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americast edited this page Apr 16, 2017 · 3 revisions


MXReader is a Julia package to read MXNet models. It has been developed in Julia Version 0.5.1-pre+55 (2017-02-13 09:11 UTC) Commit 8d4ef37, Linux 4.4.0.


Travis CI on Linux with Julia stable

Build Status


The package was tested in presence of the following:

  • Julia 0.5
  • G++ 4.8+
  • JSON 0.8.3
  • BinDeps 0.4.7
  • Compat 0.9.5

The package requires the presence of MXNet shared C++ library. It would be automatically installed if not present during installation.


julia> Pkg.clone("")

Using the package

julia> using MXReader

Reading models

The model must contain a symbolic network (JSON) file (.json) and a network parameter (binary) file (.params).
Sample models are available at

In order to read the models, pass the file paths of the JSON and binary files to the function readf.

Example usage:

julia> MXReader.readf("./Inception-BN-symbol.json","./Inception-BN-0126.params")

This will return an object of type FeedForward which has the following characteristics:
arch a symbolic node
arg_params a hash table containing argument parameters
aux_params a hash table containg auxilliary parameters
ctx a context vector determining CPU and GPU usage

Alternately, "MXReader.readf(<symbol file>, <binary file>,0)" may be used to print the contents of the model object as text.

Work is in progress to build a model reader which would work even in the absence of the MXNet C++ shared library. It is being developed in the branch direct under the same repository.

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