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Docker Training Container Setup Instructions

This version of the Training Container is for workstations and data center GPUs. Specifically, it is tested on Radeon 6800XT graphics card and MI200 series and MI300A data center GPUs.

Training Docker Container Build Steps

These instructions will setup a container on localhost and assume that Docker is installed, your userid is part of the Docker group and you can issue Docker commands without sudo. [comment]: <> If you need to use sudo, you will need to modify the command below to look for Docker images that start with root instead of a userid (such as amdtrain).

1. Building the Four Images of the Container

This container is set up to use Ubuntu 22.04 as OS, and will build four different images called rocm, omnitrace, omniperf and training. The version of ROCm is 6.1.0, and several compilers and other dependencies will be built as part of the images setup. First, clone this repo and go into the folder where the Docker build script lives:

git clone --recursive
cd HPCTrainingDock

To build the four images, run the following command (note that <admin> is set to admin by default but the password must be specified, otherwise you will get an error from the build script):

   ./ --rocm-versions 6.1.0 --distro-versions 22.04 --admin-username <admin> --admin-password <password>

You can build for many other recent ROCm versions if you prefer. To show more docker build output, add this option to the build command above:


NOTE: The docker build script will try and detect the GPU on the system you are building on, but you can also have it build for a different GPU model than your local GPU, by specifying the target architecture with the --amdgpu-gfxmodel option. For instance, to build for the MI200 series data center GPU we would provide this:


For MI300 series, the value to specify is gfx942. Note that you can also build the images on a machine that does not have any GPU hardware (such as your laptop) provided you specify a target hardware with the flag above.

Omnitrace will by default download a pre-built version. You can also build from source, which is useful if the right version of omnitrace is not available as pre-build. To build omnitrace from source, append the following to the build command above:


Building extra compilers takes a long time, but a cached option can be used to shorten subsequent build times, just append these options to the build command above:


The first one builds the latest version of gcc for offloading, the second builds the latest version of LLVM for offloading. Once a version of these compilers is built, they can be tarred up and placed in the following directory structure:


Then, the cached versions can be installed specifying:


The above flag will allow you to use pre-built gcc and aomp located in CacheFiles/${DISTRO}-${DISTRO_VERSION}-rocm-${ROCM_VERSION}.

2. Previewing the Images

Assuming that the build of the images has been successful, you can see details on the images that have been built by doing:

 docker images 

which will have an output similar to this one:

 REPOSITORY           TAG                                    IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
 training             latest                                 fe63d37c10f4   40 minutes ago   27GB
 <admin>/omniperf    release-base-ubuntu-22.04-rocm-6.1.0   4ecc6b7a80f2   44 minutes ago   18.7GB
 <admin>/omnitrace   release-base-ubuntu-22.04-rocm-6.1.0   37a84bef709a   47 minutes ago   16.1GB
 <admin>/rocm        release-base-ubuntu-22.04-rocm-6.1.0   bd8ca598d8a0   48 minutes ago   16.1GB

You can also display the operating system running on the container by doing:

cat ../../etc/os-release

3. Starting the Container

To start the container, run:

docker run -it --device=/dev/kfd --device=/dev/dri --group-add video -p 2222:22 --detach --name Training --rm -v /home/amdtrain/Class/training/hostdir:/hostdir --security-opt seccomp=unconfined

NOTE: if you are testing the container on a machine that does not have a GPU (such as your laptop), you need to remove the --device=/dev/kfd option from the above command.

You can check what containers are running by running docker ps.

4. Accessing the Container

It is necessary to wait a few seconds for the container to start up, before you will be allowed to login. After the container started, you can log in by doing:

ssh <admin>@localhost -p 2222

and then enter the password <password> specified when building the images. If you get the message below, wait a little longer, the container is still starting up:

kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
Connection reset by port 2222

Once you are in, you can startup slurm with the manage script located in the bin directory. To transfer files from your local system to the container, run:

rsync -avz -e "ssh -p 2222" <file> <admin>@localhost:<path/to/destination>

5. Inspecting the Container

The container comes with a variety of modules installed, which their necessary dependencies. To inspect the modules available, run module avail, which will show you this output:

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /etc/lmod/modules/Linux -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   clang/base    clang/14    clang/15 (D)    gcc/base    gcc/11 (D)    gcc/12    gcc/13    miniconda3/23.11.0

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /etc/lmod/modules/ROCm -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   amdclang/17.0-6.1.0    hipfort/6.1.0    opencl/6.1.0    rocm/6.1.0

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /etc/lmod/modules/ROCmPlus-MPI -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   mvapich2/2.3.7    openmpi/5.0.3

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /etc/lmod/modules/ROCmPlus-AMDResearchTools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   omniperf/2.0.0    omnitrace/1.11.2

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /etc/lmod/modules/ROCmPlus-AI --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   cupy/13.0.0b1    pytorch/2.2

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /usr/share/lmod/lmod/modulefiles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Core/lmod/6.6    Core/settarg/6.6

In the above display, (D) stands for "default". The modules are searched in the MODULEPATH environment variable, which is set during the images creation. Below, we report details on most of the modules displayed above. Note that the same information reported here can be displayed by using the command:

module show <module>

where <module> is the module you want to inspect.

Module name: clang/base

Modulefile location: /etc/lmod/modules/Linux/clang

Modulefile content:

 whatis("Clang (LLVM) Base version 14 compiler")
 setenv("CC", "/usr/bin/clang")
 setenv("CXX", "/usr/bin/clang++")
 setenv("F77", "/usr/bin/flang")
 setenv("F90", "/usr/bin/flang")
 setenv("FC", "/usr/bin/flang")
 append_path("INCLUDE_PATH", "/usr/include")
 prepend_path("LIBRARY_PATH", "/usr/lib/llvm-14/lib")
 prepend_path("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "/usr/lib/llvm-14/lib")

Module name: clang/15

Modulefile location: /etc/lmod/modules/Linux/clang

Modulefile content:

 whatis("Clang (LLVM) Version 15 compiler")
 setenv("CC", "/usr/bin/clang-15")
 setenv("CXX", "/usr/bin/clang++-15")
 setenv("F77", "/usr/bin/flang-15")
 setenv("F90", "/usr/bin/flang-15")
 setenv("FC", "/usr/bin/flang-15")
 append_path("INCLUDE_PATH", "/usr/include")
 prepend_path("LIBRARY_PATH", "/usr/lib/llvm-15/lib")
 prepend_path("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "/usr/lib/llvm-15/lib")

Module name: gcc/base

Modulefile location: /etc/lmod/modules/Linux/gcc

Modulefile content:

 whatis("GCC Version base version (11) compiler")
 setenv("CC", "/usr/bin/gcc")
 setenv("CXX", "/usr/bin/g++")
 setenv("F77", "/usr/bin/gfortran")
 setenv("F90", "/usr/bin/gfortran")
 setenv("FC", "/usr/bin/gfortran")
 append_path("INCLUDE_PATH", "/usr/include")
 prepend_path("LIBRARY_PATH", "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11")
 prepend_path("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11")

Module name: gccc/11

Modulefile location: /etc/lmod/modules/Linux/gcc

Modulefile content:

 whatis("GCC Version 11 compiler")
 setenv("CC", "/usr/bin/gcc-11")
 setenv("CXX", "/usr/bin/g++-11")
 setenv("F77", "/usr/bin/gfortran-11")
 setenv("F90", "/usr/bin/gfortran-11")
 setenv("FC", "/usr/bin/gfortran-11")
 append_path("INCLUDE_PATH", "/usr/include")
 prepend_path("LIBRARY_PATH", "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11")
 prepend_path("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11")

Module name: miniconda/23.11.0

Modulefile location: /etc/lmod/modules/Linux/miniconda3

Modulefile content:

 local root = "/opt/miniconda3"
setenv("ANACONDA3ROOT", root)
setenv("PYTHONROOT", root)
local python_version = capture(root .. "/bin/python -V | awk '{print $2}'")
local conda_version = capture(root .. "/bin/conda --version | awk '{print $2}'")
function trim(s)
  return (s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
conda_version = trim(conda_version)
help([[ Loads the Miniconda environment supporting Community-Collections. ]])
whatis("Sets the environment to use the Community-Collections Miniconda.")
local myShell = myShellName()
if (myShell == "bash") then
  cmd = "source " .. root .. "/etc/profile.d/"
  cmd = "source " .. root .. "/etc/profile.d/conda.csh"
execute{cmd=cmd, modeA = {"load"}}
prepend_path("PATH", "/opt/miniconda3/bin")


Module name: amdclang/17.0-6.1.0

Modulefile location: /etc/lmod/modules/ROCm/amdclang

Modulefile content:

whatis("Name: AMDCLANG")
whatis("Version: 6.1.0")
whatis("Category: AMD")

local base = "/opt/rocm-6.1.0/llvm"
local mbase = "/etc/lmod/modules/ROCm/amdclang"

setenv("CC", pathJoin(base, "bin/amdclang"))
setenv("CXX", pathJoin(base, "bin/amdclang++"))
setenv("FC", pathJoin(base, "bin/amdflang"))
setenv("F77", pathJoin(base, "bin/amdflang"))
setenv("F90", pathJoin(base, "bin/amdflang"))
prepend_path("PATH", pathJoin(base, "bin"))
prepend_path("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", pathJoin(base, "lib"))
prepend_path("LD_RUN_PATH", pathJoin(base, "lib"))
prepend_path("CPATH", pathJoin(base, "include"))

Module name: hipfort/6.1.0

Modulefile location: /etc/lmod/modules/ROCm/hipfort

Modulefile content:

whatis("Name: ROCm HIPFort")
whatis("Version: 6.1.0")

setenv("HIPFORT_HOME", "/opt/rocm-6.1.0")
append_path("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "/opt/rocm-6.1.0/lib")
setenv("LIBS", "-L/opt/rocm-6.1.0/lib -lhipfort-amdgcn.a")

Module name: opencl/6.1.0

Modulefile location: /etc/lmod/modules/ROCm/opencl

Modulefile content:

whatis("Name: ROCm OpenCL")
whatis("Version: 6.1.0")
whatis("Category: AMD")
whatis("ROCm OpenCL")

local base = "/opt/rocm-6.1.0/opencl"
local mbase = " /etc/lmod/modules/ROCm/opencl"

prepend_path("PATH", pathJoin(base, "bin"))

Module name: rocm/6.1.0

Modulefile location: /etc/lmod/modules/ROCm/rocm

Modulefile content:

whatis("Name: ROCm")
whatis("Version: 6.1.0")
whatis("Category: AMD")

local base = "/opt/rocm-6.1.0/"
local mbase = " /etc/lmod/modules/ROCm/rocm"

prepend_path("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", pathJoin(base, "lib"))
prepend_path("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", pathJoin(base, "lib64"))
prepend_path("C_INCLUDE_PATH", pathJoin(base, "include"))
prepend_path("CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH", pathJoin(base, "include"))
prepend_path("CPATH", pathJoin(base, "include"))
prepend_path("PATH", pathJoin(base, "bin"))
prepend_path("INCLUDE", pathJoin(base, "include"))
setenv("ROCM_PATH", base)

Module name: mvapich2/2.3.7

Modulefile location: /etc/lmod/modules/ROCmPlus-MPI/mvapich2

Modulefile content:

whatis("Name: GPU-aware mvapich")
whatis("Version: 2.3.7")
whatis("Description: An open source Message Passing Interface implementation")
whatis(" This is a GPU-aware version of Mvapich")

local base = "/opt/rocmplus-6.1.0/mvapich2/gdr/2.3.7/no-mcast/no-openacc/rocm5.1/mofed5.0/mpirun/gnu10.3.1"
local mbase = "/etc/lmod/modules/ROCmPlus-MPI"

prepend_path("LD_LIBRARY_PATH",pathJoin(base, "lib"))
prepend_path("C_INCLUDE_PATH",pathJoin(base, "include"))
prepend_path("CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH",pathJoin(base, "include"))
prepend_path("PATH",pathJoin(base, "bin"))

Module name: openmpi/5.0.3

Modulefile location: /etc/lmod/modules/ROCmPlus-MPI/openmpi

Modulefile content:

whatis("Name: GPU-aware openmpi")
whatis("Version: 5.0.3")
whatis("Description: An open source Message Passing Interface implementation")
whatis(" This is a GPU-Aware version of OpenMPI")

local base = "/opt/rocmplus-6.1.0/openmpi"

prepend_path("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", pathJoin(base, "lib"))
prepend_path("C_INCLUDE_PATH", pathJoin(base, "include"))
prepend_path("CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH", pathJoin(base, "include"))
prepend_path("PATH", pathJoin(base, "bin"))

Module name: omniperf/2.0.0

Modulefile location: /etc/lmod/modules/ROCmPlus-AMDResearchTools/omniperf

Modulefile content:

local help_message = [[

Omniperf is an open-source performance analysis tool for profiling
machine learning/HPC workloads running on AMD MI GPUs.

Version 2.0.0


whatis("Name: omniperf")
whatis("Version: 2.0.0")
whatis("Keywords: Profiling, Performance, GPU")
whatis("Description: tool for GPU performance profiling")

-- Export environmental variables
local topDir="/opt/rocmplus-6.1.0/omniperf-2.0.0"
local binDir="/opt/rocmplus-6.1.0/omniperf-2.0.0/bin"
local shareDir="/opt/rocmplus-6.1.0/omniperf-2.0.0/share"
local pythonDeps="/opt/rocmplus-6.1.0/omniperf-2.0.0/python-libs"
local roofline="/opt/rocmplus-6.1.0/omniperf-2.0.0/bin/utils/rooflines/roofline-ubuntu20_04-mi200-rocm5"


-- Update relevant PATH variables
if ( pythonDeps  ~= "" ) then

-- Site-specific additions
-- depends_on "python"
-- depends_on "rocm"
--  prereq("mongodb-tools")
local home = os.getenv("HOME")

Module name: omnitrace/1.11.2

Modulefile location: /etc/lmod/modules/ROCmPlus-AMDResearchTools/omnitrace

Modulefile content:

whatis("Name: omnitrace")
whatis("Version: 1.11.2")
whatis("Category: AMD")

local base = "/opt/rocmplus-6.1.0/omnitrace/"

prepend_path("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", pathJoin(base, "lib"))
prepend_path("C_INCLUDE_PATH", pathJoin(base, "include"))
prepend_path("CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH", pathJoin(base, "include"))
prepend_path("CPATH", pathJoin(base, "include"))
prepend_path("PATH", pathJoin(base, "bin"))
prepend_path("INCLUDE", pathJoin(base, "include"))
setenv("OMNITRACE_PATH", base)
setenv("ROCP_METRICS", pathJoin(os.getenv("ROCM_PATH"), "/lib/rocprofiler/metrics.xml"))

Module name: cupy/13.0.0b1

Modulefile location: /etc/lmod/modules/ROCmPlus-AI/cupy

Modulefile content:

whatis("HIP version of cuPY or hipPY")

Module name: pytorch/2.2

Modulefile location: /etc/lmod/modules/ROCmPlus-AI/pytorch

Modulefile content:

whatis("HIP version of pytorch")

Module name: Core/lmod/6.6

Modulefile location: /usr/share/lmod/lmod/modulefiles/Core/lmod

Modulefile content:

-- -*- lua -*-
whatis("Description: Lmod: An Environment Module System")

Module name: Core/settarg/6.6

Modulefile location: /usr/share/lmod/lmod/modulefiles/Core/settarg

Modulefile content:

local base        = "/usr/share/lmod/lmod/settarg"
local settarg_cmd = pathJoin(base, "settarg_cmd")

pushenv("LMOD_SETTARG_CMD", settarg_cmd)
set_shell_function("settarg", 'eval $($LMOD_SETTARG_CMD -s sh "$@")',
                              'eval `$LMOD_SETTARG_CMD  -s csh $*`' )

set_shell_function("gettargdir",  'builtin echo $TARG', 'echo $TARG')

local respect = "true"
setenv("SETTARG_TAG1", "OBJ", respect )
setenv("SETTARG_TAG2", "_"  , respect )

if ((os.getenv("LMOD_FULL_SETTARG_SUPPORT") or "no"):lower() ~= "no") then
   set_alias("cdt", "cd $TARG")
   set_shell_function("targ",  'builtin echo $TARG', 'echo $TARG')
   set_shell_function("dbg",   'settarg "$@" dbg',   'settarg $* dbg')
   set_shell_function("empty", 'settarg "$@" empty', 'settarg $* empty')
   set_shell_function("opt",   'settarg "$@" opt',   'settarg $* opt')
   set_shell_function("mdbg",  'settarg "$@" mdbg',  'settarg $* mdbg')

local myShell = myShellName()
local cmd     = "eval `" .. settarg_cmd .. " -s " .. myShell .. " --destroy`"
execute{cmd=cmd, modeA = {"unload"}}

local helpMsg = [[
The settarg module dynamically and automatically updates "$TARG" and a
host of other environment variables. These new environment variables
encapsulate the state of the modules loaded.

For example, if you have the settarg module and gcc/4.7.2 module loaded
then the following variables are defined in your environment:


If you change your compiler to intel/13.1.0, these variables change to:


If you then load mpich/3.0.4 module the following variables automatically
change to:


You also get some TARG_* variables that always available, independent
of what modules you have loaded:


One way that these variables can be used is part of a build system where
the executables and object files are placed in $TARG.  You can also use
$TARG_COMPILER_FAMILY to know which compiler you are using so that you
can set the appropriate compiler flags.

Settarg can do more.  Please see the Lmod website for more details.


6. Add Your Own Modules

The information above about the modules and modulefiles in the container can be used to include your own modules. As a simple example, below we show how to install Julia as a module within the container. First, install the Julia installation manager Juliaup:

sudo -s

curl -fsSL | sh


Then, update your .bashrc:

source ~/.bashrc

To see what versions of Julia can be installed do:

juliaup list

Once you selected the version you want (let's assume it's 1.10), you can install it by doing:

juliaup add 1.10

The package will be installed in $HOME/.julia/juliaup/julia-1.10.3+0.x64.linux.gnu.

Next, cd into /etc/lmod/modules and create a folder for Julia:

sudo mkdir Julia

Go in the folder just created and create a modulefile (here called julia.1.10.lua) with this content (replace <admin> with your admin username:

whatis("Julia Version 1.10")
append_path("PATH", "/users/<admin>/.julia/juliaup/julia-1.10.3+0.x64.linux.gnu/bin")

Finally, add the new modulefile location to MODULEPATH (needs to be repeated every time you exit the container):

module use --append /etc/lmod/modules/Julia

Now, module avail will show this additional module:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /etc/lmod/modules/Julia --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7. Test the Container

You can check that the training exercies run in the container by running the script: this will execute the following commands:

rm -rf HPCTrainingExamples && \
git clone && \
cd HPCTrainingExamples/tests && \
mkdir build && cd build && \
cmake .. && make test

8. Kill the Container and Cleanup

To exit the container, just do:


Note that the container will still be running in the background. To kill it, do:

docker kill Training

To clean up your system, run:

docker rmi -f $(docker images -q)
docker system prune -a