -n com.system.ui/com.system.UI


A flashlight app that runs as a service






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