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Using Google Cloud Logging to write application logs

Using Google Cloud resources to add Cloud logging to an app

Logging events to Google Cloud

Writing logs to Google Cloud Logging services can be done in two ways:

  1. Using the Python logging handler included with the Logging client library
    1. Connecting the Google Cloud Logging library to Python logging
    2. Using the Python root logger
  2. Using Cloud Logging API Cloud client library for Python directly.

Recommended practice for writing app logs

  • Google recommends integrating Google Cloud Logging with the standard python logging library for writing app logs.
    • Allows reusing code modules with standard python logging methods.
    • Once the Google Cloud Logging is set up to use the Python root logger, no specific code is needed to log to Google Cloud
  • For apps whose specific purpose is related to Google Cloud Logging, such as application logs analytics or logging configuration, the Google Cloud Logging API provides advanced logs manipulation methods.

Cloud logging implementation

This demo application uses a Google Cloud Logging handler integrated with standard python logging and uses methods form python standard logging module by implementing a class called GLogManager


  1. Creates a Google Cloud Logging client from a service account key file
    Note: required IAM roles for service account: Logs Writer
  2. Creates a Google Cloud Log handler that writes logs to a Google Cloud log with a specific name defined in the Flask app configuration.
  3. Integrates the handler with the standard python Logging class, allowing the use of standard python logging methods whilst using Google Cloud as the logs store.
     import logging
  1. Also, for illustrative purposes, the class GoogleCloudManager:
  • Creates a to use the Cloud Logging API directly if so desired
     cloud_logger =      
     cloud_logger.log_text(info_msg, severity='INFO')
     cloud_logger.log_text(warn_msg, severity='WARNING')
     cloud_logger.log_struct(error_data, severity='ERROR')
  • Defines a log_example method to illustrate both ways of leveraging Google Cloud

Class use example to add logging to an app
Link GLogManager to app

    # App specific
    # Link Google Cloud Manager to app
    gl = GLogManager()
    # From now on, when using standard logging in the app code
    # Log messages are stored in a Google Cloud Project
    # Defined by the app configuration

Use GLogManager to log to GCP

    info_msg = self.app_log_id + ':starting up'
    warn_msg = self.app_log_id + ':warning message test'
    error_data = {"url": "", "data": "Test error", "code": 403}

    # Logging to GCP using root Cloud Logging standard logging integration
    # Logging to GCP using Cloud Logging API directly
    gl.cloud_logger.log_text(info_msg, severity='INFO')
    gl.cloud_logger.log_text(warn_msg, severity='WARNING')
    gl.cloud_logger.log_struct(error_data, severity='ERROR')

App configuration keys used by GLogManager class

   # Application display name
    FLASK_APP_DISPLAY_NAME = os.environ.get('FLASK_APP_DISPLAY_NAME') or 'gcpLogDemo'
   # Google Cloud Logging service account key json file
   # Determines service account and hence GCP project where logs are stored
    LG_SA_KEY_JSON_FILE = os.environ.get('LG_SA_KEY_JSON_FILE') or '/etc/secrets/sa_key_lg.json'

    # Google Cloud Log configuration, preferably related to app name and environment
    # Must follow Google Cloud log names constraints
    # A new log will be created in Google Cloud Project with this name, which is  needed to search logs for this 
    # application in Logs Explorer
    # Descriptor that refers to app in logs
    APP_LOG_ID = os.environ.get('APP_LOG_ID') or FLASK_APP_DISPLAY_NAME

Running the application locally

Create Google Cloud resources

  1. Create a Google Cloud platform account if you do not already have it.
  2. Create a Google Cloud project or use an existing one.
  3. Configure application identity

Use Google Cloud Shell

To start coding right away, launch Google Cloud Shell.

Or use your own development environment

If you would rather use your own local development machine you will need to Install Google Cloud SDK and Install Python

  • Install python packages.

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install python3 python3-dev python3-venv
  • Install pip

    Note: Debian provides a package for pip

    sudo apt install python-pip

    Alternatively pip can be installed with the following method

    sudo python3

Note: Console snippets for Debian/Ubuntu based distributions.

Clone git repo from Github

At this point either you are using Cloud Shell or you have a local development environment with python and Cloud SDK.

git clone

Create a pyhon virtual environment

User your cloned git repository folder for your source code and Python venv virtual environment to isolate python dependencies.

cd gfs-log-manager
python -m venv [venv-name]
source [venv-name]/bin/activate

Usual values for [venv-name] are venv, dvenv, venv39 for a python 3.9 version virtual environment, etc.

Install python requirements

# From gfs-log-manager/src folder
pip install -r requirements.txt

App configuration

At this point you are ready to configure and run the application.

  • Edit the application configuration Config class to update the key LG_SA_KEY_JSON_FILE with the SA key file path created in Create Google Cloud resources

Running the app

  • Set Flask environment variables
export  FLASK_SECRET_KEY=$(openssl rand -base64 128)
export  FLASK_APP=app:create_app
  • Run with flask
flask run   
  • Or run with gunicorn
gunicorn start:app   


Using Google Cloud Logging to write application logs








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