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Frontend Mentor - Multi-step form solution

  • This is my solution to the Multi-step form challenge on Frontend Mentor.
  • After watching few Vue.js basics tutorials, I wanted to do a project to apply some concepts I learned, before I continue with the tutorials.
  • I did not pay (a lot of) attention to responsiveness, which is something that could be improved in the future, as well as a form validation.
  • Update: I wanted to do a refactoring of the code. I am aware that my new solution is certainly not the best but I do like learning this way.

The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • Complete each step of the sequence
  • Go back to a previous step to update their selections
  • See a summary of their selections on the final step and confirm their order
  • View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page
  • Receive form validation messages if:
    • A field has been missed
    • The email address is not formatted correctly
    • A step is submitted, but no selection has been made

What I learned

The Vue concepts that were applied in this project are:

  • Options API
  • Creating Vue Components
  • Props
  • Data bindings
  • List rendering
  • Conditional rendering
  • Dynamic Classes (css)
  • Emitting custom events
  • Computed Properties
  • Very simple form and using v-model for two-way data binding
  • The lifecycle hook mounted()


My thought process

  • I put some thought into how to manage my data. I wanted to have a separate file for my static data (array of plans, array of addons...) . For this purpose I used reactive() to create a reactive object inside new store.js file. This object then can be imported where it’s needed.
  • In App.vue I wanted to have some kind of “global” data that is being passed to other components and that enables interaction with my project (moving between steps, a user making selections...) . I also wanted to have all the data made by a user in one place hence inside App.vue I created userSelection object.

What I learned

  • I learned an important difference between computed properties and watchers. Computed getter functions should only return a value and be free of side effects. If I need side effects in reaction to reactive state changes I should use watchers.
  • When watching for ‘userSelection.addonsList’, the array addonsList stays the same, only the elements inside of it change. To be able to watch for these changes we need to use deep: true. If we compare the new value that we get with the old one using the strict equality we get true. I believe this has to do with reference values of arrays.
  • When thinking about reactivity it's important to recognize what is our reactive state and what should happen when that state changes (side effects).
  • Instead of using watchers when selected plan or selected addons change I probably could have written the necessary code when user interaction happens, that is when click event is emitted in App.vue

Useful resources