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Publish BigQuery (cloud data warehouse analytics) datasets with FastAPI


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Publish BigQuery datasets using FastAPI

Add API content with BigQuery

A basic example of how to use FastAPI to publish BigQuery datasets to consumers.
Ideally meant to publish organizational datasets to consumer teams.
This example uses a public dataset for worldwide CV19 infections statistics queried using BigQuery public datasets to generate API content.

Example dataset source

GBQManager class


  1. Creates a BigQuery API client from a service account key file
    Note: required IAM roles for service account: BigQuery User
  2. Isolates BigQuery connections management

Class use example to manage BigQuery connections for an app

Link GBQManager to app

    # App specific
    # Link GBQManager to app
    bq = GBQManager()

Use GBQManager to run BigQuery query jobs

    sql_query = """SELECT DISTINCT country_region  
                FROM `bigquery-public-data.covid19_jhu_csse_eu.summary`  
                ORDER BY country_region ASC""" 
    query_job = bq.client.query(query=sql_query)

App configuration keys used by GBQManager class

   # Google Cloud Logging service account key json file
   # Determines service account and hence BigQuery project permissions
    BQ_SA_KEY_JSON_FILE = os.environ.get('BQ_SA_KEY_JSON_FILE') or '/etc/secrets/sa_key_bq.json'

AppBQContentManager class


Basic content manager that isolates content metadata management and provides basic content cache.

  1. Maintains a list of contents, content titles and SQL queries definitions used to generate them.
  2. Uses a GBQManager to manage BigQuery connections.

Class use example to publish BigQuery data

Link BigQueryManager to app

    # Basic Big Query sourced data in memory content manager
    # Loads data from BQ using a preconfigured set of titles and SQL queries
    # Basic management of content freshness to avoid duplicated running BigQuery sql queries
    # Possible improvement: adding content cache service (redis, memcache)
    from gbq_manager import GBQManager
    from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder

    app_bq_cm = AppBQContentManager()
    app_bq_cm.init_app(app=fastapi_app, bq=GBQManager())

    # key identifies uniquely a content (title, SQL query to generate content data)
    payload = app_bq_cm.load_content(key=key, country=country)
    return jsonable_encoder(payload)   

Running the application locally

Create Google Cloud resources

  1. Create a Google Cloud platform account if you do not already have it.
  2. Create a Google Cloud project or use an existing one.
  3. Configure application identity

Use Google Cloud Shell

To start coding right away, launch Google Cloud Shell.

Or use your own development environment

If you would rather use your own local development machine you will need to Install Google Cloud SDK and Install Python

  • Install python packages.

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install python3 python3-dev python3-venv
  • Install pip

    Note: Debian provides a package for pip

    sudo apt install python-pip

    Alternatively pip can be installed with the following method

    sudo python3

Note: Console snippets for Debian/Ubuntu based distributions.

Clone git repo from Github

At this point either you are using Cloud Shell or you have a local development environment with python and Cloud SDK.

git clone

Create a pyhon virtual environment

User your cloned git repository folder for your source code and Python venv virtual environment to isolate python dependencies.

export VENV_NAME=venv
cd gfs-bq-fastapi
python -m venv ${VENV_NAME}
source ${VENV_NAME}/bin/activate

Usual values for VENV_NAME are venv, dvenv, venv39 for a python 3.9 version virtual environment, etc.

Install python requirements

# From gfs-bq-fastapi folder
pip install -r src/requirements.txt

App configuration

At this point you are ready to configure and run the application.

  • Edit the application configuration Config class to update the key BQ_SA_KEY_JSON_FILE with the SA key file path created in Create Google Cloud resources
  • Or set the env variable BQ_SA_KEY_JSON_FILE to point to SA key location or empty string to use default application credentials
export BQ_SA_KEY_JSON_FILE='/etc/secrets/sa_key_bq.json'

Running the FastAPI app

  • Run with python start file
export PORT=8080
python src/

  • Run with uvicorn
cd src
export PORT=8080
uvicorn start:app --port $PORT 

Inspect API definition

At this point your API is published and the endpoints ready to receive requests.

  • Check the /docs endpoint to see the API definition
  • or /openapi.json to get the OpenAPI json file for your newly created API.

Example application Example application


Publish BigQuery (cloud data warehouse analytics) datasets with FastAPI








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